Adele Morrison - 2022 Malcolm McIntosh Prize for Physical Scientist of the Year

Adele Morrison - 2022 Malcolm McIntosh Prize for Physical Scientist of the Year

Publication date
Wednesday, 4 Jan 2023

Dr Morrison, a physical oceanographer, uses innovative methods to model Southern Ocean circulation.  Her high-resolution modelling examines how the changing ocean impacts the rate Antarctic ice sheets are melting and their contribution to sea-level rise. The findings will help Australia guard against the future impacts of climate change.

“My work using high-resolution modelling has helped us to unravel the complex dynamics of upwelling circulation in the Southern Ocean and how it will respond to climate change,” Dr Morrison said.

“To receive the Malcom Macintosh Prize for Physical Scientist of the Year is an amazing honour and a great opportunity to raise awareness of important issues like climate change.

“I hope my work can inspire the next generation of scientists to unravel new discoveries and technologies that limit the impacts of climate change and advance our transition to a zero-emissions world.

“For me personally, as a parent, I hope I can be a role model to show young women that it is possible to have a wonderful life both inside and outside of science.”