Professor Hrvoje Tkalčić

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Academic Qualifications
PhD in Geophysics, Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Seismological Laboratory , Dec 2001
Graduate Advisor: Prof. Barbara Romanowicz
PhD thesis topic: Studying the Deep Earth Structure Using Core Sensitive Phases
Diploma of Engineering in Physics (M.Sc.), speciality in Geophysics with Meteorology, Dec 1996
Department of Physics
Department of Geophysics
Employment history
- 2023/06-present Professor (ANU E2)
- 2021/04-present Head of Geophysics area, RSES, ANU
- 2019/01-2023/06 Professor (ANU E1)
- 2007/07-present Director of Warramunga Seismic and Infrasound Facility (WRA)
- 2017/01-2021/04 Head of Seismology and Mathematical Geophysics group, RSES, ANU
- 2013/04-2018/12 Associate Professor (ANU D)
- 2007/01-2013/04 Fellow in Seismology (ANU C)
- 2006/01-2007/01 Research Geophysicist, Multimax, Inc., Geophysics Geoup, Emeryville, CA, USA (permanent appointment)
- 2003/02-2006/01 Postdoctoral Research Staff Member, Seismology Group, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, USA
- 2002/04-2003/02 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of California San Diego, IGPG/SCRIPPS, La Jolla, CA, USA
- 2001/12-2002/04 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of California at Berkeley, Seismological Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, USA
Primary research skills
Global seismology from the inner core to the crust, ocean, cryosphere, atmosphere and out in the solar system.
Professional societies
- 1997-present Member of American Geophysical Union
- 2006-present Member of Seismological Society of America
- 2021-present Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society
External boards / Committees
- 2023-2027 International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior (IASPEI/IUGG); elected Executive Committee member
- 2022-2024 American Geophysical Union Fellows Committee – Seismology Section
- 2020- College of Assessors – New Zealand Ministry of Business/Innovation/Employment
- 2018-2021 College of Experts – Australian Research Council
- 2009-2021 ANU PhB Examiners Committee; Convenor for Earth & Marine Sciences
- 2019-2020 Keiiti Aki Early Career Award Committee - Chair (American Geophysical Union)
- 2018-2019 Keiiti Aki Early Career Award Committee Member (American Geophysical Union)
- 2015-2019 Study of Earth's Deep Interior (SEDI/IUGG) - Executive Committee
- 2017- Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group) - Editorial Board
- 2014- Physics of Earth and Planetary Interiors - Editorial Board
- 2010 Member of AAS Theo Murphy High Flyers Think Tank on “Searching the Deep Earth: The Future of Australian Resource Discovery and Utilisation”
Awards and Distinctions
- 2023 Distinguished Scientist of the Chinese Academy of Sciences President’s International Fellowship Initiative
- 2022 Price Medal, Royal Astronomical Society, London, UK
- 2021 Dean’s Commendation for Excellence in Education for Excellence in Supervision, College of Science and Medicine, The Australian National University
- 2020 Elected Fellow of the American Geophysical Union
- 2016 Excellence in Research Award by AuScope (inaugural)
- 2013 Offer of tenured faculty position in planetary seismology at School of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State University
- 2010/11 Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS); Invitation Fellowship for lecturing and research in Japan
- 2002 Outstanding Student Paper Award by the American Geophysical Union (Tectonophysics Section)
- 1997 The Perry Byerly Graduate Fellowship in Seismology, UC Berkeley
- 1987-1991 Government scholarship in Physics for outstanding natural sciences students (former Yugoslavia and Croatia)
- Geophysics, Member
Research interests
Global observational seismology with special interest in deep Earth structure and dynamics using seismic and correlations wavefields.
The inner and the outer core, the lowermost mantle and the interaction between the core and mantle.
Lithospheric imaging using multiple geophysical data sets and developing new approaches.
Physics of seismic sources; source kinematics and modeling complex finite sources.
Deployment of geophysical instruments in remote areas of Earth including oceans; installation of geophysical instruments on other planets.
Planetary seismology.
- Array/Blue Earth/Forensic Seismology: A Quake, a Nuke or a Willy Willy? , Principal investigator
- High-resolution probing of the Earth’s lowermost mantle , Principal investigator
- Insights Into Earthquake Source Physics: Moment Tensor Inversion, Principal investigator
- Multi-array, multi-frequency probing of the Earth's heterogeneity, Principal investigator
- Seismology of the Earth's deep interior, Principal investigator
- The Earth's Inner Core, Principal investigator
- Antarctic Seismology, Supervisor
- High-resolution probing of the Earth’s lowermost mantle , Supervisor
- Inner core structure using free oscillations of the Earth and neighbourhood algorithm, Supervisor
- Insights Into Earthquake Source Physics: Moment Tensor Inversion, Supervisor
- Studying the crust and the upper mantle structure beneath Australia using multiple geophysical datasets, Supervisor
- The Earth's Inner Core, Supervisor
Teaching information
PHYS3070 (Physics of the Earth) - Course coordinator and lecturer
EMSC4017/8017 (Research methods for Earth Sciences) - Course coordinator and lecturer
EMSC8019 (Advanced Earth Physics) - Lecturer
Jaeger 2, Room 230
(** Collaboration with undergraduate student advisee)
(* Collaboration with graduate student advisee)
Tkalčić, H., The Earth’s Inner Core Revealed by Observational Seismology, Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, UK,, 2017.
Tkalčić, H., Earthquakes: Giants That Sometimes Wake up (Croatian Edition), Naklada Ljevak d.o.o., Zagreb, Croatia, ISBN: 978-953-355-597-3, 2022.
115. *Tkalčić, H., T. Costa de Lima, T-S Phạm and S. Tanaka, Inner core anisotropy from antipodal PKIKP travel times, Core-mantle Coevolution: A multidisciplinary approach, Vol. 275, AGU
Geophysical Monograph Series, T. Nakagawa, T. Tsuchiya, M. Satish-Kumar, G. Helffrich, Editors, ISBN: 978-1-119-52690-2, 2023. (IF: unknown)
114. Romanowicz B., H. Tkalčić and L. Breger, On the origin of complexity in PKP travel time data from broadband records, Earth’s: Dynamics, Structure, Rotation, Vol. 31, AGU Geodynamics
Series, V. Dehant, K. Creager, S. Karato, S. Zatman, Editors, 2003. (IF: unknown; Cit:50)
113. *Hu, J., Phạm, T-S. and H. Tkalčić, Seismic moment tensor inversion with theory errors from 2D earth structure: implications for the 2009-2017 DPRK nuclear blasts, Geophys. J. Int.,
ggad348,, 2023.
112. Waszek, L., J. Irving, T.-S. Phạm and H. Tkalčić, Seismic insights into Earth's core, Nat. Commun., 14, 6029,, 2023.
111. Wang, S. and H. Tkalčić, On the formation of global inter-source correlations and applications to constrain the interiors of the Earth and other planets, J. Geophys. Res.,128, 8, e2023JB027236,, 2023.
This paper was featured in Editor’s Highlights in EOS.
110. *Costa de Lima, T., T.-S. Phạm, X. Ma, and H. Tkalčić, An estimate of shear-wave speed in the Earth's inner core, Nat. Commun., 14, 4577,
40307-9, 2023.
109. *Sebastian, N., H. Tkalčić, C. Sippl, S. Kim, A. Reading, and Y. Chen, Inference on the crust- mantle transition beneath northeast China from receiver-based passive seismology methods,
Front. Earth Sci., 11,, 2023.
108. Phạm, T-S. and H. Tkalčić, Observations of up-to-fivefold reverberating waves through the Earth’s center: distinctily anisotropic innermost inner core, Nat. Commun.,
14, 754,, 2023. (IF:17.69)
107. *Wang, S. and H. Tkalčić, Scanning for planetary cores with single-receiver intersource correlations, Nat. Astron., 6, 1272–1279,, 2022. (IF:15.65)
This presentation won AGU 2022 Outstanding Student Paper Award - Seismology Section.
106. Dofal, A., L. Michon, F. Fontaine, G. Barruol, E. Rindraharinsaona and H. Tkalčić, Imaging the lithospheric structure and plumbing system beneath the Mayotte volcanic zone, C.R. - Geosci., 354, S2, 47–64,, 2022 (IF:1.42)
105. Ma, X. and H. Tkalčić, CCMOC: A new view of the Earth's outer core through the global coda correlation wavefield, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 334,, 2022 (IF:2.26)
104. Muir, S., Tanaka, S. and H. Tkalčić, Long-wavelength topography and multi-scale velocity heterogeneity at the core-mantle boundary, Geophys. Res. Lett., 49, 7, e2022GL099943,, 2022. (IF:4.72)
103. *Costa de Lima, T., H. Tkalčić and L. Waszek, A new probe into the innermost inner core anisotropy via the global coda-correlation wavefield, 127(4), e2021JB023540,, J. Geophys. Res., 2022. (IF:3.85).
102. Sun, W. and H. Tkalčić, Repetitive marsquakes in Martian upper mantle, Nat. Commun., 13, 1695,, 2022. (IF:17.69)
101. *Tkalčić, H., S. Wang and T-S. Phạm, Shear properties of the Earth's inner core, Ann. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci., 50,, 2022. (IF:16.3)
100. *Pachhai, S. M. Li, S. Rost, J. Dettmer and H. Tkalčić, Internal structure of ultralow-velocity zones consistent with origin from a basal magma ocean, Nat. Geosci., 15, 79-84,, 2022. (IF:16.91)