Yajie Gao

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- 2019-2024, Phd candidate of Experimental Petrology, ANU, work with Hugh O'Neill and John Mavrogenes
- 2023, CSIRO Critical Metal Discovery Internship, work with Ignacio Gonzalez-Alvarez
- 2015-2019, Master of Marine Geology, IOCAS, work with Yaoling Niu
- 2011-2015, Bachelor of Geology, CUGB
Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yajie_Gao3
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=dCjXfYoAAAAJ&hl=en
Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0906-9616
- Geochemistry, Member
- Experimental Petrology, Student
Research interests
I am major in experimental petrology and geochemistry, working on my PhD project on The role of amphibole in convergent-margin magmatism and its trace-elements. I am interests in the topic related to continental forming and growth, subduction, element behaviour, fluid and volatiles and magma evolution.
Teaching information
2022 Summer Field Course, SCNC2022, Eden Field Trip, Demonstrator
2021 Semester 1, EMSC1066, Blue Planet, Demonstrator
2020 Semester 2, EMSC3022, Planetary Science, Demonstrator
2020 Semester 1, EMSC3024, Magmatism & Metamorphism, Demonstrator
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Yajie Gao, Hugh St. C. O’Neill, John A. Mavrogenes. 2023. Garnet versus amphibole: Implications for magmatic differentiation and slab melting. Geology 52 (2): 125–129. doi: https://doi.org/10.1130/G51637.1
Y Gao, HSC O'Neill, JA Mavrogenes. 2023. Minor element effects on the partitioning of Rare Earth Elements (REEs) between pargasitic amphibole and melt. Goldschmidt 2023 Conference.
Y Gao, R Chandler, J Mavrogenes, M Anenburg, I González-Álvarez. 2023. Amphibole, the alkali sponge in carbonatite melts: an example from Mount Weld, Western Australia. 2023 Australian Earth Sciences Convention.
M Klöcking et al. 2023. Community recommendations for geochemical data, services and analytical capabilities in the 21st century.Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
Y. Gao, H.S.C. O’Neill, J. Mavrogenes. 2022. Distinguishing the garnet signatures in a global database of adakites. Goldschmidt 2022 Conference.
Gao, Y.J., Niu, Y.L., Duan, M., Xue, Q.Q., Sun, Pu, Chen, S., Xiao, Y.Y., Guo, P.Y., Wang, X.H., Chen, Y.H., 2019. The petrogenesis and tectonic significance of the early Cretaceous intraplate granites in eastern China: The Laoshan granite as an example. Lithos 328/329, 200-211.
Chen, Y.H., Niu, Y.L., Xue, Q.Q., Gao, Y.J., Castillo, P.R, 2021. An iron isotope perspective on back-arc basin development: Messages from Mariana Trough basalts. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 572, 117133.
Shen, F.Y., Niu, Y.L., Chen, Y.H., Gao, Y.J., Wang, X.H., Duan, M., Shan, L., 2020. Origin of magmatic harzburgite as a result of boninite magma evolution - An illustration using layered harzburgite-dunite cumulate from the Troodos ophiolite complex. Lithos 376/377, 105764.
Chen, Y.H., Niu, Y.L., Shen, F.Y., Gao, Y.J., Wang, X.H., 2020. New U-Pb zircon age and petrogenesis of the plagiogranite, Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus. Lithos 362/363, 105472.
Xiao, Y.Y., Chen, S., Niu, Y.L., Wang, X.H., Xue, Q.Q., Wang, G.D., Gao, Y.J., Gong, H.M., Kong, J.J., Shao, F.L., Sun, P., Duan, M., Hong, D., Wang, D., 2020. Mineral compositions of syn-collisional granitoids and their implications for the formation of juvenile continental crust and adakitic magmatism. Journal of Petrology 61, 1-19.
Chen, Y.H., Niu, Y.L., Wang, X.H., Gong, H.M., Guo, P.Y., Gao, Y.J., Shen, F.Y., 2019. Petrogenesis of ODP Hole 735B (Leg 176) oceanic plagiogranite: Partial melting of gabbros or advanced extent of fractional crystallization? Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 20, 2717-2732.
Xue, Q.Q., Niu, Y.L., Chen, S., Sun, P., Duan, M., Gao, Y.J., Hong, D., Xiao, Y.Y., Wang, X.H., Guo, P.Y., 2018. Tectonic significance of Cretaceous granitoids along the southeast coast of continental China. Geological Journal, 1-24.
Niu, Y.L., Gong, H.M., Wang, X.H., Xiao, Y.Y., Guo, P.Y., Shao, F.L., Sun, P., Chen, S., Duan, M., Kong, J.J., Wang,G.D., Xue, Q.Q, Gao, Y.J., Hong, D.,2017. Some key problems on the petrogenesis of seafloor basalts, abyssal peridotites and geodynamics: A non-traditional isotope approach. Advances in Earth Science, 32,111-127.(in Chinese with English abstract)
Sun, Y.Q., Tian, S.F., Wang, X.Z., Gao, Y.J., 2016, An Improved Lithological Classification Method for Thermal Infrared Hyperspectral Data Based on Spectral Matching. Geoscience, 30, 239-246.(in Chinese with English abstract)