Data visualisation laboratory

The Data Visualisation Laboratory at the Research School of Earth Sciences is equipped for high-performance data analysis and visualization. It features high-quality graphics capabilities and advanced software like ARCGis and Google Earth Pro for a wide range of analytical tasks.

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Dr Marnie Forster

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The Data visualisation laboratory at the Research School of Earth Sciences contains two PC-type computers, the largest of which is a 4-processor machine running at 3.73 GHz with 16 GB RAM and a professional-quality NVidia graphics card. This computer is also equipped with a fast CRT monitor and active stereographic visualisation capability using 3D glasses. This machine is set up in a dual-boot configuration running both Red Hat Linux and Windows 64.

The lab also contains three MacIntosh computers. The largest is a MacPro 8-processor (Intel) machine with 16 GB of RAM. This is also set up as dual boot with Windows XP.

Available software

  • ARCGis
  • ERMapper
  • MapInfo
  • Earth Decisions Suite (GoCAD)
  • Google Earth Pro
  • Gm-Sys
  • Pplates

All computers are network-linked and firewall-protected.

Researchers are welcome to use the Data Visualisation Laboratory computers and software. Normally, we negotiate a fee with users to help offset license costs and maintenance. For more information/bookings please contact (6125-8099).


RSES (Building 61, Jaeger 1) room G18

-35.283888, 149.1147712