Professor Ian Williams
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Academic Qualifications
20/04/1978 Ph.D. (Isotope Geochemistry) The Australian National University
1974 B.Sc. (Geology, Hons 1) The Australian National University
Present Appointment
2016 Professor, Research School of Earth Sciences, ANU
Previous Appointments
2014-2016 75% fractional appointment – Professor, Research School of Earth Sciences, ANU
25% fractional appointment – Chief Scientist, Australian Scientific Instruments Pty Ltd.
2004-2014 75% Senior Fellow, Research School of Earth Sciences, ANU; 25% Chief Scientist, Australian Scientific Instruments Pty Ltd
2002-2004 75% Fellow, Research School of Earth Sciences, ANU; 5% Applications Scientist, Australian Scientific Instruments Pty Ltd
1992-2002 Fellow, Research School of Earth Sciences, ANU
1982-1992 Research Officer, Research School of Earth Sciences, ANU
1981 Visiting Fellow, Research School of Earth Sciences, ANU
1978-1980 Research Fellow, Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology
Scientific and Professional Societies
2008 Member, Mineralogical Society of America
2007 Fellow, Australian Academy of Technology, Science and Engineering
1988 Fellow, Geological Society of America
1979-1988 Member, Geological Society of America
1979 Member, Geological Society of Australia
1970-1973 Member, ANU Students Geological Society
- Geochemistry, Member
- Earth Systems Chemistry, Researcher
Research interests

The micro-scale behaviour of mineral isotopic systems under diverse geological conditions. The age, origin and thermal history of the Earth’s crust, with a particular emphasis on the early Earth, granite genesis, polymetamorphic terranes and sediment provenance. Palaeoclimate. Instrumentation and techniques for ion microprobe analysis of geological and biological materials.
J4, B15
1. Williams I.S., Compston W., Chappell, B.W. & Shirahase T., 1975: Rubidium-strontium age determinations on micas from a geologically controlled, composite batholith. Journal of the Geological Society of Australia, 22, 497-505.
2. White A.J.R., Williams I.S. & Chappell B.W., 1976: The Jindabyne Thrust and its tectonic, physiographic and petrogenetic significance. Journal of the Geological Society of Australia, 23, 105-112.
3. Hine R., Williams, I.S., Chappell B.W. & White A.J.R., 1978: Contrasts between I- and S-type granitoids of the Kosciusko Batholith. Journal of the Geological Society of Australia, 25, 219-234.
4. Lockwood J.P. & Williams I.S., 1978: Lava trees and tree moulds as indicators of lava flow direction. Geological Magazine, 115, 69-74.
5. Silver L.T., Williams I.S. & Woodhead J.A., 1980: Uranium in granites from the southwestern United States: Actinide parent-daughter systems, sites and mobilization. First year report for Dept. of Energy, DOE-GJBX- 45(81). California Inst. of Technology, 380 pp.
6. Silver L.T., Woodhead J.A. & Williams I.S., 1982: Primary mineral distribution and secondary mobilisation of uranium and thorium in radioactive granites. Proceedings of the Symposium on Uranium Exploration Methods, OECDNFA, Paris, 355-367.
7. Williams I.S., Tetley N.W., Compston W. & McDougall I., 1982: A comparison of K-Ar and Rb-Sr ages of rapidly cooled igneous rocks: two points in the Palaeozoic time scale re-evaluated. Journal of the Geological Society of London, 139, 557-568.
8. Compston W., Williams I.S. & Black L.P., 1983: Use of the ion microprobe in geological dating. BMR 82.Yearbook of Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, 39-42.
9. Froude D.O., Ireland T.R., Kinny P.D., Williams I.S., Compston W., Williams I.R. & Myers J.S., 1983: Ion microprobe identification of 4100-4200 Myr-old terrestrial zircons. Nature, 304, 616-618.
10. Williams I.S., Compston W. & Chappell B.W., 1983: Zircon and monazite U-Pb systems and the histories of I-type magmas, Berridale Batholith, Australia. Journal of Petrology, 24, 76-97.
11. Williams I.S., Compston W., Collerson K.D., Arriens P.A. & Lovering J.F., 1983: A reassessment of the age of the Windmill metamorphics, Casey area. Antarctic Earth Science, Oliver, R.L., James, P.R. & Jago, J.B. (eds) Australian Academy of Science, Canberra, 73-76.
12. Compston W., Williams I.S. & Meyer C., 1984: U-Pb geochronology of zircon from lunar breccia 73217 using a sensitive high mass-resolution ion microprobe. Journal of Geophysical Research, 89, Supplement, B525-B534.
13. Silver L.T., Woodhead J.A., Williams I.S. & Chappell, B.W., 1984: Uranium in granites from the southwestern United States: Actinide parent-daughter systems, sites and mobilization. Second year report for the Department of Energy, DOE-GJBX- 7(84). California Inst. of Technology, 431 pp.
14. Williams I.S., Compston W., Black L.P., Ireland T.R. & Foster J.J., 1984: Unsupported radiogenic Pb in zircon: a cause of anomalously high Pb-Pb, U-Pb and Th-Pb ages. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 88, 322-327.
15. Compston W., Froude D.O., Ireland T.R., Kinny P.D., Williams I.S., Williams I.R. & Myers J.S., 1985: The age of (a tiny part of) the Australian continent. Nature, 317, 559-560.
16. Black L.P., Williams I.S. & Compston W., 1986: Four zircon ages from one rock: the history of a 3930 Ma-old granulite from Mount Sones, Enderby Land, Antarctica. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 94, 427-437.
17. Compston W., Kinny P.D., Williams I.S. & Foster J.J.,1986: The age and Pb loss behaviour of zircons from the Isua Supracrustal Belt as determined by ion microprobe. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 80, 71-81.
18. Compston W., Williams I.S. & McCulloch M.T., 1986: Contrasting zircon U-Pb and model Sm-Nd ages for the Archaean Logue Brook Granite. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 33, 193-200.
19. Compston W., Williams I.S., Campbell I.H. & Gresham J.J., 1985/6: Zircon xenocrysts from the Kambalda volcanics: age constraints and direct evidence for older continental crust below the Kambalda-Norseman greenstones. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 76, 299-311.
20. Gostin V.A., Haines P.W., Jenkins R.J.F., Compston W. & Williams I.S., 1986: Impact ejecta horizon within late Precambrian shales, Adelaide Geosyncline, South Australia. Science, 233, 198-200.
21. Williams I.S., 1986: Ion microprobe mass analysis. Newsletter of the Geological Society of Australia Specialist Group in Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Petrology, 21, 18-26.
22. Compston W., Williams I.S., Jenkins R.J.F., Gostin V.A. & Haines P.W., 1987: Zircon age evidence for the Late Precambrian Acraman ejecta blanket. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 34, 435-445.
23. Eldridge C.S., Compston W., Williams I.S. Walshe J.L. & Both R.A., 1987: In situ microanalysis for 34S/32S ratios using the ion microprobe SHRIMP. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Processes:, 76, 65-83.
24. Kröner A., Williams I.S., Compston W., Baur N., Vitanage P.W. & Perera L.R.K., 1987: Zircon ion microprobe dating of high-grade rocks in Sri Lanka. Journal of Geology, 95, 775-791.
25. Rudnick R.L. & Williams I.S., 1987: Dating the lower crust by ion microprobe. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 85, 145-161.
26. Williams I.S., 1987: Zircon. New South Wales Gemmology Review, 206, 11-4.
27. Williams I.S. & Claesson S., 1987: Isotopic evidence for the Precambrian provenance and Caledonian metamorphism of high grade paragneisses from the Seve Nappes, Scandinavian Caledonides. II. Ion microprobe zircon U-Th-Pb. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 97, 205-217.
28. Dodson, M.H., Compston, W., Williams, I.S. & Wilson, J.F., 1988: A search for ancient detrital zircons in Zimbabwean sediments. Journal of the Geological Society of London, 145, 977-983.
29. Eldridge C.S., Compston W., Williams I.S., Both R.A., Walshe J.L. & Ohmoto H., 1988: Sulfur isotopic variability in sediment-hosted massive sulfide deposits as determined using the ion microprobe, SHRIMP: I. An example from the Rammelsberg orebody. Economic Geology, 83, 443-449.
30. Gebauer, D., Quadt, A., Compston, W. & Williams, I.S. 1988: Archean zircons in a retrograded, Caledonian eclogite of the Gotthard Massif (Central Alps, Switzerland). Schweiz. miner. petrogr. Mitt. 68, 485-490.
31. Kinny P.D., Williams I.S., Froude D.O., Ireland T.R., & Compston, W., 1988: Early Archaean zircon ages from orthogneisses and anorthosites at Mount Narryer, Western Australia. Precambrian Research, 38, 325-341.
32. Page, R.W. & Williams, I.S., 1988: Age of the Barramundi Orogeny in northern Australia by means of ion microprobe and conventional U-Pb zircon studies. Precambrian Research, 40/41, 21-36.
33. Aleinikoff, J.N., Williams, I.S., Compston, W., Stuckless, J.S. & Worl, R.G., 1989: Evidence for an Early Archaean component in the Middle to Late Archaean gneisses of the Wind River Range, west-central Wyoming: conventional and ion microprobe U-Pb data. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 101, 198-206.
34. Barton, E.S., Compston, W., Williams, I.S., Bristow, J.W., Hallbauer, D.K. & Smith, C.B., 1989: Provenance ages for the Witwatersrand Supergroup and the Ventersdorp contact reef: constraints from ion microprobe U-Pb ages of detrital zircons. Economic Geology, 84, 2012-2019.
35. Bowring, S.A., Williams, I.S. & Compston, W., 1989: 3.96 Ga gneisses from the Slave province, Northwest Territories, Canada, Geology, 17, 971-975.
36. Eldridge, C.S., Compston, W., Williams, I.S. & Walshe, J.L., 1989: Sulphur isotopic analysis on the SHRIMP Ion Microprobe, in, Shanks, W.C. & Criss, R.E. (eds) New Frontiers in Stable Isotopic Research: Laser Probes, Ion Probes, and Small-Sample Analysis. United States Geological Survey Bulletin, 1890, 163-174.
37. Eldridge, C.S., Walshe, J.L., Compston, W., Williams, I.S., Both, R.A. & Ohmoto, H., 1989: Sulfur isotope variability in sediment-hosted massive sulfide deposits as determined using the ion microprobe SHRIMP: an example from the Rammelsberg orebody—a reply. Economic Geology, 84, 453-457.
38. Gebauer, D., Williams, I.S., Compston, W. & Grünenfelder, M. 1989: The development of the Central European continental crust since the Early Archaean based on conventional and ion-microprobe dating of up to 3.84 b.y. old detrital zircons. Tectonophysics, 157, 81-96.
39. Kinny, P.D., Compston, W., Bristow, J.W. & Williams, I.S., 1989: Archaean mantle xenocrysts in a Permian kimberlite: two generations of kimberlitic zircon in Jwaneng DK2, southern Botswana. Geological Society of Australia Special Publication, 14, II, 833-842.
40. Kröner, A., Compston, W. & Williams, I.S., 1989: Growth of early Archaean crust in the Ancient Gneiss Complex of Swaziland as revealed by single zircon dating. Tectonophysics, 161, 271-298.
41. Zeitler, P.K., Sutter, J.F., Williams, I.S., Zartman, R. & Tahirkheli, R.A.K., 1989: Geochronology and temperature history of the Nanga Parbat-Haramosh Massif, Pakistan. Geological Society of America Special Paper, 232, 1-22.
42. Armstrong, R.A., Compston, W., de Wit, M.J. & Williams, I.S., 1990: The stratigraphy of the 3.5-3.2 Ga Barberton Greenstone Belt revisited: a single zircon ion microprobe study. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 101(1), 90-106.
43. Barton, E.S., Compston, W., Williams, I.S., Bristow, J.W., Hallbauer, D.K. & Smith, C.B., 1990: Provenance ages for the Witwatersrand Supergroup and the Ventersdorp contact reef: constraints from ion microprobe U-Pb ages of detrital zircons—a reply. Economic Geology, 85(8), 1951-1952.
44. Bibikova, E.V. & Williams, I.S., 1990: Ion microprobe U-Th-Pb isotopic studies of zircons from three early Precambrian areas in the USSR. Precambrian Research, 48(3), 203-221.
45. Chen, Y.D. & Williams, I.S., 1990: Zircon inheritance in mafic inclusions from Bega Batholith granites, southeastern Australia: an ion microprobe study. Journal of Geophysical Research, 95(B11), 17787-17796.
46. Ireland, T.R., Compston, W., Williams, I.S. & Wendt, I., 1990: U-Th-Pb systematics of individual perovskite grains from the Murchison and Allende carbonaceous chondrites. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 101(2-4), 379-387.
47. Kinny, P.D., Wijbrans, J.R., Froude, D.O., Williams, I.S. & Compston, W., 1990: Age constraints on the geological evolution of the Narryer Gneiss Complex, Western Australia. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 37(1), 51-69.
48. Williams, I.S. & Collins, W.J., 1990: Granite-greenstone terranes in the Pilbara Block, Australia, as coeval volcano-plutonic complexes; evidence from U-Pb zircon dating of the Mount Edgar Batholith. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 97(1-2), 41-53.
49. Armstrong, R.A., Compston, W., Reteif, E.A., Williams, I.S. & Welke, H.J., 1991: Zircon ion microprobe studies bearing on the age and evolution of the Witwatersrand triad. Precambrian Research, 53(3-4), 243-266.
50. Baur, N., Kröner, A., Liew, T.C., Todt, W., Williams, I.S. & Hofmann, A.W., 1991: U-Pb isotopic systematics of zircons from prograde and retrograde transition zones in high-grade orthogneisses, Sri Lanka. Journal of Geology, 99(4), 527-545.
51. Compston, W., Williams, I.S. & Meyer, C., 1991: Initial Pb isotopic compositions of lunar granites as determined by ion microprobe. in Taylor, H.P., O’Neil, J.R. & Kaplan, I.R. (eds) Stable Isotope Geochemistry: A Tribute to Samuel Epstein. Geochemical Society Special Publication, 3, 473-486.
52. Eldridge, C.S., Compston, W., Williams, I.S., Harris, J.W. & Bristow, J.W., 1991: Isotope evidence for the involvement of recycled sediments in diamond formation. Nature, 353, 649-653.
53. Huhma, H., Claesson, S., Kinny, P.D. & Williams, I.S., 1991: Provenance of early Proterozoic Svecofennian metasediments: U-Pb dating of detrital zircons. Geological Survey of Finland Special Paper, 12, 63-65.
54. Huhma, H., Claesson, S., Kinny, P.D. & Williams, I.S., 1991: The growth of Early Proterozoic crust: new evidence from Svecofennian detrital zircons. Terra Nova, 3(2), 175-179.
55. Kinny, P.D., Compston, W. & Williams, I.S., 1991: A reconnaissance ion-probe study of hafnium isotopes in zircons. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 55(3), 849-859.
56. Maboko, M.A.H., Williams, I.S. & Compston, W., 1991: Zircon U-Pb chronometry of the pressure and temperature history of granulites in the Musgrave Ranges, central Australia. Journal of Geology, 99(5), 675-697.
57. Nutman, A.P., Kinny, P.D., Compston, W. & Williams, I.S., 1991: SHRIMP U-Pb zircon geochronology of the Narryer Gneiss Complex, Western Australia. Precambrian Research, 52(3-4), 275-300.
58. Brimhall, G.H., Chadwick, O.A., Lewis, C.J., Compston, W., Williams, I.S., Danti, K.J., Dietrich, W.E., Power, M.E., Hendricks, D. & Bratt, J., 1992: Deformational mass transport and invasive processes in soil evolution. Science, 255, 695-702.
59. Compston, W. & Williams, I.S., 1992: Ion probe ages for the British Ordovician and Silurian stratotypes. In Global perspectives on Ordovician Geology (eds B.D. Webby & J.R. Laurie), Balkema, Rotterdam, 59-67.
60. Compston, W., Williams, I.S., Kirschvink, J.L., Zhang Zichao & Ma Guogan, 1992: Zircon ages for the early Cambrian time-scale. Journal of the Geological Society of London, 149(2), 171-184.
61. Cooper, J.A., Jenkins, R.J.F., Compston, W. & Williams, I.S., 1992: Ion-probe zircon dating of a mid-Early Cambrian tuff in South Australia. Journal of the Geological Society of London, 149(2), 185-192.
62. Liu, D., Nutman, A.P., Williams, I.S. & Compston, W. 1992: Discovery of a pre-3800 Ma geological record in the Chinese portion of the Sino-Korean Craton. Bulletin of the Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, 23, 86-98.
63. Maas, R., Kinny, P.D., Williams, I.S., Froude, D.F. & Compston, W., 1992: The Earth's oldest known crust: A geochronological and geochemical study of 3900-4200 Ma old terrestrial zircons from Mt. Narryer and Jack Hills, Western Australia. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 56(3), 1281-1300.
64. Maboko, M.A.H., McDougall, I., Zeitler, P.K. & Williams, I.S., 1992: Geochronological evidence for ~530-550 Ma juxtaposition of two Proterozoic metamorphic terranes in the Musgrave Ranges, central Australia. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 39(4), 457-471.
65. Paterson, B.A., Stephens, W.E., Rogers, G., Williams, I.S., Hinton, R.W. & Herd, D.A., 1992: The nature of zircon inheritance in two granite plutons. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 83, 459-471.
66. Paterson, B.A., Stephens, W.E., Rogers, G., Williams, I.S., Hinton, R.W. & Herd, D.A., 1992: The nature of zircon inheritance in two granite plutons. Geological Society of America Special Paper, 272, 459-471.
67. Williams, I.S., 1992: Some observations on the use of zircon U-Pb geochronology in the study of granitic rocks. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 83, 447-458.
68. Williams, I.S., 1992: Some observations on the use of zircon U-Pb geochronology in the study of granitic rocks. Geological Society of America Special Paper, 272, 447-458.
69. Claesson, S., Huhma, H, Kinny, P.D. & Williams, I.S., 1993: Svecofennian detrital zircon ages-implications for the Precambrian evolution of the Baltic Shield. Precambrian Research, 64(1-4), 109-130.
70. Kröner, A. & Williams, I.S., 1993: Age of metamorphism in the high-grade rocks of Sri Lanka. Journal of Geology, 101(4), 513-521.
71. Barley, M.E., McNaughton, N.J., Williams, I.S. & Compston, W., 1994: Geological Note: Age of Archaean volcanism and sulfide mineralisation in the Whim Creek Belt, west Pilbara. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 41(2), 175-177.
72. Barton, E.S., Altermann, W., Williams, I.S. & Smith, C.B., 1994: U-Pb zircon age for a tuff in the Campbell Group, Griqualand West Sequence, South Africa: Implications for early Proterozoic rock accumulation rates. Geology, 22(4), 343-346.
73. Brimhall, G.H., Compston, W., Williams, I.S., Reinfrank, R.F. & Lewis, C.J., 1994: Darwinian zircons as provenance tracers of dust-size exotic components in laterites; mass balance and SHRIMP ion probe results. in Ringrose-Voase, A.J. and Humphreys, G.S. (eds), Soil micromorphology; studies in management and genesis, Developments in Soil Science, 22, 65-81.
74. Kröner, A., Jaeckel, P. & Williams, I.S., 1994: Pb-loss patterns in zircons from a high-grade metamorphic terrain as revealed by different dating methods: U-Pb and Pb-Pb ages for igneous and metamorphic zircons from northern Sri Lanka. Precambrian Research, 66(1-4), 151-181.
75. McDougall, I., Maboko, M.A.H., Symonds, P.A., McCulloch, M.T., Williams, I.S. & Kudrass, H.R., 1994: Dampier Ridge, Tasman Sea, as a stranded continental fragment. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 41(5), 395-406.
76. McLaren, A.C., Fitz Gerald, J.D. & Williams, I.S., 1994: The microstructure of zircon and its influence on the age determination from Pb/U isotopic ratios measured by ion microprobe. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 58(2), 993-1005.
77. Mueller, P.A., Heatherington, A.L., Wooden, J.L., Shuster, R.D., Nutman, A.P. & Williams, I.S., 1994: Precambrian zircons from the Florida basement: A Gondwanan connection. Geology, 22(2), 119-122.
78. Collins, W.J. & Williams, I.S., 1995: SHRIMP ionprobe dating of short-lived Proterozoic tectonic cycles in the northern Arunta Inlier, central Australia Precambrian Research, 71(1-4), 69-89.
79. Collins, W.J., Williams, I.S., Shaw, S.E. & McLaughlin, N.A., 1995: The age of the Ormiston Pound Granite: implications for Mesoproterozoic evolution of the Arunta Inlier, central Australia. Precambrian Research, 71(1-4), 91-105.
80. Eldridge, C.S., Compston, W., Williams, I.S., Harris, J.W., Bristow, J.W. & Kinny, P.D., 1995: Applications of the SHRIMP I ion microprobe to the understanding of processes and timing of diamond formation. Economic Geology, 90(2), 271-280.
81. Lafrance, B., Clarke, G.L., Collins, W.J. & Williams, I.S., 1995: The emplacement of the Wuluma granite: melt generation and migration along steeply-dipping extensional fractures at the close of the Late Strangways orogenic event, Arunta Block, Central Australia. Precambrian Research, 72(1-2), 43-67.
82. McDougall, I., Maboko, M.A.H., Symonds, P.A., McCulloch, M.T., Williams, I.S. & Kudrass, H.R., 1995: Dampier Ridge, Tasman Sea, as a stranded continental fragment: reply to discussion, Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 42(2), 228-229.
83. Mueller, P.A., Shuster, R.D., D’Arcy, K.A., Heatherington, A.L., Nutman, A.P. & Williams, I.S., 1995: Source of the northeastern Idaho Batholith: isotopic evidence for a Palaeoproterozoic terrane in the northwestern US. Journal of Geology, 103(1), 63-72.
84. Partington, G.A., McNaughton, N.J. & Williams, I.S. 1995: A review of the geology, mineralization and geochronology of the Greenbushes pegmatite, Western Australia. Economic Geology, 90(3), 616-635.
85. Meyer, C., Williams, I.S. & Compston, W., 1996: Uranium-lead ages for lunar zircons: Evidence for a prolonged period of granophyre formation from 4.32 to 3.88 Ga. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 31(3), 370-387.
86. Mueller, P.A., Wooden, J.L., Mogk, D.W., Nutman, A.P. & Williams, I.S., 1996: Extended history of a 3.5 Ga trondhjemitic gneiss, Wyoming Province, USA: evidence from U-Pb systematic in zircon. Precambrian Research, 78(1-3), 41-52.
87. Winslow, D.M., Zeitler, P.K., Chamberlain, C.P. & Williams, I.S., 1996: Geochronologic constraints on syntaxial development in the Nanga Parbat region, Pakistan, Tectonics, 15(6), 1292-1308.
88. Williams, I.S., Buick, I.S. & Cartwright, I., 1996: An extended episode of early Mesoproterozoic metamorphic fluid flow in the Reynolds Range, central Australia. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 14(1), 29-47.
89. Williams, I.S., Shah, J.S. & Stowe, S., 1996: Elemental and isotopic microanalysis of zircons and backscattered electron contrast. In: Miathieu, H.J., Reihl, B. and Briggs, D. (eds) Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis, Wiley, Montreaux, 1007-1010.
90. Buick, I.S., Cartwright, I. & Williams, I.S., 1997: High-temperature retrogression of granulite-facies marbles from the Reynolds Range Group, central Australia; phase equilibria, isotopic resetting and fluid fluxes. Journal of Petrology, 38(7), 877-910.
91. Lee, J.K.W., Williams, I.S. & Ellis, D.J., 1997: Pb, U and Th diffusion in natural zircon, Nature, 390, 159-162.
92. Pell, S.D., Williams, I.S. & Chivas, A.R., 1997: The use of protolith zircon-age fingerprints in determining the protosource areas for some Australian dune sands. Sedimentary Geology, 109(3-4), 233-260.
93. Allen, C.M., Williams, I.S., Stephens, C.J. & Fielding, C.R., 1998: Granite genesis and basin formation in an extensional setting: the magmatic history of the northernmost New England Orogen. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 45(6), 875-888.
94. Chappell, B.W., Bryant, C.J., Wyborn, D., White, A.J.R. & Williams, I.S., 1998: High- and low-temperature I-type granites. Resource Geology, 48(4), 225-235.
95. Gatehouse, R.D. & Williams, I.S., 1998: Fingerprinting windblown dust by U-Pb dating of zircon from soils. In: Busacca, A.J. (ed), Dust Aerosol, Loess Soils and Global Change. Washington State Univ. College of Agriculture and Home Economics, Miscellaneous Publications No. MISC0190, Pullman, 211-214.
96. Oliver, G.J.H., Johnson, S.P., Williams, I.S. & Herd, D.A., 1998: Relict 1.4 Ga oceanic crust in the Zambezi Valley, northern Zimbabwe: evidence for Mesoproterozoic continental fragmentation. Geology, 26(6), 571-573.
97. Sato, T., Yanse, N., Williams, I.S., Compston, W., Zaw, M., Payne, T.E. & Airey, P.L., 1998: Uranium micro-isotopic analysis of weathered rock by a sensitive high resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP II). Radiochimica Acta, 82, 335-340.
98. Williams, I.S., 1998: U-Th-Pb geochronology by ion microprobe. in McKibben, M.A. and Shanks, W.C. (eds) Applications of microanalytical techniques to understanding mineralizing processes, Reviews in Economic Geology, 7, 1-35.
99. Zeck, H.P., Kristensen, A.B. & Williams, I.S., 1998: Post-collisional volcanism in a sinking slab setting—crustal anatectic origin of pyroxene-andesite magma, Caldear Volcanic Group, Neogene Alborán volcanic province, southeastern Spain, Lithos 45(1-4), 499-522.
100. Bowring, S.A. & Williams, I.S., 1999: Priscoan (4.00-4.03 Ga) orthogneisses from northwestern Canada. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 134(1), 3-16.
101. Chappell, B.W., White A.J.R., Williams, I.S., Wyborn, D., Hergt, J.M. & Woodhead, J.D., 1999: Evaluation of petrogenetic models for Lachlan Fold Belt granitoids: implications for crustal architecture and tectonic models—Discussion. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 46(5), 827-836.
102. Foden, J., Sandiford, M., Dougherty-Page, J. & Williams, I.S., 1999: Geochemistry and geochronology of the Rathjen Gneiss: implications for the early tectonic evolution of the Delamerian Orogen. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 46(3), 377-389.
103. Grün, R., Tani, A., Gurbanov, A., Koshchug, D., Williams, I. & Braun, J., 1999: A new method for the estimation of cooling and denudation rates using paramagnetic centres in quartz: A case study on the Eldzhurtinskiy Granite, Caucasus, Journal of Geophysical Research, 104, B8, 17531-17549.
104. Nagano, T., Sato, T., Yanase, N., Isobe, H., Ohnuki, T., Williams, I.S., Zaw, M., Payne, T.E. & Airey, P.L., 1999: Analogue studies in the Alligator Rivers region—in-situ measurement of uranium series nuclides with SHRIMP. JAERI-Research, 99-024, 52pp.
105. Pell, S.D., Chivas, A.R. & Williams, I.S., 1999: Great Victoria Desert: development and sand provenance. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 46(2), 289-299.
106. Chappell, B.W., White, A.J.R., Williams, I.S., Wyborn, D. & Wyborn, L.A.I., 2000: Lachlan Fold Belt granites revisited: high- and low-temperature granites and their implications. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 47(1), 123-138.
107. Cheng, Y., Liu, D., Williams, I.S., Jian, P., Zhuang, Y. & Gao, T., 2000: SHRIMP U-Pb dating of zircons of a dark eclogite and a garnet-bearing gneissic granitic rock from Bixiling, eastern Dabie area, Anhui Province: Isotope chronological evidence of Neoproterozoic UHP metamorphism. Acta Geologica Sinica, 74(4), 748-765.
108. Jian, P., Liu, D., Yang, W. & Williams, I.S., 2000: Petrographic and SHRIMP studies of zircons from the Caledonian Xiongdian eclogite, northwestern Dabie Mountains. Acta Geologica Sinica, 74(4), 766-773.
109. Fraser, G., McDougall, I., Ellis, D.J. & Williams, I.S., 2000: Timing and rate of isothermal decompression in Pan-African granulites from Rundvågshetta, East Antarctica. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 18(4), 441-454.
110. Nagano, T., Sato, T., Williams, I.S., Zaw, M., Payne, T.E., Airey, P.L., Yanase, N., Isobe, H. and Ohnuki, T., 2000: SHRIMP measurements of U and Pb isotopes in the Koongarra secondary ore deposit, Northern Australia. Geochemical Journal, 34(5), 349-358.
111. Pell, S.D., Chivas, A.R. & Williams, I.S., 2000: The Simpson, Strzelecki and Tirari Deserts: development and sand provenance. Sedimentary Geology, 130(1-2), 107-130.
112. Ballard, J.R., Palin, M.J., Williams, I.S., Campbell, I.H. & Faunes, A. 2001: Two ages of porphyry intrusion resolved for the super-giant Chuquicamata copper deposit of northern Chile by ELA-ICP-MS and SHRIMP, Geology, 29(5), 383-386.
113. Buick, I.S., J.A. Miller, I.S. Williams & I. Cartwright, 2001: Ordovician high-grade metamorphism of a newly-recognised late Neoproterozoic terrane in the northern Harts Range, central Australia. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 19(4), 373-394.
114. Butera, K.M., Williams, I.S., Blevin, P.L. & Simpson, C.J., 2001: Zircon U-Pb dating of Early Palaeozoic monzonitic intrusives from the Goonumbla area, New South Wales. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 48(3), 457-464.
115. Dodson, M.H., Williams, I.S. & Kramers, J.D., 2001: The Mushandike granite: further evidence for 3.4 Ga magmatism in the Zimbabwe craton. Geological Magazine, 138(1), 31-38.
116. Gatehouse, R.D., Williams, I.S. & Pillans. B.J., 2001: Fingerprinting windblown dust in south-eastern Australian soils by uranium-lead dating of detrital zircon. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 39(1), 7-12.
117. Jian Ping, Liu Dunyi, Yang Weiran & Williams, I.S., 2001: SHRIMP dating of zircons from the Caledonian Xiongdian eclogite, western Dabie Mountains, China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 46(1), 77-79.
118. Pell, S.D., Chivas, A.R. & Williams, I.S., 2001: The Mallee Dunefield: development and sand provenance. Journal of Arid Environments, 48, 149-170.
119. Poller, U., Huth, J., Hoppe, P. & Williams, I.S., 2001: REE, U, Th and Hf distribution in zircon from western Carpathian Variscan granitoids: A combined cathodoluminescence and ion microprobe study. American Journal of Science, 301(10), 858-876.
120. Rubatto, D., Williams, I.S. & Buick, I.S., 2001: Zircon and monazite response to prograde metamorphism in the Reynolds Range, central Australia. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 140(4), 458-468.
121. Williams, I.S., 2001: Response of detrital zircon and monazite, and their U-Pb isotopic systems, to regional metamorphism and host-rock partial melting, Cooma Complex, southeastern Australia. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 48(4), 557-580.
122. Zeck, H.P. & Williams, I.S., 2001: Hercynian metamorphism in nappe core complexes of the Alpine Betic-Rif Belt, Western Mediterranean—a SHRIMP zircon study. Journal of Petrology, 42(7), 1373-1385.
123. Zeh, A., Brätz, H., Millar, I.L. & Williams, I.S., 2001: A combined zircon SHRIMP and Sm-Nd isotope study of high-grade paragneisses from the Mid-German Crystalline Rise: evidence for northern Gondwanan and Grenvillian provenance. Journal of the Geological Society, London, 158(6), 983-994.
124. Barnes, M.A., Anthony, E.Y., Williams, I.S. & Asquith, G.B., 2002: Architecture of a 1.38–1.34 Ga granite-rhyolite complex as revealed by geochronology and isotopic and elemental geochemistry of subsurface samples from West Texas, USA. In: Rämö, O.T., Van Schmus, W.R., Bettencourt, J.S. (eds) Granite Systems and Proterozoic Lithospheric Processes. Precambrian Research, 119(1-4), 9-43.
125. Goodge, J.W., Myrow, P., Williams, I.S. & Bowring, S.A., 2002: Age and provenance of the Beardmore Group, Antarctica: Constraints on Rodinia supercontinent breakup. Journal of Geology, 110(4), 393-406.
126. Sun, W., Williams, I.S. & Li, S., 2002: Carboniferous and Triassic eclogites in the western Dabie Mountains, east-central China: evidence for protracted convergence of the North and South China Blocks. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 20(9), 873-886.
127. Van Wyck, N. & Williams, I.S., 2002: The age and provenance of basement metasediments from the Kubor and Bena Bena blocks, Central Highlands, Papua New Guinea: constraints on the tectonic evolution of the northern Australian cratonic margin. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 49(3), 565-577.
128. Zeck, H.P. & Williams, I.S., 2002: Inherited and magmatic zircon from Neogene Hoyazo cordierite dacite, SE Spain – anatectic source rock provenance and magmatic evolution. Journal of Petrology, 43(6), 1089-1104.
129. Black, L.P., Kamo, S.L., Williams, I.S., Mundil, R., Davis, D.W., Korsch, R.J. & Foudoulis, C., 2003: The application of SHRIMP to Phanerozoic geochronology; a critical appraisal of four zircon standards. Chemical Geology, 200(2), 171-188.
130. Buick, I.S., Williams, I.S., Gibson, R.L., Cartwright, I. & Miller, J.A., 2003: Carbon and U-Pb evidence for a Palaeoproterozoic crustal component in the Central zone of the Limpopo Belt, South Africa. Journal of the Geological Society, London, 160(4), 601-612.
131. Davis, D.W., Williams, I.S. & Krogh, T.E., 2003: Historical development of zircon geochronology. In: Hanchar, J.M & Hoskin, P.W.O. (eds) Zircon. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, 53, Mineralogical Society of America and Geochemical Society, Washington, 145-181.
132. Huang, M., Maas, R., Buick, I.S., & Williams, I.S., 2003: Crustal response to continental collisions between the Tibet, Indian, South China and North China Blocks: geochronological constraints from the Songpan-Garzê Orogenic Belt, western China. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 21(3), 223-240.
133. Ireland, T.R. & Williams, I.S., 2003: Considerations in zircon geochronology by SIMS. In: Hanchar, J.M & Hoskin, P.W.O. (eds) Zircon. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, 53, Mineralogical Society of America and Geochemical Society, Washington, 215-241.
134. Myrow, P.M., Hughes, N.C., Paulsen, T.S., Williams, I.S., Parcha, S.K., Thompson, K.R., Bowring, S.A., Peng, S.-C. & Ahluwalia, A.D., 2003: Integrated tectonostratigraphic analysis of the Himalaya and implications for its tectonic reconstruction. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 212(4), 433-441.
135. Van Schmus, W.R., de Brito Neves, B.B., Williams, I.S., Hackspacher, P.C., Fetter, A.H., Dantas, E.L. & Babinski, M. 2003: The Seridó Group of NE Brazil, a late Neoproterozoic pre- to syn-collisional basin in West Gondwana: insights from SHRIMP U-Pb detrital zircon ages and Sm-Nd crustal residence (TDM) ages. Precambrian Research, 127(4), 287-327.
136. Zeh, A., Williams, I.S., Brätz, H. & Millar, I.L. 2003: Different age response of zircon and monazite during tectono-metamorphic evolution of a high grade paragneiss from the Ruhla Crystalline Complex, central Germany. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 145(6), 691-706.
137. Baldwin, J.A., Bowring, S.A., Williams, M.L. & Williams, I.S., 2004: Eclogites of the Snowbird tectonic zone: evidence for Paleoproterozoic high-pressure metamorphism in the western Canadian Shield. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 147(5), 528-548.
138. Black, L.P., Kamo, S.L., Allen, C.M., Davis, D.W., Aleinikoff, J.N., Valley, J.W., Mundil, R., Campbell, I.H., Korsch, R.J., Williams, I.S. & Foudoulis, C., 2004: Improved 206Pb/238U microprobe geochronology by the monitoring of a trace-element-related matrix effect; SHRIMP, ID-TIMS, ELA-ICP-MS and oxygen isotope documentation for a series of zircon standards. Chemical Geology, 205, 115-140.
139. Chappell, B.W., White, A.J.R., Williams, I.S. & Wyborn, D., 2004: Low- and high-temperature granites. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences, 95 (1), 125-140.
140. Dantas, E.L., Van Schmus, W.R., Hackspacher, P.C., Fetter, A.H., de Brito Neves, B.B., Cordani, U., Nutman, A.P. & Williams, I.S., 2004: The 3.4–3.5 Ga São José do Campestre massif, NE Brazil: remnants of the oldest crust in South America. Precambrian Research, 130(1-4), 113-137.
141. Goodge, J.W., Myrow, P., Phillips, D., Fanning, C,M, & Williams, I.S., 2004: Siliciclastic record of rapid denudation in response to convergent-margin orogenesis, Ross Orogen, Antarctica. In Bernet, M. & Spiegel, C. (eds) Digital thermochronology—Provenance analysis, exhumation, and landscape evolution of mountain belts: Boulder, Colorado, Geological Society of America Special Paper, 378, 105-126.
142. Goodge, J.W., Williams, I.S. & Myrow, P., 2004: Provenance of Neoproterozoic and lower Paleozoic siliciclastic rocks of the central Ross orogen, Antarctica: Detrital record of rift-, passive- and active-margin sedimentation. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 116 (9-10), 1253-1279.
143. Nakajima, T., Kamiyama, H., Williams, I.S. & Tani, K., 2004: Mafic rocks from the Ryoke Belt, southwest Japan: implications for Cretaceous Ryoke/San-Yo granitic magma genesis. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences, 95 (1), 249-263.
144. Rutland, R.W.R., Williams, I.S. & Korsman, K., 2004: Pre-1.9 Ga deformation and metamorphism in the Palaeoproterozoic Vammala Migmatite Belt, southern Finland, and implications for Svecofennian tectonics. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland, 76, 93-140.
145. Buick, I.S., Hand, M., Williams, I.S., Mawby, J., Miller, J.A. & Nicoll, R.S., 2005: Detrital zircon provenance constraints on the evolution of the Harts Range Metamorphic Complex (central Australia): links to the Centralian Superbasin. Journal of the Geological Society, London, 162, 777-787.
146. Chappell, B.W., White, A.J.R., Williams, I.S. & Wyborn, D., 2005: Low- and high-temperature granites. Geological Society of America Special Paper, 389, 125–140.
147. Krzemińska, E., Williams, I.S. & Wiszniewska, J., 2005: A Late Paleoproterozoic (1.8 Ga) subduction-related mafic igneous suite from Lomza, NE Poland. Terra Nova, 17, 442–449.
148. Maidment, D.M., Hand, M. & Williams, I.S., 2005: Tectonic cycles in the Strangways Metamorphic Complex, Arunta Inlier central Australia: geochronological evidence for exhumation and basin formation between two high-grade metamorphic events. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 52, 205-215.
149. Nakajima, T., Kamiyama, H., Williams, I.S. & Tani, K., 2005: Mafic rocks from the Ryoke Belt, southwest Japan: implications for Cretaceous Ryoke/San-Yo granitic magma genesis. Geological Society of America Special Paper, 389, 249–263.
150. Tomkins, H.S., Williams, I.S. & Ellis, D.J., 2005: In situ U-Pb dating if zircon formed from retrograde garnet breakdown during decompression in Rogaland, SW Norway. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 23, 201-215.
151. Buick, I.S., Hermann, J., Williams, I.S., Gibson. R.L. & Rubatto, D., 2006: A SHRIMP U-Pb and LA-ICP-MS trace element study of the petrogenesis of garnet-cordierite-orthoamphibole gneisses from the Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt, South Africa. Lithos, 88, 150-172.
152. Kim, S.W., Oh, C.W., Williams, I.S., Rubatto, D., Ryu, I-C., Rajesh, V.J., Kim, C-B., Guo, J. & Zhai, M., 2006: Phanerozoic high-pressure eclogite and intermediate-pressure granulite facies metamorphism in the Gyeonggi Massif, South Korea: Implications for the eastward extension of the Dabie-Sulu continental collision zone, Lithos, 92, 357–377.
153. Kim, S.W., Oh, C.W., Ryu, I-C., Williams, I.S., Sajeev, K., Santosh, M. & Rajesh, V.J., 2006: Neoproterozoic bimodal volcanism in the Okcheon Belt, South Korea, and its comparison with the Nanhua Rift, South China: implications for rifting in Rodinia. Journal of Geology, 114, 717-733.
154. Krzemińska, E., Wiszniewska, J. & Williams, I.S., 2006: Rewizja wieku “najstarszych” skal w podlozu krystalicznym polnocno-wschodniej Polski. Przeglad Geologiczny, 54, 967–973.
155. Krzemińska, E., Wiszniewska, J. & Williams, I.S., 2006: Wczesnokarbonski wiek intruzji platformowych w podlozu krystalicznym NE Polski. Przeglad Geologiczny, 54, 1093–1098.
156. Oh, C.W., Kim, S.W. & Williams, I.S., 2006: Spinel granulite in Odesan area, South Korea: Tectonic implications for the collision between the North and South China blocks. Lithos, 92, 557–575.
157. Suzuki, S., Arima, M., Williams, I.S., Shiraishi, K. & Kagami, H., 2006: Thermal history of UHT metamorphism in the Napier Complex, East Antarctica: insights from zircon, monazite and garnet ages. Journal of Geology, 114, 65-84.
158. Terada, K., Itoh, K., Hidaka, H., Yoshida, T., Iwamoto, N., Aoki, W. & Williams, I.S., 2006: Eu isotope measurements on single SiC grains from the Murchison meteorite: A new probe of s-process conditions in parent Asymptotic Giant Branch stars. New Astronomy Reviews, 50, 582-586.
159. Gregory, C.J., Rubatto, D., Allen, C.M., Williams, I.S., Hermann, J. & Ireland, T., 2007: Allanite micro-geochronology: A LA-ICP-MS and SHRIMP U-Th-Pb study. Chemical Geology, 245, 162-182.
160. Krzemińska, E., Wiszniewska, J., Williams, I.S. & Dörr, W., 2007: Late Paleoproterozoic arc-related granites from the Mazowsze domain, NE Poland In: Kozlowski, A. & Wiszniewska, J. (Eds), Granitoids in Poland. Archivum Mineralogiae Monograph, 1, 41-56.
161. Maidment, D.W., Williams, I.S. & Hand, M., 2007: Testing long-term patterns of basin sedimentation by detrital zircon geochronology, Centralian Superbasin, Australia. Basin Research, 19, 335–360.
162. Pidgeon, R.T., Nemchin, A.A., van Bronswijk, W., Geisler, T., Meyer, C., Compston, W. & Williams, I.S., 2007: Complex history of a zircon aggregate from lunar breccia 73235. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71, 1370-1381.
163. Williams, I.S., 2007: Old diamonds and the upper crust. Nature, 448, 880–881.
164. Buick, I.S., Storkey, A. & Williams, I.S., 2008: Timing relationships between pegmatite emplacement, metamorphism and deformation during the intra-plate Alice Springs Orogeny, central Australia. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 26, 915–936.
165. Chichorro, M., Pereira, M.F., Díaz-Azpiroz, M., Williams, I.S., Fernández, C., Pin, C. & Silva, J.B., 2008: Cambrian ensialic rift-related magmatism in the Ossa-Morena Zone (Évora-Aracena metamorphic belt, SW Iberian Massif): Sm-Nd isotopes and SHRIMP zircon U-Th-Pb geochronology. Tectonophysics, 461, 91–113.
166. Fiannacca, P., Williams, I.S., Cirrincione, R. & Pezzino, A., 2008: Crustal contributions to Late Hercynian peraluminous magmatism in the Southern Calabria-Peloritani Orogen, southern Italy: petrogenetic inferences and the Gondwana connection. Journal of Petrology, 49, 1497–1514.
167. Flowers, R.M., Bowring, S.A., Mahan, K.H., Williams, M.L. & Williams, I.S., 2008: Stabilization and reactivation of cratonic lithosphere from the lower crustal record in the western Canadian shield. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 156, 529–549.
168. Goodge, J.W., Vervoort, J.D., Fanning, C.M., Brecke, D.M., Farmer, G.L., Williams, I.S., Myrow, P.M. & DePaolo, D.J., 2008: A positive test of East Antarctica-Laurentia juxtaposition within the Rodinia supercontinent. Science, 321, 235–240.
169. Ickert, R.B., Hiess, J., Williams, I.S., Holden, P., Ireland, T.R., Lanc, P., Schram, N., Foster, J.J. & Clement, S.W., 2008: Determining high precision, in situ, oxygen isotope ratios with a SHRIMP II: Analyses of MPI-DING silicate-glass reference materials and zircon from contrasting granites. Chemical Geology, 257, 114–128.
170. Ireland, T.R., Clement, S., Compston, W., Foster, J.J., Holden, P., Jenkins, B., Lanc, P., Schram, N. & Williams, I.S., 2008: Development of SHRIMP. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 55, 937–954.
171. Kim, S.W., Williams, I.S., Kwon, S. & Oh, C.W., 2008: SHRIMP zircon geochronology, and geochemical characteristics of metaplutonic rocks from the south-western Gyeonggi Block, Korea: implications for Paleoproterozoic to Mesozoic tectonic links between the Korean Peninsula and eastern China. Precambrian Research, 162, 475-497.
172. Liu, Y., Williams, I.S., Chen, J., Wan, Y. & Sun, W., 2008: The significance of Paleoproterozoic zircon in carbonatite dykes associated with the Bayan Obo REE-Nb-Fe deposit. American Journal of Science, 308, 379-397.
173. Pereira, M.F., Chichorro, M., Williams, I.S. & Silva, J.B., 2008: Zircon U-Pb geochronology of paragneisses and biotite granites from the SW Iberian Massif (Portugal): evidence for a palaeogeographic link between the Ossa-Morena Ediacaran basins and the West African craton. In: Nasser, E. & Liegeois, J.P. (eds), The boundaries of the West African Craton. Geological Society Special Publication, 297, 385–408.
174. Solá, A.R., Pereira, M.F., Williams. I.S., Ribeiro, M.L., Neiva, A.M.R., Montero, P., Bea, F. & Zinger, T., 2008: New insights from U-Pb zircon dating of Early Ordovician magmatism on the northern Gondwana margin: the Urra Formation (SW Iberian Massif, Portugal), Tectonophysics, 461, 114–129.
175. Trotter, J.A., Williams, I.S., Barnes, C.R., Lécuyer, C. & Nicoll, R.S., 2008: Did cooling oceans trigger Ordovician biodiversification? Evidence from conodont thermometry. Science, 321, 550–554.
176. Williams, I.S. & Pulford, A.K., 2008: The contribution of geochronology to understanding the Paleozoic geological history of Australia. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 55, 821–848.
177. Williams, I.S., Rutland, R.W.R. & Kousa, J., 2008: A regional 1.92 Ga tectonothermal episode in Ostrobothnia, Finland: Implications for models of Svecofennian accretion. Precambrian Research, 165, 15–36.
178. Dusel-Bacon, C. & Williams, I.S., 2009: Evidence for prolonged mid-Paleozoic plutonism and ages of crustal sources in east-central Alaska from SHRIMP U-Pb dating of syn-magmatic, inherited and detrital zircon. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 46, 21-39.
179. Hiess, J., Bennett, V.C., Nutman, A.P. & Williams, I.S., 2009: In situ U-Pb, O and Hf isotopic compositions of zircon and olivine from Eoarchaean rocks, West Greenland: New insights into making old crust. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73, 4489–4516.
180. Kim, Y., Cheong, C-S, Lee, Y. & Williams, I.S., 2009: SHRIMP allanite U-Th-Pb dating of bimodal Triassic metamorphism of Neoarchean tonalitic gneisses, Daeijak Island, central Korea, Geosciences Journal, 13, 305–315.
181. Krzemińska, E., Wiszniewska, J., Skridlaite, G. & Williams, I.S., 2009: Late Svecofennian sedimentary basins in the crystalline basement of NE Poland and adjacent area of Lithuania: ages, major sources of detritus, and correlations. Geological Quarterly, 53, 255–272.
182. Mazhari, S.A., Bea, F., Amini, S., Ghalamghash, J., Molina, J.F., Montero, P., Scarrow, J.H. & Williams, I.S., 2009: The Eocene bimodal Piranshahr massif of the Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone, NW Iran: a marker of the end of the collision in the Zagros orogen. Journal of the Geological Society, London, 166, 53–69.
183. Neiva, A.M.R., Williams, I.S., Ramos, J.M.F., Gomes, M.E.P., Silva, M.M.V.G. & Antunes, I.M.H.R., 2009: Geochemical and isotopic constraints on the petrogenesis of Early Ordovician granodiorite and Variscan two-mica granites from the Gouveia area, central Portugal, Lithos, 111, 186–202.
184. Pańczyk, M., Nawrocki, J. & Williams, I.S., 2009: Isotope age constraint for the Blue Dyke and Jardine Peak subvertical intrusions of King George Island, West Antarctica, Polish Polar Research, 30, 379–391.
185. Pereira, M.F., Chichorro, M., Williams, I.S., Silva, J.B., Fernández, C., Díaz-Azpíroz, M., Apraiz, A. & Castro, A., 2009: Variscan intra-orogenic extensional tectonics in the Ossa-Morena Zone (Évora-Aracena-Lora del Río metamorphic belt, SW Iberian Nassif): SHRIMP zircon U-Th-Pb geochronology. In: Murphy, J.B., Keppie, J.D. & Hynes, A.J. (eds) Ancient Orogens and Modern Analogues. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 327, 215–237.
186. Solá, A.R., Williams, I.S., Neiva, A.M.R. & Ribeiro, M.L., 2009: U-Th-Pb SHRIMP ages and oxygen isotope composition of zircon from two contrasting late Variscan granitoids, Nisa-Albuquerque batholith, SW Iberian Massif: Petrologic and regional implications. Lithos, 111, 156–167.
187. Wang, C.Y., Campbell, I.H., Allen, C.A., Williams, I.S. & Eggins, S.M., 2009: Rate of growth of the preserved North American continental crust: Evidence from Hf and O isotopes in Mississippi detrital zircons. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73, 712–728.
188. Williams, I.S., Cho. D-Y. & Kim, S.W., 2009: Geochronology, and geochemical and Nd-Sr isotopic characteristics, of Triassic plutonic rocks in the Gyeonggi Massif, South Korea: Constraints on Triassic post-collisional magmatism. Lithos, 107, 239–256.
189. Williams, I.S., Krzemińska, E. & Wiszniewska, J., 2009: An extension of the Svecofennian orogenic province into NE Poland: Evidence from geochemistry and detrital zircon from Paleoproterozoic paragneisses. Precambrian Research, 172, 234–254.
190. Myrow, P.M., Hughes, N.C., Goodge, J.W., Fanning, C.M., Williams, I.S., Peng, S., Bhargava, O.N., Parcha, S.K. & Pogue, K.R., 2010: Extraordinary transport and mixing of sediment across Himalayan central Gondwana during the Cambrian-Ordovician. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 122 (9-10), 1660–1670.
191. Nawrocki, J., Pańczyk, M. & Williams, I.S., 2010: Isotopic ages and palaeomagnetism of selected magmatic rocks from King George Island (Antarctic Peninsula). Journal of the Geological Society, London, 167, 1063–1079.
192. Sajeev, K., Williams, I.S. & Osanai, Y., 2010: Sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe U-Pb dating of prograde and retrograde ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism as exemplified by Sri Lankan granulites. Geology, 38, 971–974.
193. Hiess, J., Bennett, V.C., Nutman, A.P. & Williams, I.S., 2011:Archaean fluid-assisted crustal cannibalism recorded by low d18O and negative eHf(T) isotopic signatures of West Greenland granite zircon. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 161, 1027–1050.
194. Ickert, R.B. & Williams, I.S., 2011: U-Pb zircon geochronology of Silurian-Devonian granites in southeastern Australia: implications for the timing of the Benambran Orogeny and the I-S dichotomy. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 58, 501–516.
195. Ickert, R.B., Williams, I.S. & Wyborn, D., 2011: Ti in zircon from the Boggy Plain zoned pluton: implications for zircon petrology and Hadean tectonics. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 162, 447–461.
196. Kim, S.W., Kwon, S., Santosh, M., Williams, I.S. & Yi, K., 2011: A Paleozoic subduction complex in Korea: SHRIMP zircon U-Pb ages and tectonic implications. Gondwana Research, 20, 890–903.
197. Nawrocki, J., Pańczyk, M. & Williams, I.S., 2011: Isotopic ages of selected magmatic rocks from King George Island (West Antarctica) controlled by magnetostratigraphy. Geological Quarterly, 55, 301–322.
198. Aubert, M., Williams, I.S., Boljkovac, K., Moffat, I., Moncel, M-H, Dufour, E. & Grun, R., 2012: In situ oxygen micro-analysis of faunal material and human teeth using a SHRIMP II: a new tool for palaeo-ecology and archaeology. Journal of Archaeological Science, 39, 3184–3194.
199. Jeon, H., Williams, I.S. & Chappell, B.W., 2012: Magma to mud to magma: Rapid crustal recycling by Permian granite magmatism near the eastern Gondwana margin. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 319-320, 104-117.
200. Neiva, A.M.R., Williams, I.S., Lima, S.M. & Teixeira, R.J.S., 2012: U-Pb and 39Ar/40Ar data constraining the ages of the source, emplacement and recrystallization/cooling events from late- to post D3 Variscan granites of the Gouveia area, central Portugal. Lithos, 153, 72-83.
201. Pereira, M.F., Chichorro, M., Silva, J.B., Ordóñez-Casado, B., Lee, J.K.W. & Williams, I.S., 2012: Early Carboniferous wrenching, exhumation of high-grade metamorphic rocks and basin instability in SW Iberia: Constraints derived from structural data and U-Pb and 40Ar-39Ar geochronology. Tectonophysics, 558–559, 28-44.
202. Rigo, M., Trotter, J.A., Preto, N. & Williams, I.S. 2012: Oxygen isotopic evidence for Late Triassic monsoonal upwelling in the northwestern Tethys. Geology, 40, 515-518.
203. Talavera, C., Montero, P., Martínez Poyatos, D. & Williams, I.S., 2012: Ediacaran to Lower Ordovician age for rocks ascribed to the Schist-Graywacke Complex (Iberian Massif, Spain): Evidence from detrital zircon SHRIMP U-Pb geochronology. Gondwana Research, 22, 928–942.
204. Williams, I.S., Fiannacca, P., Cirrincione, R. & Pezzino, A., 2012: Peri-Gondwanan origin and early geodynamic history of NE Sicily: A zircon tale from the basement of the Peloritani Mountains. Gondwana Research, 22, 855–865.
205. Demaiffe, D., Wiszniewska, J., Krzemińska, E., Williams, I.S., Stein, H., Brassinnes, S., Ohnenstetter, D. & Deloule, E., 2013: A hidden alkaline and carbonatite province of Early Carboniferous age in Northeast Poland: zircon U-Pb and pyrrhotite Re-Os geochronology. Journal of Geology, 121, 91–104.
206. Fiannacca, P., Williams, I.S., Cirrincione, R. & Pezzino, A., 2013: The augen gneisses of the Peloritani Mountains (NE Sicily): Granitoid magma production during rapid evolution of the northern Gondwana margin at the end of the Precambrian. Gondwana Research, 23, 782–796.
207. Ling, M., Liu, Y., Williams, I.S., Teng, F., Yang, X., Ding, X., Wei, G., Xie, L., Deng, W. & Sun, W., 2013: Formation of the world’s largest REE deposit through protracted fluxing of carbonatite by subduction-derived fluids. Scientific Reports, 3, 1776, doi: 10.1038/srep01776.
208. Maidment, D.W., Hand, M. & Williams, I.S., 2013. High grade metamorphism of sedimentary rocks during Palaeozoic rift basin formation in central Australia. Gondwana Research, 24, 865–885.
209. Mikulski, S., Williams, I.S. & Baginski, B., 2013: Early Carboniferous (Viséan) emplacement of the collisional Kłodzko-Złoty Stok granitoids (Sudetes, SW Poland): constraints from geochemical data and zircon U-Pb ages. International Journal of Earth Science, 102, 1007–1027.
210. Rickard, M.J. & Williams, I.S., 2013: No zircon U-Pb evidence for a Precambrian component in the Late Eocene Yavuna trondhjemite, Fiji. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 60, 521–525.
211. Wan, Y., Zhang, Y., Williams, I.S., Liu, D., Dong, C., Fan, R., shi, Y. & Ma, M., 2013: Extreme zircon O isotopic compositions from 3.8 to 2.5 Ga magmatic rocks from the Anshan area, North China Craton. Chemical Geology, 352, 108–124.
212. Zartman, R.E., Kempton, P.D., Paces, J.B., Downes, H., Williams, I.S., Dobosi, G. & Futa, K., 2013: Lower-crustal xenoliths from Jurassic kimberlite diatremes, Upper Michigan (USA): Evidence for Proterozoic orogenesis and plume magmatism in the lower crust of the southern Superior Province. Journal of Petrology, 54, 575–608.
213. Kusiak, M.A., Williams, I.S., Dunkley, D.J., Konečny, P., Słaby, E. & Martin, H., 2014: Monazite to the rescue: U-Th-Pb dating of the intrusive history of the composite Karkonosze pluton, Bohemian Massif. Chemical Geology, 364, 76–92.
214. Lennox, P.G., Forster, M.A. & Williams, I.S., 2014: Emplacement and deformation ages of the Wyangala Granite, Cowra, NSW. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 61, 607–618.
215. Long, K., Stern, N., Williams, I.S., Kinsley, L., Wood, R., Sporcic, K., Smith, T., Fallon, S., Kokkonen, H., Moffat, I. & Grun, R., 2014: Fish otolith geochemistry, environmental conditions and human occupation at Lake Mungo, Australia. Quaternary Science Reviews, 88, 82–95.
216. Mikulski, S.Z. & Williams, I.S., 2014: Zircon U-Pb ages of granitoid apophyses in the western part of the Kłodzko-Złoty Stok granite pluton (SW Poland). Geological Quarterly, 58, 251–262.
217. Mikulski, S.Z. & Williams, I.S., 2014: Zircon U-Pb dating of igneous rocks in the Radzimowice and Wielisław Złotoryjski auriferous polymetallic deposits. Sudetes, SW Poland. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae, 84, XXXX
218. Jeon, H., Williams, I.S. & Bennett, V.C., 2014: Uncoupled O and Hf isotopic systems in zircon from the contrasting granite suites of the New England Orogen, eastern Australia: Implications for studies of Phanerozoic magma genesis. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 146, 132–149.