Dr Zhi Wei

Postdoctoral Fellow

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Research interests

I am working on two projects now. One is inner core tomography based on earthquake late coda correlogram, and the other is the full-waveform ambient noise inversion of Macquarie Ridge Complex. I have also worked on some projects shown below:

(1) Building high-resolution 3-D seismic velocity models for the lithosphere of the Sichuan-Yunnan region (China) using adjoint tomography method.

(2) Developing 3-D velocity models for the uppermost mantle beneath the Australian continent and lithosphere of the Sichuan-Yunnan region based on the ray-based method.

(3) Numerical simulation of the high-frequency ground motion caused by earthquakes in the Sichuan-Yunnan region and Australian continent.

(4) Imaging the crustal Lg-wave attenuation of the Australian continent and Sichuan- Yunnan region.

(5) Exploring the seismic characteristics of some special earthquakes such as the earthquakes caused by the 15 February 2013 bolide explosion in Chelyabinsk, Russia, and the nuclear explosion in North Korea.

Teaching information

(1) Software Training Courses, such as Obspy, GMT, SAC, and Shell (2018-2021)

(2) English Presentation for Geophysical Research, TA (2019)

(3) GlobalSeismology,TA(2018)


Wei, Z., & Zhao, L. *, 2022. P-wave Velocity Structure of the Lower Crust and Uppermost Mantle Beneath the Sichuan-Yunnan (China) Region. Seismological Research Letters, 93 (4): 2161-2175,doi:10.1785/0220210357.

Wei, Z., & Zhao, L. *, 2019. Lg-Q model and its implication on high-frequency ground motion for earthquakes in the Sichuan and Yunnan region. Earth and Planetary Physics,3(6), 526-536, doi:10.26464/epp2019054.

Wei, Z., Zhao, L. F. *, Xie, X. B., Hao, J. L., & Yao, Z. X., 2018. Seismic characteristics of the 15February 2013 bolide explosion in Chelyabinsk, Russia. Earth and Planetary Physics, 2(5), 420-429, doi: 10.26464/epp2018039.

Wei, Z. *, Kennett, B. L. N., & Sun, W. J., 2018. Sn-wave velocity structure of the uppermost mantle beneath the Australian continent. Geophysical Journal International, 213(3), 2071-2084,doi: 10.1093/gji/ggy109.

Wei, Z. *, Kennett, B. L. N., & Zhao, L. F., 2017. Lg-wave attenuation in the Australian crust. Tectonophysics, 717, 413-424, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2017.08.022.

Kennett, B. L. N. *, & Wei, Z., 2017. High-frequency ground motion from Australian earthquakes. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 64(6): 769-777, doi:10.1080/08120099.2017.1364294.

Liang, X. F. *, Tian, X. B., ..., Wei Z., ... & Wang, G. C., 2016. SANDWICH: a 2D broadband seismic array in central Tibet. Seismological Research Letters, 87(4), 864-873.