Professor Lesley Wyborn

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1972: Bachelor of Science, 1st Class Honours (Geology) - University of Sydney 1973: Diploma of Education (Science and Mathematics) - University of Canberra
1978: Doctor of Philosophy (Geology and Geochemistry) - Australian National University
Awards, Invitations or Other Indicators of Peer Esteem
2019: The US Martha Maiden Lifetime Achievement for Service to the Earth Science Information Community Award
2016: Fellow of the Geological Society of America
2015: Geological Society of America Life time carreer achievement in Geoinformatics
2014: Australian Government Public Service Medal
1999: Geoscience Australia Day Achievement Medallion
1994: Commonwealth Government Technology Silver Award.
Committee/Working Group activities:
- Chair, Data in Science Committee, Australian Academy of Science (from 2017)
- Member of the AGU Data Advisory Committee (From 2017)
- Member of the AGU Task Force on Diversity and Inclusion
- Member, Executive Committee, Earth and Space Science Informatics Section, American Geophysical Union (from 2010-2015, from 2017).
- Member of the AGU Earth and Space Science Fall Meeting Program Committee 2015-2018
- Observer, International Oceans Data Interoperability Platform Project (jointly funded by the EU INSPIRE Initiative, the NSF and the Australian National Data Service) (from 2012)
- Member of the Australian AuScope Reference Group which scoped the next round of investments to support new eResearch Infrastructures for the Australian Earth Science Community (from 2015-2017)
- Member, US National Science Foundation NSF advisory board for Marine Data and Geoinformatics for Geochemistry Groups (2006-2010)
- Australian Representative for International e-Geophysical Year (2006-2008)
- Member of the planning group for the AuScope Grid Infrastructure Investments (2006-2008)
- Member, Australian Research Council (ARC) Expert Advisory Panel for Physics, Chemistry and the Geosciences (2003-2005)
- Participated in 9 AMIRA projects as either principal researcher, adviser, expert, coordinator or collaborator (1989-2003).
- Geochemistry, Member
- Earth Systems Chemistry, Researcher
Research interests
I have had a career of over 42 years in the Geosciences working within the Government Research sector. In this time I have built up international level expertise in 3 areas:
- Geoinformatics and Computational Geoscience;
- Granite Geochemistry and related Metallogeny; and
- National Scale Mineral Systems Analysis.
I have a strong background in developing data management systems and related analytics. My focus in the last 20 years has been on developing interoperability between distributed data repositories and enabling on-line analytics. More recently I was involved in increasing the uptake of High Performance Computing and High Performance Data technologies in the Geosciences. In Geoscience Australia I was leader of GA's move into high performance computing in partnership with the National Computational Infrastructure (NCI) facility at ANU. I have worked on many NCRIS-funded projects projects that have developed sustainable infrastructure to enable online workflows across distributed compute, data and software repositories. Currently I am working on the NCI National Evironmental Research Data Interoperabilty Platform (NERDIP) and the NeCTAR Virtual Geophysics Laboratory (VGL).
My primary field of reserach is geochemistry, in particular geochemistry of granites, ore deposits and regional alteration systems. In 1994, I was one of the early adopters to develop Mineral Systems Analysis on determining the essential ingredients of various Australian mineral systems, and in converting those parameters into mappable ingredients that can be computationally modelled as part of regional scale fluid flow analysis to help understand why ore deposits form where they form.
- Evans, B, Druken, K, Wang, J et al. 2017, 'A Data Quality Strategy to Enable FAIR, Programmatic Access across Large, Diverse Data Collections for High Performance Data Analysis', Informatics, vol. 4, no. 45, pp. 1-19pp.
- Devaraju, A, Klump, J, Fraser, R et al 2017, 'A Digital Repository for Physical Samples: Concepts, Solutions and Management', 21st International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL 2017, ed. Manolopoulos Y.Kamps, Springer, TBC, pp. 74-85.
- Adam Lewis, Leo Lymburner, Simon Oliver, Ben Evans, Lesley Wyborn, Gregory Raevksi, Jeremy Hooke, Rob Woodcock, Joshua Sixsmith, Wenjun Wu, Peter Tan, Fuqin Li, Brian Killough, Stuart Minchin, Dale Roberts, Damien Ayers, Biswajit Bala , John Dwyer, Arnold Dekker, Andrew Hicks, Alex Ip, Matt Purss, Clare Richards, Claire Trenham, Peter Wang, Lan-Wei Wang (2017). 'The Australian Geoscience Data Cube - foundations and lessons learned', Remote Sensing of Environment.
- Lewis, A, Lymburner, L, Purss, M et al. 2016, 'Rapid, high-resolution detection of environmental change over continental scales from satellite data - the Earth Observation Data Cube', International Journal of Digital Earth, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 106-111.
- Evans, B, Wyborn, L, Pugh, T et al. 2015, 'The NCI High Performance Computing (HPC) and High Performance Data (HPD) Platform to Support the Analysis of Petascale Environmental Data Collections', 11th IFIP WG 5.11 International Symposium on Environmental Software Systems, ISESS 2015, ed. Chimak G, Argent R.M., Springer New York LLC, TBC, pp. 569-577.
- Wyborn, L & Evans, B 2015, 'Integrating 'Big' Geoscience Data into the Petascale National Environmental Research Interoperability Platform (NERDIP): successes and unforeseen challenges', International Conference on Big Data, Big Data 2015, ed. Luo F.Ogan K.Zaki M., IEEE, TBC, pp. 2005-2009.