RSES researchers underpin Julimar polymetallic minerals discovery

Publication date
Friday, 19 Nov 2021

In November 2021, Chalice Mining Limited released a maiden resource statement for the Julimar polymetallic mineral deposit on Wadjuk Country in Western Australia. This is an exciting milestone for Chalice on the path to delivering palladium, nickel, copper and platinum for clean energy technologies. Equally impressive is the decades-long backstory to the Julimar discovery, which draws on government-supported data, tools and collaboration, with NCRIS enabled seismology at the heart.

“One of the inputs GA scientists drew on was AuScope and ANU seismic datasets which helped map the geological architecture and processes within the Earth around Julimar. Integrating the AuScope enabled architectural work with GA’s pre-competitive geological, geochemical and geophysical datasets was important to the quality of the assessment.”

Introducing Julimar

The Julimar Deposit (Julimar) is a polymetallic mineral deposit that is located on Wadjuk Country around
75 kilometres northeast of Perth in Western Australia. Buried just metres below Earth’s surface, it contains 530,000 tonnes of nickel (Ni), 330,000 tonnes of copper (Cu) and 53,000 tonnes of cobalt (Co), together with 10 million ounces of platinum group elements (PGE) including palladium, platinum and gold.

Chalice Mining Limited (Chalice) discovered Julimar in 2020 in a drilling program that aimed to locate base metals in what had previously been considered a greenfields geological terrain. It is Australia’s first major palladium discovery, so significant that it led to the West Yilgarn Ni-Cu-PGE (geological) Province naming.

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