Find out about the latest news, announcements and stories about earth sciences at ANU.

Tuesday, 15 Sep 2020
  • Student profile

The goal of my research is to better understand how the changes in the oceans oxygen levels will affect the lives and deaths of its inhabitants.

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Friday, 11 Sep 2020
  • Student profile

  ‘It’s very cool because you get to go places and you get to look at some real-world big problems, that’s why I think I’ve enjoyed being here.’ 

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Friday, 11 Sep 2020
  • Student profile

'There is this amazing idea that nothing is random...... I like the idea that by looking at clues in the chemistry and the physics you can unravel exactly why things are.'

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Tuesday, 11 Aug 2020
  • Research story

Come and join the Master of Earth Sciences program at the Research School of Earth Sciences

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Monday, 10 Aug 2020
  • News

Here for the latest RSES updates

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Monday, 27 Jul 2020
  • Research story

New research from RSES has shown that Australia is prone to shallow and potentially destructive earthquakes.

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Friday, 24 Jul 2020
  • Research story

We know the climate changes as greenhouse gas concentrations rise, but the exact amount of expected warming remains uncertain.

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Friday, 24 Jul 2020
  • News

Our responses to the COVID-19 pandemic have dramatically changed human activity all over the world. People are working from home, schools are closed in many places, travel is restricted, and in some cases only essential shops and businesses are open.

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Friday, 24 Jul 2020
  • Research story

He was the founder of the second largest empire in history stretching from the Pacific Ocean to the Carpathian Mountains of Europe.

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