Jaeger-Hales Lecture

The Jaeger-Hales Lecture is a prestigious biennial event to honour the foundational contributions of Professors Jaeger and Hales.

ANU Jaeger building at night

Our modern School proudly traces its origins back to the Departments of Geophysics and of Geology founded, respectively, by the late Professors John Jaeger and David Brown. In 1951, Professor Jaeger was appointed to establish and lead a Department of Geophysics within the Research School of Physical Sciences – one of four foundation Schools in the brand new ANU. Jaeger’s background as an applied mathematician and physicist naturally resulted in a Department of Geophysics, later Geophysics and Geochemistry, with a distinctive research agenda that drew heavily on the enabling physical sciences. Jaeger’s department rapidly built a formidable international reputation in its chosen research fields, including palaeomagnetism, rock deformation, petrology, and trace-element and isotope geochemistry.

This growth in stature of the department and its ambitions for expansion, combined with a great deal of advocacy by Jaeger and the late Professor Ted Ringwood, ultimately led to the transformation of the department into a new stand-alone Research School of Earth Sciences. In 1973, Professor Anton Hales became the Foundation Director of the new School. Under Anton’s capable leadership during the period 1973-1978, the School embarked on several major new research directions with key appointments in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Environmental Geochemistry, Ore Genesis, and Geodesy.

Today, the Jaeger-Hales Lecture is a prestigious event on the School calendar.  The lecture is delivered by a highly distinguished scientist in the field of geosciences. An invited international guest will often spend more time at the School providing opportunities for students and staff to discuss their research work. 



1978Professor Anton Hales, Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University
1980Professor Gerald J Wasserburg, California Institute of Technology
1982Professor Wallace S Broecker, Colombia University and Lamont Doherty Geological Observatory
1983The Lord E Ronald Oxburgh, (then) Cambridge University
1985Professor Adam M Dziewonski, Harvard University
1987Professor A.W. Hofmann, Max Planck Institute für Chemie, Mainz
1989Professor Donald L Turcotte, (then) Cornell University
1990Professor Claude Allègre, Institut de Physisque du Globe de Paris
1992Dr E (Ted) A Irving, Pacific Geoscience Center, Geological Survey of Canada
1995Professor Jean-Paul Poirier, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris
1996Professor Susan E W Kieffer, (then) University of Illinois, Urbana-Campaign
1998Professor R Keith O’Nions, (then) University of Oxford
2001Professor Phillip C England, University of Oxford
2004Professor Francis Albarede, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon
2006Professor David J Stevenson, California Institute of Technology
2011Professor Hugh Taylor, California Institute of Technology
2012Professor Edouard Bard, Collège de France, CEREGE, University of Aix-Marseille
2014Professor Terry Plank, Columbia University and Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
2017Dr Valérie Masson-Delmotte Le Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement
2023Professor Maureen Raymo, Columbia Climate School and Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory