Find out about the latest news, announcements and stories about earth sciences at ANU.

Seismograph and earthquake illustration
Thursday, 08 Aug 2024
  • News

More than 100 years on from Queensland's largest earthquake, researchers are re-writing history having discovered the epicentre was more than 250 kilometres away from where they thought it was.

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Hunga Tonga
Monday, 03 Jun 2024
  • Research story

A newly published study in the international Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research offers an alternative mechanism that triggered the 15 January 2022 Hunga (Tonga) eruption, proposing the powerful eruption was caused by a gas-driven climactic explosion rather than a phreatomagmatic one - where magma and water react violently through the water column.

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Antarctica ice from above
Tuesday, 28 May 2024
  • Analysis and opinion

This new research uses gravity-sensing satellites to track how changes in water storage on land can cause unexpected fluctuations in sea levels.

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Composite image of six headshots
Thursday, 23 May 2024
  • News

A number of talented ANU researchers have been elected as Fellows of the Australian Academy of Science.

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Earth core structure
Tuesday, 07 May 2024
  • Analysis and opinion

Earth’s inner core holds the secrets to the planet’s past. But how can scientists analyse something that's impossible to see from the surface?

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Monday, 15 Apr 2024
  • News

Scientists from ANU and overseas have discovered molecules of fat in an ancient fossil to reveal the earliest confirmed animal in the geological record that lived on Earth 558 million years ago.

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Professor Stephen Cox
Wednesday, 03 Apr 2024
  • News

Professor Cox has demonstrated a consistent commitment to sharing his knowledge via undergraduate teaching, training research students, and providing training courses for minerals industry geoscientists, both nationally and internationally.

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Dr Nicola Maher kicking off the Hackathon in Aspendale, Victoria this week. March 2024. Source: Dr Paige Martin.
Monday, 18 Mar 2024
  • News

Last week, researchers from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes, CSIRO and ACCESS- NRI (Australian Community Climate and Earth System Simulator), gathered in Aspendale Victoria, to build a community of support for the development of CMIP7.

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Professor Meghan Miller
Tuesday, 12 Mar 2024
  • Research story

Seismic waves from a 2010 earthquake more than 600 km under Spain has led researchers to discover the first conclusive proof that a tectonic plate had flipped over, according to new ANU research.

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