Dr Haibin Yang

Postdoctoral Fellow

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Where I have studied and worked

2009-2013, Jilin University, Bachelor in Geophysics

2014-2016, Copenhagen University, Master in Geodynamic numerical modelling

2017-2021, Melbourne University, PhD in Geodynamic numerical modelling

2020-now, Postdoctoral Fellow in ANU


science Research area

Research interests

I have developed diverse scientific research interests, including the lithospheric mantle deformation, earthquake faults in the crust, interaction between surface processes and tectonics, and the rheology and structure of the cryosphere. My research projects are mainly based on numerical geodynamic modeling where I also pursue technical improvement in numerical methods.



Haibin Yang ; Louis N. Moresi; Mark Quigley; Metin Kahraman; Doğan Kalafat ; Crustal transpressional fault geometry influenced by viscous lower crustal flow, Geology, 2022, 50(9): 1063-1067

Haibin Yang ; S. Sellmann; Mark Quigley ; Fluid‐Enhanced Neotectonic Faulting in the Cratonic Lithosphere of the Nullarbor Plain in South‐Central Australia, Geophysical Research Letters, 2022, 49(14)

Haibin Yang ; Mark Quigley; Tamarah King ; Surface slip distributions and geometric complexity of intraplate reverse-faulting earthquakes, GSA Bulletin, 2021, 133(9-10): 1909-1929

Haibin Yang ; Louis N.Moresi; Mark Quigley ; Fault spacing in continental strike-slip shear zones, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2020, 530(115906)

Haibin Yang ; Zurab Chemia; Irina M.Artemieva; Hans Thybo ; Control on off-rift magmatism:A case study of the Baikal Rift Zone, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2018, 482:501-509 


Haibin Yang ; Louis N. Moresi; John Mansour ; Stress recovery for the particle-in-cell finite element method, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 2021, 311(106637)


Irina M. Artemeiva; Haibin Yang ; Hans Thybo ; Incipient ocean spreading beneath the Arabian shield, Earth-Science Reviews, 2022, 226(103955)


Till Sachau; Haibin Yang ; Justin Lang; Paul D. Bons; Louis Moresi ; ISMIP-HOM benchmark experiments using Underworld, Geoscientific Model Development, 2022, 15(23): 8749-8764

Schirin Sellmann; Mark Quigley; Brendan Duffy; Haibin Yang ; Dan Clark ; Fault geometry and slip rates from the Nullarbor and Roe Plains of south‐central Australia: Insights into the spatial and temporal characteristics of intraplate seismicity, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2022, 12(11)