Dr Janaina N Avila

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- Geochemistry, Member
Research interests
Dr Ávila research centres around the application of ion microprobes to the understanding of the isotopic nature of terrestrial and extraterrestrial materials at the microscale. In particular, she is interested in new analytical developments and applications that extend the use of in situ isotopic measurements in earth sciences, planetary sciences, and biological anthropology. Current areas of interest include: (1) environmental and biological evolutions on early Earth, and their influences on the chemical evolution of the atmosphere and oceans, (2) factors influencing isotopic fractionation (mass-dependent and mass-independent fractionation) associated to sulfur and oxygen isotopes in terrestrial and extraterrestrial materials, (3) sulfur and oxygen isotopic signatures of biological processes, and (4) application of in situ stable isotopes and trace elements analyses in the study of climate seasonality, dietary patterns, and human mobility within the field of biological anthropology.
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Journal papers
[44] Smith T.M., Ávila J.N., Arora M., Austin C., Drake T., Kinaston R., Sudron E., Wang Y., Williams I.S. 2024. Brief communication: New method for measuring nitrogen isotopes in tooth dentine at high temporal resolution. American Journal of Biological Anthropology, e24991.
[43] Freya G., Viete D.R., Ávila J.N., Seward G., Guice G., Allen M., Harrower M. 2024 Garnet zoning patterns record multiple processes of chemical transfer during subduction. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 631, 118634.
[42] Smith T.M., Arora M., Austin C., Ávila J.N., Duval M., Tze Tshen L., Vaiglova P., de Vos J., Williams I.S., Zhao J-X., Green D.R. 2024. Oxygen isotopes in orangutan teeth reveal recent and ancient climate variation. eLife 12, RP90217.
[41] Vaiglova P., Ávila J.N., Buckley H., Galipaud J.C., Green D.R., Halcrow S., James H.F., Kinaston R., Oxenham M., Paz V., Simantjukntak C., Trinh H.H., Williams I.S., Smith T.M. 2024 Past rainfall patterns in Southeast Asia revealed by microanalysis of δ18O values in human teeth. Journal of Archaeological Science 162, 105922.
[40] Rossignol C., Rego E.S., Philippot P., Narduzzi F., Teixeira L., Silva M.A.L.S., Ávila J.N., Lana C., Trindade R.F. 2023. Neoarchean environment associated with the emplacement of a Large Igneous Province: insights from the Carajas Basin, Amazonia Craton. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 130:104574.
[39]Huhn S.R.B., Silva A.M., Braitenberg C., Rossignol C., Ávila J.N. 2023. 40Ar-39Ar age of the copper mineralization at Riacho do Pontal IOCG District and detrital zircon U-Pb ages of paragneiss host rocks. Journal of South America Earth Sciences, 121:104161.
[38] Green D.R., Ávila J.N., Cote S., Dirks W., Lee D., Poulsen C.J., Williams I.S., Smith T.M. 2022. Fine-scaled climate variation in equatorial Africa revealed by modern and fossil primate teeth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119:e2123366119.
[37] Smith T.M., Austin C., Ávila J.N., Dirks W. Green D.R., Williams I.S., Arora M. 2022. Permanent signatures of birth and nursing initiation are chemically recorded in teeth. Journal of Archaeological Science, 140:105564.
[36] Chen M., Campbell I.H., Ávila J.N., Tian W., Hayman P.C., Cas R.A.F., Ireland T.R. 2022. Atmospheric and hydrothermal sulfur isotope signatures recorded in Neoarchean deep marine sedimentary pyrites from the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 322:170-193.
[35] Chen M., Huang Z., Campbell I.H., Sambridge M., Ávila J.N. 2022. Simultaneous fractionation of sulfur dioxide explains mass independent fractionation of sulfur isotopes in Archean sedimentary pyrites. Chemical Geology, 587: 120640.
[34] Teles G., Chemale Jr. F., Ávila J.N., Ireland T.R. 2022. The Paleoarchean Northern Mundo Novo Greenstone Belt, S ̃ao Francisco Craton: Insights from U- Pb-Hf-O in zircon and pyrite 4-sulfur isotopes. Geoscience Frontiers, 13:101252.
[33] Rossignol C., Antonio P., Narduzzi F., Rego E., Teixeira L., Souza R., Ávila J.N., Silva M., Lana C., Trindade R., Phillipot P. 2022. Unraveling one billion years of geological evolution of the southeastern Amazonia Craton from detrital zircon analyses. Geoscience Frontiers, 13:101202.
[32] White L., Vasconcelos P., Ávila J.N., Ubide T., Ireland T. 2021. Crystallographic and crystallochemical controls on oxygen isotope analysis of hematite by SIMS. Chemical Geology, 583:120461.
[31] Philippot P., Killingsworth B.A., Paquette J-L., Tessalina S., Cartigny P., Lalonde S.V., Thomazo C., Ávila J.N., Busigny V. 2021. Comment on ”Correlation of the stratigraphic cover of the Pilbara and Kaapvaal cratons recording the lead up to Paleoproterozoic Icehouse and the GOE” by Andrey Bekker, Bryan Krapez, and Juha A. Karhu, 2020, Earth Science Reviews. Earth Science Reviews, 218:103594.
[30] Liu L., Ireland T.R., Holden P., Ávila J.N., Vasconcelos P., Mavrogenes J. 2021. Sources of auriferous fluids associated with a Neoarchean BIF-hosted orogenic gold deposit revealed by the multiple sulfur isotopic compositions of zoned pyrites. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 176:1-22.
[29] Bolhar R., Tappe S., Wilson., Ireland T.R., Ávila J.N., Anhaeusser C. 2021. A petrochronology window into near-surface fluid/rock interaction within Archaean mafic-ultramafic crust: Insights from the 3.25 Ga Stolzburg Complex, Barberton Greenstone Belt. Chemical Geology, 569:120130.
[28] Rossignol C., Rego E.S., Narduzzi F., Teixeira L., Ávila J.N., Silva M., Lana C., Philippot P. 2020. Stratigraphy and geochronological constraints of the Serra Sul diamictites (Carajas Basin, Amazonian Craton, Brazil). Precambrian Research 105981.
[27] Mukherjee I., Deb M., Large R., Halpin J., Meffre S., Ávila J.N., Belousov I. 2020. Pyrite textures, trace elements and sulfur isotope chemistry of Bijaigarh Shales, Vindhyan Basin, India and their Implications. Minerals 10:588.
[26] Ávila J.N., Ireland T.R., Holden P., Lanc P., Latimore A., Schram N., Foster J., Williams I.S., Loiselle L., Fu B. 2020. High-precision, high-accuracy oxygen isotope measurements of zircon reference materials with the SHRIMP-SI. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 44:85-102.
[25] Ireland T.R., Ávila J.N., Greenwood R., Hicks L.J., Bridges J.C. 2020. Oxygen isotopes and sampling of the Solar System. In: Role of sample return in addressing major questions in planetary sciences, M. Anand et al. (Eds.). Space Science Reviews 216:25.
[24] Teles G.S., Chemale Jr. F., Ávila J.N., Ireland T.R., Dias A.N.C., Cruz D.C.F., Constantino C.J.L. 2020. Textural and geochemical investigation of pyrite in Jacobina Basin, São Francisco Craton, Brazil: Implications for paleoenvironmental conditions and Formation of pre-GOE metaconglomerate-hosted Au-(U) deposits. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 273: 331-353.
[23] Heck P.R., Greer J., Kööp L.,Trappitsch R., Gyngard F., Busemann H., Maden C., Ávila J.N., Davis A.M., Wieler R. 2020. Lifetimes of interstellar dust from cosmic ray exposure ages of presolar silicon carbide. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 201904573.
[22] Monteiro H.S., Vasconcelos P.M., Farley K.A., Ávila J.N., Miller H.B.D., Holden P., Ireland T.R. 2020. Protocols for in situ measurement of oxygen isotopes in goethite by ion microprobe. Chemical Geology 553: 119436.
[21] Rajkakati M., Bhowmik S.K., Aob A., Ireland T.R., Ávila J.N., Clarke G.L., Bhandari A., Aitchison J.C. 2019. Thermal history of Early Jurassic eclogite facies metamorphism in the Nagaland Ophiolite Complex, NE India: Newinsights into pre-Cretaceous subduction channel tectonics within the Neo-Tethys. Lithos 346-347: 105166.
[20] Mukherjee I., Large R., Bull S., Gregory D., Stepanov A., Ávila J.N., Ireland T.R., Corkrey R. 2019. Pyrite trace element and sulphur isotope geochemistry of Paleo-Mesoproterozoic McArthur Basin: Proxy for Oxidative weathering. American Mineralogist 104 (9): 1256-1272.
[19] Dasgupta A., Bhowmik S., Dasgupta S., Ávila J.N., Ireland T.R. 2019. Mesoarchaean Clockwise Metamorphic PT Path from the Western Dharwar Craton. Lithos 342-343:370-390.
[18] Gregory D., Mukherjee I., Olson S., Large R, Danyushevsky L., Stepanov A, Ávila J.N., Cliff J., Ireland T.R., Raiswell R., Olin P., Maslennikov V., Lyons T. 2019. The formation mechanisms of sedimentary pyrite nodules determined by trace element and sulfur isotope microanalysis. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 259:53-68.
[17] Timmerman S., Yeow H., Honda M., Howell D., Lynton Jaques A., Krebs M., Woodland S., Pearson D., Ávila J.N., Ireland T.R. 2019. U-Th/He systematics of fluid-rich ‘fibrous’ diamonds–Evidence for pre-and syn-kimberlite eruption ages. Chemical Geology 515:22-36.
[16] Philippot P., Ávila J.N., Killingsworth B.A., Tessalina S., Baton F., Caquineau T., Muller E., Pecoits E., Cartigny P., Lalonde S.V., Ireland T.R., Thomazo C., van Kranendonk M.J., Busigny V. 2018. Globally asynchronous sulphur isotope signals require re-definition of the Great Oxidation Event. Nature Communications 9: 2245.
[15] Rielli A., Tomkins A.G., Nebel O., Raveggi M., Jeon H., Martin L., Ávila J.N. 2018. Sulfur isotope and PGE systematics of metasomatised mantle wedge. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 497: 181-192.
[14] Palke A.C., Wong J., Verdel C., Ávila J.N. 2018. A common origin for Thai/Cambodian rubies and blue and violet sapphires from Yogo Gulch, Montana, USA? American Mineralogist 103: 469-479.
[13] Ireland T.R., Ávila J.N., Lugaro M., Cristallo S., Holden P., Lanc P., Nittler L., Alexander C.M.O'D., Gyngard F., Amari S. 2018. Rare earth element abundances in presolar SiC. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 221, 200-218.
[12] Babinski M., Rapela C.W., Ávila J.N (eds). 2016. 50 years of isotope geology in South America. Brazilian Journal of Geology 46.
[11] Ireland T.R., Schram N., Holden P., Lanc., Ávila J.N., Armstrong R., Amelin Y., Latimore D., Corrigan., Clement S., Foster J.J., Compston W. 2014. Charge-mode electrometer measurements of S-isotopic compositions on SHRIMP-SI. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 359, 26-37.
[10] Ávila J.N., Ireland T.R., Gyngard F., Zinner E., Mallmann G., Lugaro M., Holden P., Amari S. 2013. Barium isotopic compositions in stardust SiC grains from the Murchison meteorite: Insights into the stellar origins of large SiC grains. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 120, 628-647.
[09] Ávila J.N., Ireland T.R., Lugaro M., Gyngard F., Zinner E., Cristallo S., Holden P., Rauscher T. 2013. Europium s-process signature at close-to-solar metallicity in stardust SiC grains from AGB stars. Astrophysical Journal Letters 768, L18 (7p).
[08] Ávila J.N., Lugaro M., Ireland T.R., Gyngard F., Zinner E., Cristallo S., Holden P., Buntain J., Amari S., Karakas, A.I. 2012. Tungsten isotopic compositions in stardust SiC grains from the Murchison meteorite: Constrains on the s-process in the Hf-Ta-W-Re-Os region. Astrophysical Journal 744, 49 (13p).
[07] Barredo S., Chemale Jr. F., Marsicano C., Ávila J.N., Ottone E.G., Ramos V.A. 2012. Tectono-sequence stratigraphy and U-Pb zircon ages of the Rincon Blanco depocenter, Northern Cuyo Rift, Argentina. Gondwana Research 21,624-636.
[06] Mancuso A.C., Chemale F., Barredo S., Ávila J.N., Ottone E.G., Marsicano C. 2010. Age constraints for the northernmost outcrops of the Triassic Cuyana Basin, Argentina. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 30, 97-103.
[05] Heck P.R., Gyngard F., Ott U., Meier M.M.M., Ávila J.N., Amari S., Zinner E., Lewis R.S., Bauer H., Wieler R. 2009. Interstellar residence times of presolar SiC dust grains from the Murchison Carbonaceous meteorite. Astrophysical Journal 698, 1155-1164.
[04] Mallmann G., Chemale Jr. F., Ávila J.N., Kawashita K., Armstrong R.A., 2007. Isotope geochemistry and geochronology of the Nico Perez Terrane, Rio de la Plata Craton, Uruguay. Gondwana Research 12, 489-508.
[03] Ávila J.N., Chemale Jr. F., Mallmann G., Kawashita K., Armstrong R.A., 2006. Combined stratigraphic and isotopic studies of Triassic strata, Cuyo Basin, Argentine Precordillera. Geological Society of America Bulletin 118, 1088-1098.
[02] Ávila J.N., Chemale Jr. F., Mallmann G., Borba, A.W., Luft, F.F., 2005. Thermal evolution of inverted basins: Constraints from apatite fission track thermochronology in the Cuyo Basin, Argentine Precordillera. Radiation Measurements 39, 603-611.
[01] Luft F.F., Luft Jr J.L., Chemale Jr F., Vignol-Lelarge M.L.M., Ávila J.N. 2005. Post-Gondwana break-up record constraints from apatite fission track thermochronology in NW Namibia. Radiation Measurements 39, 675-679.