Abhay Pandey
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I am currently working on the ocean storms and their energy transfer to the earth using array seismology.
Research interests
Ambient Noise Seismology ; Array Seismology ; Solid Earth Geophysics
Room 238, J-2, Research School of Earth Sciences
Peer-reviewed :
Paul H, Pandey A, Kumar MR, Kumar S. 2021. Investigation of crustal thickness and uppermost mantle velocity beneath Gujarat, western India, utilizing Moho reflected P phases. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pepi.2020.106619.
Singh AP, Kumar MR, Pandey A, Roy K. 2019. Investigation of spatial and temporal variability of site response in the Arunachal Himalaya using ambient seismic noise and earthquake waveforms. Near Surf Geophys. 17(4):427–445.
Conference :
Probing the Upper Mantle Structure With the Southern Ocean Storms and Australian Seismic Arrays. AGU Fall Meeting 2021.
Spatio-temporal Analysis of the Southern Ocean Storms Using Australian Seismic Arrays. AuScope2021.