Dr Sima Mousavi

Research Officer

I am an observational seismologist with a diverse range of interests and expertise. My research has encompassed earth imaging studies, ranging from the upper crust in West Bohemia to the Earth's core mantle boundary. Additionally, I'm intrested in earthquake source modeling utilizing full waveform modeling and 3D earth models.

I am responsible for running the Australian Seismometers in Schools (AuSIS) Network. Through this program, I maintain and control a network of 50 broadband seismic stations located in schools across Australia. I'm grateful for the opportunity to travel and speak to students about the fascinating field of Earth sciences, inspiring them to pursue careers in STEM.

My contributions to the field extend to my involvement in seismic fieldwork. Notably, I have participated in fieldwork at Lake Eyre in South Australia and SWAN in Western Australia, among others. 



2021 - present: Member of Engagement Committee at RSES

2019 - 2021: Member of IDEA Committee at RSES

2019 - 2021: RSES representative on the College of Science IDEA committee


Acknowledgement of Country

I acknowledge the Ngunnawal and Ngambri people as the Traditional Custodians of the lands where I live, work and learn. I pay my respects to their Elders, past and present.

Past teaching experiences:

  • 2019  Lab Demonstrator, Physics 3070, ANU
  • 2019  Lecturer, Introduction to Seismology, EMSC 8034, ANU

Outreach and Engagement:

As a Research Officer for the Australian Seismometers in Schools (AuSIS) Program since 2019, I oversee a network of seismometers installed in 50 schools across Australia. This program has three core objectives: educational outreach, monitoring, and research. With a strong commitment to promoting STEM education for everyone, I have made outreach and engagement one of the key pillars of my work.

I actively participate in programs aimed at inspiring and encouraging students of all backgrounds to pursue STEM careers. By showcasing the relevance and excitement of science, I believe that students can be inspired to pursue further learning and exploration. Engaging students in STEM is integral to my work, and I am passionate about continuing to inspire and empower the next generation of scientists.