Dr Sarah Kachovich

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Dr Sarah Kachovich is the ANZIC (Australian and New Zealand International Ocean Discovery Program Consortium) Program Manager at ANU.
Sarah holds a first-class Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree in Geology from The University of Wollongong and a PhD in micropaleontology, specialising in Radiolaria taxonomy from The University of Queensland. Her major research focus has been on recognizing the latent biostratigraphical potential of Paleozoic Radiolaria, through investigating 3-D X-ray models. Her applied biostratigraphical research focuses on linking microfossils to tectonic problems, such as the Himalayan collision and the tectonic evolution of the New England orogen in eastern Australia.
Through ANZIC, Sarah had the opportunity to sail as a radiolarist on the IODP’s Expedition 362: Sumatra Subduction Zone in 2016. As for many, sailing on the JOIDES Resolution was a life-changing experience that jump started and broadened her career, especially internationally. Since graduating from her PhD, she moved to the heart of the IODP, to work for the JOIDES Resolution Science Operator (JRSO) at Texas A&M University. At the JRSO, she has been deeply involved with the technical and operational aspect of the program, sailing on a further five IODP expeditions as the Imaging Specialist.
When the modern world came to a standstill with the global COVID-19 pandemic, the program had to adapt and keep drilling without its science party. While working closely with the U.S. Science Support Program (USSSP), Sarah took a lead on the public relations movement via the program’s social platforms. Here she has been addressing the JRSO’s online social responsibility and moreover, been strengthening societal connections to the program by effectively communicating a relatable understanding of scientific exploration.
- Climate & Ocean Geoscience, Member
Research interests
- Radiolarian taxonomy
- Biostratigraphy
- Micro-CT
- Tectonics
L5, Jaeger Building 4
142 Mills Road, Acton ACT 2601 Australia