Portable XRF

Vanta M portable X-ray Fluorescence Analyzer (pXRF)

X-ray fluorescence provides information on the elemental composition of your material. The Olympus Vanta™ M portable XRF Analyzer is an energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer for elemental analysis of materials. It can provide immediate, on-site elemental measurements for a range of mining and geochemical applications with flexibility across the entire mineral resource cycle. The equipment is capable of analysis in both Handheld and WorkStation modes, collecting x-ray fluorescence data on a wide range of sample types be that solids, powders, or liquids.

The laboratory can provide a variety of services in ambient conditions including:

  • Elemental composition of materials
  • Data interpretation and analysis
  • Consultancy and integration into research programs

Sample formats

The Vanta M can analyze:

  • In situ (directly on the ground)
  • Prepared soil samples (in sample cups) – Avoid measuring very thin samples; prepare sample cups with at least 15 mm of packed sample.
  • Bagged samples – Ensure sufficient sample material in the bag to completely cover the window; a minimum sample thickness of 15 mm is recommended; use cheap bags with thinner plastic walls; light element performance is compromised.

As a guide, powders should have the consistency of flour – dry, and ground to ~50µm particle size. Ideally, 5g is required, but this can be as small as 1g, depending on the analysis required. The lab has an agate mortar and pestle along with a micronizing mill to reduce the particle size of samples. Small test sieves (63 – 500 µm) are also available to determine particle size.


The Vanta XRF analyzer must only be used by trained and authorized operators in accordance with proper safety procedures. It can be used for field trips provided additional paperwork (i.e. liasing with the state body for transport of an ionising radiation source). Please contact Brett Knowles to discuss the access to this instrument.