Dr Terry Mernagh

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Terrence Mernagh obtained a B.Sc. (Hons) and a Ph.D. from the University of Newcastle. He worked at the Bureau of Mineral Resources/AGSO/Geoscience Australia from 1984 to 2014. He is currently a Visiting Fellow at the Research School of Earth Sciences.
His work involves studies of mineral systems and the geochemical modelling of fluids and alteration associated with ore deposits and he has over 30 years’ experience in fluid inclusion, laser Raman and infrared spectroscopic techniques. He is a Fellow of the Geological Society of Australia and has over 100 refereed publications in scientific journals. These publications cover work on a large variety of mineral deposits including copper mineralisation at Mt Isa, gold deposits in the Yilgarn Craton, Pilbara Craton, Lachlan Fold Belt, Tennant Creek, and the Tanami region, unconformity uranium deposits in the Northern Territory, tin-tungsten deposits in the New England Fold Belt and China, VHMS deposits at Hellyer and Mt. Chalmers, porphyry copper-gold deposits in the Philippines, platinum group minerals in layered intrusions in the Pilbara Block, and a number of related mineralogical studies.
Terrence has provided reports to the government on Australia’s potential to supply critical commodities and he also has experience in groundwater analysis and the formation of salt lakes. He has completed a review of Australian salt lakes their potential for strategic resources. He is also currently conducting research on the Great Artesian Basin for The Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Gas Technologies (CO2CRC).
- Experimental Petrology, Visitor and affiliate
2006 - 2016
- Huston, D.L., Maas, R., Cross, A., Hussey, K.J., Mernagh, T.P., Fraser, G., and Champion, D.C., 2016. The Nolans Bore rare-earth element-phosphorus-uranium mineral system: geology, origin and post-depositional modifications. Mineralium Deposita, 1-26.
- Huston, D.L., Mernagh, T.P., Hagemann, S.G., Doublier, M.P., Fiorentini, M., Champion, D.C., Jaques, A.L., Czarnota, K., Cayley, R., Skirrow, R., and Bastrakov, E., 2015. Tectono-metallogenic systems - the place of mineral systems within tectonic evolution, with an emphasis on Australian examples. Ore Geology Reviews (accepted, available online 13 September 2015).
- Huston, D.L., Champion, D.C., Mernagh, T.P., Downes, P.M., Jones, P., Carr, G., Forster, D., and David, V., 2015. Metallogenesis and geodynamics of the Lachlan Orogen: New (and old) insights from spatial and temporal variations in lead isotopes. Ore Geology Reviews (accepted, available online 15 July 2015).
- Pirajno F., Mernagh, T.P., Huston, D., Creaser, R.A., and Seltmann, R., 2015. The Mesoproterozoic Abra polymetallic sedimentary rock-hosted mineral deposit, Edmund Basin, Western Australia. Ore Geology Reviews (accepted, available online 26 April 2015).
- Tanner, D., Henley, R.W., Mavrogenes, J.A., Holden, P., and Mernagh T.P., 2015. Silica hydrate preserved with δ18O-rich quartz in high-temperature hydrothermal quartz in the high sulfidation copper-gold deposit at El Indio, Chile. Chemical Geology, 391: 90-99.
- Mernagh, T.P., 2015. A Review of Fluid Inclusions in Diagenetic Systems. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 89: 697-714.
- Glikson, A.Y., Meixner, A.J., Radke, B., Uysal, I.T., Saygin, E., Vickers, J., and Mernagh, T.P., 2015. Geophysical anomalies and quartz deformation of the Warburton West structure, central Australia. Tectonophysics, 643: 55-72.
- Fu, B., Mernagh, T.P., Fairmaid, A.M., Phillips, D., Kendrick, M., 2014. CH4-N2 in the Maldon gold deposit, central Victoria, Australia. Ore Geology Reviews, 5: 225-237.
- Mernagh, T.P. (ed.), 2013. A review of Australian salt lakes and assessment of their potential for strategic resources. Record 2013/39. Geoscience Australia: Canberra, 243p.
- Mernagh, T.P. and Bastrakov, E.N., 2013. An evaluation of hydrogen sulfide in orogenic gold fluids and the uncertainties associated with vapor-rich inclusions. Geofluids, 13: 494–505.
- Kesler, S.E., Bodnar, R.J. and Mernagh, T.P., 2013. Role of fluid and melt inclusion studies in geologic research. Geofluids, 13: 398–404.
- Mernagh, T.P. and Wygralak, A.S., 2011. A fluid inclusion study of uranium and copper mineral systems in the Murphy Inlier, Northern Australia. Russian Geology and Geophysics, 52: 1421-1435.
- Lambeck, A., Mernagh, T.P., and Wyborn, L.A.I., (2011). Are iron-rich sedimentary rocks the key to the spike in orogenic gold mineralization in the Paleoproterozoic? Economic Geology 106: 321-330.
- Mernagh, T. P., V. S. Kamenetsky, and Kamenetsky, M.B., (2011). A Raman microprobe study of melt inclusions in kimberlites from Siberia, Canada, SW Greenland and South Africa. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 80: 82-87.
- Barron, L., Mernagh T.P., Barron, B.J., and Pogson, R., (2011). Spectroscopic research on ultrahigh pressure (UHP) macrodiamond at Copeton and Bingara NSW, Eastern Australia. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 80: 112– 118.
- Harris, A.C., White, N.C., McPhie, J., Bull, S.W., Line, M.A., Skrzeczynski, R., Mernagh, T.P., and Tosdal, R., 2009. Early Archean Hot Springs above Epithermal Veins, North Pole, Western Australia: New Insights from Fluid Inclusion Microanalysis. Economic Geology, 104: 793-814.
- Kamenetsky, V.S., Kamenetsky, M.B., Weiss, Y., Navon, O., Nielsen, T.F.D., and Mernagh, T.P. 2009. How unique is the Udachnaya-East kimberlite? Comparison with kimberlites from the Slave Craton (Canada) and SW Greenland. Lithos, 112S: 334-346.
- Fu, B., Mernagh, T.P., Kita, N.T., Kemp, A.I.S., and Valley, J.W., 2009. Distinguishing magmatic zircon from hydrothermal zircon: A case study from the Gidginbung high-sulphidation Au–Ag–(Cu) deposit, SE Australia. Chemical Geology, 259: 131-142.
- Liu L.-G., Lin C.-C., Yung, Y.J., Mernagh, T.P., and Irifune, T., 2009. Raman spectroscopic study of K-lingunite at various pressures and temperatures. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 36: 143-149.
- Mernagh, T.P., and Bierlein, F.P., 2008. Transport and Precipitation of Gold in Phanerozoic Metamorphic Terranes from Chemical Modeling of Fluid-Rock Interaction. Economic Geology, 103: 1613-1640.
- Barron, L.M., Barron, B.J., Mernagh, T.P., and Birch, W.D., 2008. Ultrahigh pressure macro diamonds from Copeton (New South Wales, Australia), based on Raman spectroscopy of inclusions. Ore Geology Reviews, 34: 76-86.
- Barron, L.M., Mernagh, T.P., and Barron, B.J., 2008. Using strain birefringence in diamond to estimate the remnant pressure on an inclusion. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 55: 159-165
- Mernagh, T.P., Bastrakov, E.N., Khin Zaw, Wygralak, A.S., and Wyborn, L.A.I., 2007. A comparison of fluid inclusion data and mineralization processes for Australian Orogenic Gold and Intrusion-Related Gold Systems. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 23: 21-32.
- Bagas, L., Huston, D.L., Anderson, J., and Mernagh, T.P., 2007. Palaeoproterozoic gold deposits in the Bald Hill and Coyote areas, Western Tanami, Western Australia. Mineralium Deposita, 42: 127-144.
- Mernagh, T.P., and Wygralak, A.S., 2007. Gold ore-forming fluids of the Tanami region, Northern Australia. Mineralium Deposita, 42: 145-173.
- Huston, D.L., Vandenberg, L., Wygralak, A.S., Mernagh, T.P., Bagas, L., Crispe, A., Lambeck, A., Cross, A., Fraser, G., Williams, N., Worden, K., Meixner, T., Goleby, B., Jones, L., Lyons, P., and Maidment, D., 2007. Mineralium Deposita, 42: 175-204.
- Lawrie, K. C., Mernagh, T. P., Ryan, C. G., van Achterbergh, E., & Black, L. P., 2007. Chemical fingerprinting of hydrothermal zircons: an example from the Gidginbung high sulphidation Au-Ag-(Cu) deposit, New South Wales, Australia. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 118: 37-46.
- Khin Zaw, Sutherland, F.L., Dellapasqua, F., Ryan, C.G., Yui, T.-F., Mernagh, T.P., and Duncan, D., 2006. Contrasts in gem corundum characteristics, eastern Australian basaltic fields: trace elements, fluid/melt inclusions and oxygen isotopes. Mineralogical Magazine, 70: 617-634.
- Hein, K.A.A., Khin Zaw, and Mernagh, T.P., 2006. Linking mineral and fluid inclusion paragenetic studies: The Batman deposit, Mt Todd (Yimuyn Manjerr) goldfield, Australia. Ore Geology Reviews, 28: 180-200.
- Mustard, R., Ulrich, T., Kamenetsky, V.S., and Mernagh, T., 2006. Gold and metal enrichment in natural granitic melts during fractional crystallization. Geology, 34: 85-88.