Welcome to all alumni and friends of the Research School of Earth Sciences.
I graduated at the bottom of the mid 1970’s mining boom and after a year of pushing to launch a career in geology, during which I worked on the 25th International Geological Congress in Sydney, and part-time for a geological exploration company in the Michelago area, I made the decision to try teaching.
After my undergraduate degree in geology in Sydney I worked in the minerals industry for 3 years as an exploration geologist.
Australian National University scientist Mallory Young, of the Research School of Earth Sciences, is investigating the use of these vibrations as a way to probe the Earth’s outer layer.
At the Fall Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) in December 2012, David Simpson was one of three former staff and students of the School to be honoured for outstanding contributions to geophysical research and service.
Paul Stenhouse, of The Australian National University, is looking for links between the twists and turns in the fractures and the amount of economic minerals deposited there by water.
Australian National University scientist Barbara Frasl is studying matter from the Sun obtained from soil samples from the Moon to get hints on the evolution of the solar system.