The Australian Seismometers in Schools Network (AuSIS)
The Australian Seismometers in Schools project (AuSIS) is an outreach program to install 50 research quality broadband seismometers in Australian Schools. The goal of the program is to raise awareness of geoscience through observing our dynamic earth in motion. Students are required to look after their own...
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The Australian Seismometers in Schools project (AuSIS) is an outreach program to install 50 research quality broadband seismometers in Australian Schools. The goal of the program is to raise awareness of geoscience through observing our dynamic earth in motion. Students are required to look after their own seismometer and in doing so be a part of a national science experiment. The Australian Seismometers in Schools project aims to:
- Raise community awareness of regional earthquakes;
- Raise awareness of seismology and, more generally geoscience, as a field of study;
- Promote science as a possible career choice;
- Provide a tool to teachers to assist in teaching physics and earth science to high school students.
Find out more about us here
Upcoming school visits in August & September 2024:
AUBRM - Broome Senior High School (WA)
AUAPY - Ernabella Anangu School (SA)
AUBSH - Beerwah State High School (QLD)
AUWSH - Wavell State High School (QLD)
AUHPC - Hawkesdale P-12 College (VIC)
Up for grabs:
the Australian Seismometers in Schools Science Quake of the Year cup.
Hi everyone,
We are hoping to get you all involved in a little science week competition. Up for grabs: The stunning Australian Seismometers in Schools "Science Quake of the Year" cup as pictured below.
We want all our schools to submit their best footquake to us. All you need to do is get together and jump your hearts out.
Then tell us:
- Date and time you jumped with a time zone please (so we can see your efforts!)
- The distance from the seismometer to the closest person
- How many jumpers participated
- Did you make it a school or class event?
- What was special about your jump
Because we know there will be lots of creative entries and because we want to encourage big and small schools to participate here are some examples of things we might judge the best quake on:
- Synchronisation of the jump
- Size of signal per person
- Length of signal
- Photos of participation (please make sure any photos can be shared and that students have permission to be in them)
- Community involvement
Entries close on the 18th of August at 8pm AEST, the last Friday of Science week and we will try to announce the winners the following week.
The winners will receive the cup to display for a year and we will add the school's name to a plaque at the bottom of the cup for all to see in the future.
Lastly we would also like to offer a seismology webinar to all our schools, where our team will talk about earthquakes and provide an Ask A Seismologist Q & A. To sign up just send us an expression of interest and we will then try to sort out a time that suits.
Looking forward to your entries
Sima, Dave and Malcolm
******** AuSIS's new website is under construction! Please stay tuned. ********