Professor Jochen Brocks inspects 1.64 billion year old sediments for molecules of the Protosterol biota. Barney Creek, Northern Australia

Brocks Geobiology

Brocks Geobiology researches the biological processes in deep time from the origin of life to mysterious ecosystems in Earth's earliest oceans and events.

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Geobiology and paleobiogeochemistry researches the biological processes in deep time from the origin of life to mysterious ecosystems in Earth's earliest oceans, and events that may have spawned the evolution of complex multicellular life. To find clues about ancient ecosystems, the group studies molecular fossils of biological lipids (biomarkers) that can be preserved in sedimentary rocks for billions of years. Currently the group and students investigate the question why large, multicellular and active creatures appeared on Earth some 600 million years ago, and whether ancient oceans harbored a lost world of complex life that left no traces … possibly apart from a few obsolete molecules.



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PhD Candidate



Scientists from ANU and overseas have discovered molecules of fat in an ancient fossil to reveal the earliest confirmed animal in the geological record that lived on Earth 558 million years ago.

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