Professor Patrick De Deckker

Emeritus Professor
BA, MSc(Hons), PhD, DSc

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Curriculum Vitae Patrick DE DECKKER.   1 June 2022


Given Name: Patrick DE DECKKER

Current position: Emeritus Professor, Climate and Ocean Geoscience Cluster, Research School of Earth Sciences, ANU

Professional address: Research School of Earth Sciences, The Australian National University, Canberra  Tel: 0420 685 797; e-mail:

DOB & citizenship: 15 November 1948, Schaerbeek Belgium. Australian and Belgian citizen

Home address: 30 Nungara Place. Aranda ACT 2614, Australia.


Academic Qualifications:

1969 Premier propédeutique en géologie, Université de Lausanne

1971 BA in Geology, Macquarie University, Sydney

1976 MSc (Hons) in Geology & Micropalaeontology, Macquarie University, Sydney

1981 PhD in Zoology/Geology, Zoology Department, University of Adelaide

2002 DSc University of Adelaide, examined through Department of Geology & Geophysics    [Title: Australian Quaternary studies]



Brady Medal awarded in November 2019 by the Micropalaeontological Society for major influence on micropalaeontology via a substantial body of excellent research.

Officer in the Order of Leopold II awarded by Belgium in May 2018 for exceptional career as a scientist and involvement with the Belgian community in Canberra.

Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science in 2012 for linking the patterns of environmental change on land and at sea.

Honorary Fellow of the Geological Society of London in 2014

Mawson Medal awarded in 2010 by the Australian Academy of Science for outstanding contribution in the Earth sciences.

Christoffel Plantin Medal awarded in 2008 in recognition for scientific activities that have contributed to the prestige of Belgium.

Order of Australia Medal awarded in 2007 for service to science through research and teaching in the areas of palaeoclimate studies, salination and climate change, and through the initiation and support of international scientific collaboration.

Australian Society for Limnology Medal awarded publicly in December 2005 for outstanding contribution to Australian Limnology.

Verco Medal awarded by the Royal Society of South Australia in 1992 for excellence in research in the fields of Geology and Zoology


Brief Summary of Employment:

1975: Tutor-demonstrator in Geology and Palaeontology, University of Newcastle, Australia   

1976-77: Senior demonstrator in the Dept. of Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology, University of Louvain, Belgium

1978-80: Postgraduate student, University of Adelaide

1981-June 1985: Research Fellow, ANU (Dept. of Biogeography & Geomorphology)

July 1985-Oct.85: Senior Research Fellow, same institution

Nov.1985-Feb.1988: Senior Research Fellow,  Department of Geography, Monash University

Since March 1988: Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Reader [1992], Department of Geology, ANU

March 2002- July 2004: Head of Department of Geology

January 2003. Professor, level E1

2008-10: Associate Director, Group Leader for Earth Environment, RSES, ANU

2012: Professor level E2, Research School of Earth Sciences, ANU

2013: Nov. Emeritus Professor, Australian National University, continuing.


Field of Research and Professional Interest [Present Research Activities]:

All the research activities listed below have a common aim: to obtain information of relevance for the reconstruction of past marine and continental environments of importance for understanding global and regional climatic variability

  • Quaternary palaeoceanography of the Australian region based on deep-sea cores and by principally using microfossils and their chemical composition, and many other proxies
  • Cainozoic palaeoenvironments, involving sedimentology, hydrology, stratigraphy, geochemistry and palaeoecology of lacustrine deposits and microfossils
  • fingerprinting airborne dust in Australia [comprising geochemists, sedimentologists, meteorologists and microbiologists from Australia, Holland  and Germany]
  • trace-element and isotope geochemistry of biogenic carbonates
  • marine and non-marine micropalaeontology applied to palaeoenvironmental reconstructions using the fossils and their chemical composition
  • continuation of work on non-marine ostracods (taxonomy, ecology, palaeoecology).

Research Experience:

- Quaternary marine record of the Australian region, based on deep-sea cores (palaeoecology and geochemistry of biogenic carbonates, aeolian dust, and X-ray mineralogy) and of continental environments based on lake deposits

- cruise leader on 9 missions at sea:

- on the R.V. Franklin in the Tasman Sea in January 1994, and in the eastern Indian Ocean both in December 1995 and February-March 1996, and September 2001 in the Tasman Sea offshore New Caledonia.

- co-cruise leader on RV Marion Dufresne for AUSCAN cruise in Feb-March 2003 and cruise leader on RV Southern Surveyor in March 2006 for the AUSCAN II cruise and March 2007 for the Lacepede Shelf investigations on ancient meanders of the River Murray.

- on RV Southern Surveyor in May 2011 in the Tasman Sea to determine past sea-surface temperatures offshore Australia, with one more cruise in November 2011 offshore southern Australia.

- geochemistry of carbonates, especially biogenic ones

- taxonomy, ecology and palaeoecology of non-marine ostracods

- stratigraphy, sedimentology, hydrology and palaeontological reconstructions of inland-lake basins, and more particularly from saline lakes.

- biological and chemical investigations of inland waters, principally from Australia but also from New Caledonia, Tahiti, Antarctica

- Late Cainozoic lacustrine stratigraphy and palaeoecology studied at sites in Australia, China, England, Spain, France, Italy, North Africa and USA


Other Professional Activities: associated with research:

- Oct-Nov 1984: guest of both Chinese Ministries of Geology and Petroleum Exploration to lecture in China (in 3 universities, 4 research institutions in oil fields) on non-marine palaeoenvironments (stratigraphy, basin analysis and palaeoecology)

- May-June 1985 & Jan-Feb 2007: visiting lecturer in the Department of Geology and Oceanography, University of Bordeaux, France

- June 1986: guest lecturer at the Brazilian National Oil Company, Petrobras in Rio de Janeiro, to give a series of talks on non-marine palaeoenvironments, (palaeo)ecology and geochemistry and ostracods

- Sept 1987: guest of the Chinese Institute of Salt Lakes in Xining to study the Holocene history of Qinghai Lake and other lakes in Qinghai Province

- Dec 1989: visiting researcher at the University of Paris XI, in the Laboratory of hydrology and stable isotope geochemistry

- July 1996: lectures on the potential of petroleum findings in lacustrine environments to the Japanese Government company JAPEX

- October 1999: short postgraduate course in palaeolimnology and palaeoecology, University of Amsterdam

- March 2002: short postgraduate course in palaeolimnology and palaeoecology, Queens University, Canada

- June-July 2005: leader of the “University of the Sea” program on board the French vessel Marion Dufresne which provided teaching and research experience to 20 students from the  Australasian region. The cruise took place between PNG, Indonesia and Australia

-  February 2006: co-leader of a similar “University of the Sea” program on board the French vessel Marion Dufresne, this time the cruise was held in the Tasman Sea

  • September 2006: short postgraduate course in palaeolimnology and palaeoecology and geochemistry of microfossils, University of Minnesota



Affiliations to Scientific Societies and representation on committees:

-1989-92: member of the scientific committee for the Australian Ocean Drilling Program

-1989-1992/1995-2000: member of the Antarctic Research Evaluation Group - Antarctic Division; Natural environment subcommittee and later on Earth Sciences Committee

-1990-93: member, Quaternary Science Committee of the Australian Academy of Science

-1990-93: member, Quaternary Science Committee of the Australian Academy of Science

-1991-1994: Secretary [82-88], then Chairman [91-94] of the International Research Group on Ostracoda, which is part of the International Palaeontological Association

-1985-89: member of the executive committee for the Australasian Quaternary Association

-1986: member of the executive committee for the Australian Society for Limnology

-1988-89: committee member, ACT Branch of the Geological Society of Australia

-1988-92: secretary, Sedimentology Specialist Group of the Geological Society of Australia

-1997-2002: member of the international PAGES Scientific Steering Committee, associated with International Geosphere and Biosphere Program

-2001/3: Deputy Chairman, then Chairman, ACT Branch of the Geological Society of Australia

-2004-2009: Chairman of AINSE committee dealing with Archaeology and Geosciences

-2008: member of the Australian IODP Council


Supervisory capacity in research:

8 postdoctoral fellows, 20 PhD, 1 MSc, 17 Honours

These people are/were from Australia, China, Colombia, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Russia, UK and USA

Patrick De Deckker has been acting as advisor to numerous PhD students at ANU in the following departments: Geology, Research School of Earth Sciences, Geography, Archaeology and Natural History, Dept. Microbiology – Research School of Biology.

Patrick De Deckker also supervised, as well as co-supervised, numerous Honours theses at ANU from several departments.

Senior editorial responsibilities:

- 1991-2004 co-editor-in-chief of "Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology

- 1989-2012: on the board of advisors of "Journal of Paleolimnology"

- 1992-1998: on the editorial board of the "International Journal for Salt lake Research"

- 1995-1998: on the editorial board of "Journal of Micropalaeontology"

- 1996-2013: on the editorial board of "Marine Micropaleontology"

- 2014 – On the advisory board of ‘Quaternaire”


Professional Memberships:

Australasian Quaternary Association; Association for Australian Palaeontologists; British Micropalaeontological Society; Fellow of the Royal Society of South Australia; Geological Society of Australia and Geological Society of London; European Association of Geochemistry


Lectures given abroad:

-Belgium: Universities of Ghent, Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve

-Brazil: Petrobras Research Centre, Rio de Janeiro, University of Fluminense, Niteroi

-Canada: University of Manitoba, University of Ottawa, Queen's University

-China: several universities and research laboratories

-France: University of Bordeaux, University of Paris 7, Esso Research Centre, CNRS Gif-sur-Yvette, CEREGE  Aix en Provence

-Germany, University of Bremen, University of Kiel, Baltic Sea Research Institute

-Japan: Hokkaido University, JAPEX Company, Tokyo, University of Tokyo

-India, Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad

-New Zealand: University of Canterbury

-Spain: University of Barcelona, and CSIC both in Barcelona

-The Netherlands: University of Amsterdam, NIOZ

-UK: University College of Wales, University College London, BP Research Centre, Sunbury, Robertson Research, Llandudno

-USA: US Geological Survey, Denver, US Geological Survey, Reston, Duke University, The Florida State University, University of Minnesota, Indiana State University.


Plus attendance at numerous conferences in Australia and overseas with both oral and poster presentations.


Invited speaker at numerous conferences both overseas and Australia. The most recent presentations include: 11th Asia Oceanania Geoscience Society, Sapporo 2014: keynote address on the “Indo-Pacific Warm Pool”,  Palaeoceanographic investigations in Australia at the Australian Earth Science Convention in 2010 [as part of the Mawson Medal Award], a keynote presentation on “the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool” at the “Earth System Processes” sponsored by the Geological Society of America and British Geological Society, Edinburgh June 2001; invited presentation at the Past Global Changes [PAGES] 2nd Open Science Meeting in Beijing, August 2005, on “the Role of the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool on Global Climate Change during the Quaternary”; invited presentation on “terrestrial archives in Australasia: links with Antarctica and circum-Antarctic climate” at the ESF-funded Euro-conference concerning an integrative view of climate in Antarctica and circum-Antarctic climate held at Acquafredda in Italy, September 2005; keynote address on “a 450ky record of climatic change, both on land and at sea in the Tasmanian region” at the Australian Earth Science Conference, July 2006 in Melbourne; invited presentation at the European Geophysical Union meeting in Vienna, April  2008, on “preliminary findings on the geochemical and microbiological fingerprinting of Australia aeolian dust”; invited speaker at the EuroCLIMATE Conference in Ghiens in France, September 2008 on “multiproxies for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction”.


Publications: 251 publications in refereed international journals or books [no abstracts counted], plus 9 volumes either edited or co-edited, and 1 1/2 chapters in one textbook published in 2 separate editions.

The topics of those publications cover Quaternary environments; palaeoceanography; microbiology; palaeolimnology; taxonomy, ecology, palaeoecology of lacustrine and marine organisms; water chemistry; geochemistry; sedimentology and archaeology.


Research grants obtained since 1992 until retirement:  $10,678,816 + $6,000,000: Most of these grants were obtained to support marine Quaternary research

$5,269,208 in research grants and consultancies

$2,413,000 equivalent in ship time

$2,996,600 infrastructure grant partnerships with several institutions, but De Deckker was not the lead applicant.

$6,000,000 ARC-LIEF Arculus, De Deckker, Exon, & 18 others; Australian Membership of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program [for 5 years from 2008 onwards].








working at home


PUBLICATIONS of Patrick DE DECKKER – 15 January 2023

Only in refereed journals or books [251 + 9 edited volumes & 2 book chapters]

no abstracts are listed here


Palaeoceanography (110 papers)


DE DECKKER, P., NANSON, R. 2023. Submarine canyons and slides in the central-west Otway Basin – their morphology, genesis, links to groundwater discharge and tsunamigenic potential. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 70, 18-39 + supplement.

YOKOYAMA, Y., LAMBECK, K., DE DECKKER, P., EZAT, T.M., WEBSTER, J.M., NAKADA, M. 2022. Towards solving the missing ice problem and the importance of rigorous model data comparisons. Nature Communications 13, 6261.

DE DECKKER, P. 2022.The Holocene hypsithermal in the Australian region. Quaternary Science Advance 7, e 100061, + supplement.

DE DECKKER, P., VAN DER KAARS, S., HABERLE, S., HUA, Q., STUUT, J.B. 2021. The pollen record from marine core MD03-2607 from offshore Kangaroo Island spanning the last 125 kyrs; implications for vegetation changes across the Murray-Darling Basin. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 68, 928-951. , + extensive supplement.

MOROS, M., DE DECKKER, P., PERNER, K., NINNEMANN, U., WACKER, L., TELFORD, R. JANSEN, E. BLANZ, T., SCHNEIDER, R. 2021 .Hydrographic shifts south of Australia over the last deglaciation and possible interhemispheric linkages. Quaternary Research 102, 130–141.doi:10.1017/qua.2021.1,+ extensive supplement.

DE DECKKER, P., MURRAY WALLACE, C.V., 2021. Results from the 2003 AUSCAN cruise offshore Kangaroo Island and the veracity of the records of two deep-sea cores obtained during the cruise, with a discussion on the Holocene history of the River Murray estuary. Quaternary Australasia 38, 17-24.

DE DECKKER, P., MOROS, M., PERNER, K., BLANZ, T., WACKER, L., SCHNEIDER, R., BARROWS, T.T., O’LOINGSIGH, T., JANSEN, E. 2020. Climatic evolution in the Australian region over the last 94 ka - spanning human occupancy -, and unveiling the Last Glacial Maximum. Quaternary Science Reviews 249, 106593.

BAYON, G., DOUGLAS, G.B.,DE DECKKER, P., MONIN, L. 2020. Preferential riverine export of fine volcanogenic particles to the southeast Australian margin. Frontiers in Marine Science, section Marine Biogeochemistry. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.00089.

DE DECKKER, P., VAN DER KAARS, S., MACPHAIL, M., HOPE, G., 2019. Land-sea correlations in the Australian region: 460k years of changes recorded in a deep-sea core offshore Tasmania. Part 1: the pollen record. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 66, 1-15.

DE DECKKER, P., BARROWS, T.T., STUUT, J-B., VAN DER KAARS, S., AYRESS, M.A., ROGERS, J., CHAPRONIERE, G., 2019. Land-sea correlations in the Australian region: 460k years of changes recorded in a deep-sea core offshore Tasmania. Part 2: the marine compared with the terrestrial record. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 66, 17-35.

MOJTAHID, M., MICHEL, E., DE DECKKER, P., 2020. From source to sink - a new perspective on the past dynamics of the Murray Canyon Group from benthic foraminiferal communities. Marine Micropaleontology 160, 101877.

DE DECKKER, P., VAN DER KAARS, S., MACPHAIL, M., HOPE, G., 2019. Land-sea correlations in the Australian region: 460k years of changes recorded in a deep-sea core offshore Tasmania. Part 1: the pollen record. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 66, 1-15.

BAYON, G., DOUGLAS, G.B.,DE DECKKER, P., MONIN, L. 2020. Preferential riverine export of fine volcanogenic particles to the southeast Australian margin. Frontiers in Marine Science, section Marine Biogeochemistry. https://doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.00089.

DE DECKKER, P., BARROWS, T.T., STUUT, J-B., VAN DER KAARS, S., AYRESS, M.A., ROGERS, J., CHAPRONIERE, G., 2019. Land-sea correlations in the Australian region: 460k years of changes recorded in a deep-sea core offshore Tasmania. Part 2: the marine compared with the terrestrial record. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 66, 17-35.

De Deckker, P., Arnold, L.J, van der Kaars, S., Bayon, G., Stuut, J-B.W., Perner, K., Lopes dos Santos, R., Uemura, R., Demuro, M. 2019. Marine Isotope Stage 4 in Australasia: a full glacial culminating 65,000 years ago – global connections and implications for human dispersal. Quaternary Science Reviews 204, 187-207.

Stuut, J-B.W,, De Deckker, P., Saavedra-Pellitero, M., Bassinot, F., Drury, A-J., Walczak, M.H., Kana Nagashima, K., Murayama, M. 2019. A 5.3-million-year history of monsoonal precipitation in northwestern Australia. Geophysical Research Letters 46.

Perner, K., Moros, M., DE DECKKER, P., Blanz, T., Wacker L., Telford, R., Siegel, H., Schneider, R., Jansen, E. 2018. Heat export from the tropics drives mid to late Holocene palaeoceanographic changes offshore southern Australia. Quaternary Science Reviews 180, 96-110.

Nash. G., De Deckker, P., Mitchell, C., Murray-Wallace, C.V., Hua, Q. 2018. Micropalaeontological evidence for deglacial marine flooding of the ancient courses of the River Murray across the Lacepede Shelf, southern Australia. Marine Micropaleontology 141, 55-72.

DARRENOUGUE, N., DE DECKKER, P., EGGINS, S., FALLON, S., PAYRI, C. 2018. A record of mining and industrial activities in New Caledonia based on trace elements in rhodolith-forming coralline red algae. Chemical Geology 493, 24-36.

BAYON, G., DE DECKKER, P. MAGEE, J.W., GERMAIN, Y., BERMELL, S., TACHIKAWA, K., NORMAN, M. D. 2017. Extensive wet episodes in Late Glacial Australia resulting from high-latitude forcings. Scientific Reports 7, article  44054

DE DECKKER, P. 2016. The Indo‑Pacific Warm Pool: critical to world oceanography and world climate. Geoscience  Letters 3 (20) DOI: 10.1186/s40562-016-0054-3. 

SCHMIDT, S. AND DE DECKKER, P. 2015. Present-day sedimentation rates on the southern and southeastern  Australian continental margins. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 62, 143-150. 

KUHNT, W., HOLBOURN, A., XU, J., OPDYKE, B. N., DE DECKKER, P., ROHL, U. AND MUDELSEE, M. 2015.  Southern Hemisphere control on Australian monsoon variability during the late deglaciation and Holocene. Nature  Communications 6, Article Number: 5916. 

STUUT, J-B. W., TEMMESFELD, F., DE DECKKER, P. 2014. A 550 ka  record of aeolian activity near North West Cape, Australia: inferences from grain-size distributions and bulk  chemistry of SE Indian Ocean deep-sea sediments, Quaternary Science Reviews 83, 83-94. 

DE DECKKER, P., BARROWS, T.T., ROGERS, J. 2014. Land–sea correlations in the Australian region: post-glacial  onset of the monsoon in northwestern Western Australia Quaternary Science Reviews 105, 181-194. 

DARRENOUGUE, N., DE DECKKER, P., EGGINS, S., PAYRI, C. 2014. Sea-surface temperature reconstruction from trace elements variations of tropical coralline red algae,. Quaternary Science Reviews 93, 34-46. 

DEAN, L. F., DE DECKKER, P. 2013. Recent benthic foraminifera from Twofold Bay, Eden NSW: community structure,  biotopes and distribution controls. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 60, 475-496. 

LOPES DOS SANTOS, R., DE DECKKER, P., SINNINGHE, J.S., SCHOUTEN, S. 2013. A late Quaternary sedimentary record of steryl alkyl ethers from offshore southeastern Australia, Organic Geochemistry 54, pp. 140-145. 

LOPES DOS SANTOS, R.A., DE DECKKER, P., HOPMANS, E.C., MAGEE, J.W., METS, A., SINNINGHE DAMSTÉ, J.S., SCHOUTEN, S. 2013. Abrupt vegetation change after the Late Quaternary megafaunal extinction in  southeastern Australia. Nature Geoscience DOI: 10.1038/NGEO1856. 

LOPES DOS SANTOS, R.A., SPOONER, M.I., BARROWS, T.T., DE DECKKER, P., SINNINGHE DAMSTÉ, J.S.,  SCHOUTEN, S., 2013.Comparison of organic (UK’37, TEXH86, LDI) and faunal proxies (foraminiferal  assemblages) for reconstruction of late Quaternary sea surface temperature variability from offshore southeastern  Australia. Paleoceanography 28, 1–11, doi:10.1002/palo.20035. 

DARRENOUGUE, N.., DE DECKKER, P., PAYRI, C, EGGINS, S., FALLON, S., 2013.'Growth and chronology of the rhodolith-forming, coralline red algal species Sporolithon durum from the tropics'. Marine Ecology Progress Series 474, 105-119. 

SMITH, M., DE DECKKER, P., ROGERS, J., BROCKS, J., HOPE, J., SCHMIDT, S., LOPES DOS SANTOS, R., SCHOUTEN, S. 2013.Comparison of UK37, TEXH 86 and LDI temperature proxies for reconstruction of south-east  Australian ocean temperatures. Organic Geochemistry 64, 94-104. 

REEVES, J. M., BOSTOCK, H. C., AYLIFFE L.K., BARROWS,T. T., DE DECKKER,P., DEVRIENDT, L. S.,DUNBAR, G.  B. et al., 2013. Palaeoenvironmental change in tropical Australasia over the last 30,000 years e a synthesis by the OZ-INTIMATE group. Quaternary Science Reviews 30, 97-114. 

DE DECKKER, P., MOROS, M., PERNER, K., JANSEN, E. 2012. Influence of the tropics and southern westerlies on glacial interhemispheric asymmetry. Nature Geoscience 5, 266-269. 

LOPES DOS SANTOS, R. A., WILKINS, D., DE DECKKER, P., SCHOUTEN. S. 2012. Late Quaternary productivity changes from offshore Southeastern Australia: A biomarker approach. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,  Palaeoecology 363–364, 48–56. 

RUSSON, T. ELLIOT, M., SADEKOV, A., CABIOCH, G., T. CORREGE, T., DE DECKKER, P. 2011 The Mid-  Pleistocene Transition in the Subtropical Southwest Pacific. Paleoceanography 26, article PA1211. 

SPOONER, M. I., DE DECKKER, P., BARROWS, T. T., FIFIELD, L. K. 2011.The behaviour of the Leeuwin Current  offshore NW Australia during the last five glacial-interglacial cycles Global and Planetary Change 75, 119-132. 

ROGERS, J., DE DECKKER, P., 2011. Environmental reconstructions of the upper 500 m of the southern Indian Ocean  over the last 40 ka using Radiolarian (Protista) proxies. Quaternary Science Reviews 30, 876-886. 

EHLERT, C., FRANK, M.., HALEY, B. A., BÖNINGER, U., DE DECKKER, P., GINGELE, F. X. 2011. Tracing current regimes and continental inputs in the eastern Indian Ocean using radiogenic signatures of clay-sized sediments. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems DOI: 10.1029/2011GC003544. 

SCHMIDT, S., DE DECKKER, P., ETCHEBER, H., CARADEC, S. 2010. Are the Murray Canyons offshore southern Australia still active for sediment transport? In: Australian Landscapes, editors P. Bishop and  B. Pillans. Geological Society of London, special volume 346, 43-55. 

RUSSON, T., M. ELLIOT, A. SADEKOV, G. CABIOCH, T. CORRÈGE, P. DE DECKKER 2010. Inter-hemispheric  asymmetry in the early Pleistocene Pacific warm pool. Geophysical Research Letters 37, L11601, doi:10.1029/2010GL043191 

VAN DER KAARS, S., BASSINOT, F., DE DECKKER, P., GUICHARD, F. 2010. Monsoon and ocean circulation and  the vegetation cover of southwest Sumatra through the last 83,000 years: the record from marine core BAR94-  42. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 296, 52-78.

HILL, P.J., DE DECKKER, P., VON DER BORCH, C.C. & MURRAY-WALLACE, C.V. 2009. Ancestral Murray River on the Lacepede Shelf, southern Australia: Late Quaternary migrations of a major river outlet and strandline  development. Australian Journal of Earth Science 56, 135-157. 

BASAK, C., RATHBURN, A.E., PEREZ, M.E., MARTIN, J.B., KLUESNER, J.W., LEVIN, L.A., DE DECKKER, P.,  GIESKES, J.M., ABRIANI, M. 2009. Carbon and oxygen isotope geochemistry of live (stained) benthic  foraminifera from the Aleutian Margin and the Southern Australian Margin. Marine Micropaleontology 70, 89-101. 

DE DECKKER, P. & YOKOYAMA, Y. 2009. Micropalaeontological evidence for Late Quaternary sea-level changes in  Bonaparte Gulf, Australia Global and Planetary Change Science 66, 85-92. 

MOROS, M., DE DECKKER, P., JANSEN, E., PERNER, K., TELFORD, R. J. 2009. Holocene variability in the Southern Ocean recorded in a deep-sea sediment core off South Australia. Quaternary Science Reviews 28, 1932- 1940. 

SADEKOV, A., EGGINS, S. M., DE DECKKER, P., NINNEMANN, U., KUHNT, W., BASSINOT, F. 2009. Surface and subsurface seawater temperature reconstruction using Mg/Ca microanalysis of planktonic foraminifera Globigerinoides ruber, Globigerinoides sacculifer, and Pulleniatina obliquiloculata, Paleoceanography, 24,  PA3201, doi:10.1029/2008PA001664. 

RUSSON, T., ELLIOT, M., KISSEL, C., CABIOCH, G., DE DECKKER, P., CORRÈGE, T. 2009. Mid-Late Pleistocene  Deep Water Circulation in the Southwest Subtropical Pacific. Paleoceanography 24, PA4205, doi:10.1029/2009PA001755. 

SADEKOV, A. EGGINS, S.M. DE DECKKER, P. & KROON, D. 2008. Uncertainties in seawater thermometry deriving  from intratest and intertest Mg/Ca variability in Globigerinoides ruber. Paleoceanography 23 (1) Art No. PA1215. 

BARROWS, T.T., LEHMAN, S.J., FIFIELD, L.K. & DE DECKKER, P. 2008. Response to comment on "absence of cooling in New Zealand and the adjacent ocean during the Younger Dryas chronozone". Science 320 (5877), 746e [2 pages]. 

MURGESE, D.S., DE DECKKER, P., SPOONER, M.I. & YOUNG, M. 2008. A 35,000 year record of changes in the eastern Indian Ocean offshore Sumatra. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 265 (3-4):195-213. 

BARROWS, T.T., JUGGINS, S., DE DECKKER, P., CALVO, E. & PELEJERO, C. 2007. Long-term sea surface temperature and climate change in the Australian-New Zealand region. Paleoceanography 22, PA2215,  doi:10.1029/2006PA001328. 

CALVO, E., PELEJERO, C., DE DECKKER, P. & LOGAN, G.A. 2007. Antarctic deglacial pattern in a 30 kyr record of sea surface temperature offshore South Australia. Geophysical Research Letters 34, L13707, doi:10.1029/2007GL029937. 

ROGERS, J. & DE DECKKER, P. 2007. Radiolaria as a reflection of environmental conditions in the eastern and southern sectors of the Indian Ocean: a new statistical approach. Marine Micropaleontology 65, 137-162.

MURGESE, D.S. & DE DECKKER, P. 2007. The late Quaternary evolution of water masses in the eastern Indian Ocean between Australia and Indonesia, based on benthic foraminifera faunal and carbon isotopes. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 247, 382-401. 

GINGELE, F.X., DE DECKKER, P. & NORMAN, M. 2007. Late Pleistocene and Holocene climate of SE Australia reconstructed from dust and river loads deposited offshore the River Murray Mouth. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 255, 257-272. 

REEVES, J. M., CHIVAS, A.R., GARCIA, A. & DE DECKKER, P. 2007. Palaeoenvironmental change in the Gulf of Carpentaria (Australia) since the last interglacial based on Ostracoda. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 246, 163-187. 

BARROWS, T. T., LEHMAN, S. FIFIELD, L. K. & DE DECKKER, P. 2007. Absence of Cooling in the South Pacific  during the Younger Dryas Chronozone. Science 318, 86-89. 

BARROWS, T. T., & DE DECKKER, P. 2007. Long records of climate in southern Australasia. Pages News 15, 15-16. 

ELLWOOD, M. J., KELLY, M., MAHER, W.A. & DE DECKKER, P. 2006. Germanium incorporation into sponge spicules: development of a proxy for reconstructing inorganic germanium and silicon concentration in seawater. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 243 (3-4), 749-759. 

PELEJERO, C. CALVO, E., BARROWS, T.T., LOGAN, G.A. & DE DECKKER, P. 2006. South Tasman Sea alkenone palaeothermometry over the last four glacial/interglacial cycles. Marine Geology 230, 73-86. 

VAN DER KAARS, S., DE DECKKER, P., GINGELE F. X. 2006. A 100,000 year record of annual and seasonal rainfall and temperature for northwestern Australia based on a marine pollen record. Journal of Quaternary Science 21, 879-889.

GINGELE, F.X. & DE DECKKER, P. 2005. Late Quaternary fluctuations of palaeoproductivity in the Murray Canyons area, South Australian continental margin. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 220, 361-373. 

HILL, P. J., DE DECKKER, P. & EXON, N. 2005. Geomorphology and evolution of the gigantic Murray Canyons on the Australian southern margin. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 52, 117-136. 

MURGESE, S.D. & DE DECKKER, P. 2005 The distribution of deep-sea benthic foraminifera in core tops from the eastern Indian Ocean. Marine Micropaleontology 56, 25-49. 

SPOONER, M. I., BARROWS, T.T., DE DECKKER, P. & PATERNE, M. 2005. Palaeoceanography of the Banda Sea, and Late Pleistocene initiation of the Northwest Monsoon. Global and Planetary Change 49, 28-46. 

DE DECKKER, P. 2005. Paleoclimatology in the Pacific Ocean: perspectives and suggestions. Assises de la Recherche française dans le Pacifique. Nouméa 24-27 Août 2004 pp. 163 – 166. 

DE DECKKER, P. 2004. On the celestite-secreting Acantharia and their effect on seawater strontium to calcium ratios.  Hydrobiologia 517, 1-13. 

OLLEY, J.M., DE DECKKER, P., ROBERTS R.G., FIFIELD, L.K., YOSHIDA, C.H. & HANCOCK G. 2004. Optical dating of deep-sea sediments using single grains of quartz: a comparison with radiocarbon. Sedimentary Geology 169, 175–189. 

HILL, P. & DE DECKKER, P. 2004. AUSCAN Seafloor Mapping and Geological Sampling Survey on the Australian Southern Margin by RV Marion Dufresne in 2003. Geoscience Australia Record 2004/04, 136pp. 

CALVO, E., PELEJERO, C., LOGAN, G.A. & DE DECKKER, P. 2004. Dust-induced changes in phytoplankton composition in the Tasman Sea during the last four glacial cycles. Paleoceanography, 19, No. 2, PA202010.1029/2003PA000992 

AYRESS, M.A., DE DECKKER, P. & COLES, G.P. 2004. A taxonomic and distributional survey of marine benthonic Ostracoda off Kerguelen and Hear Islands, South Indian Ocean. Journal of Micropalaeontology 23, 15-38. 

GINGELE, F.X. & DE DECKKER, P. 2004. Fingerprinting Australia’s rivers with clay minerals and the application for the marine record of climate change. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 51, 339-348. 

GINGELE, F.X., DE DECKKER, P. & HILLENBRAND, C.-D., 2004. Late Quaternary terrigenous sediments from the Murray Canyons area, offshore South Australia and their implications for sea level change, palaeoclimate and palaeodrainage of the Murray-Darling Basin. Marine Geology 212, 183-197. 

EGGINS, S.M., SADEKOV, A.Y. & DE DECKKER, P. 2004. Modulation and daily banding of Mg/Ca in Orbulina universa tests by symbiont photosynthesis and respiration: a complication for seawater thermometry? Earth and Planetary Science Letters 225, 411-419. 

VAN DER KAARS, S. & DE DECKKER, P. 2003. Pollen distribution in marine surface sediments offshore Western Australia. Reviews in Palaeobototany and Palynolology 124, 113-129. 

EGGINS, S.M., DE DECKKER, P. & MARSHALL, J. 2003. Mg/Ca variation in planktonic foraminifera tests: implications for reconstructing Palaeo-seawater temperature and habitat migration. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 212, 291-306. 

PELEJERO, C., CALVO, E., LOGAN, G.A. & DE DECKKER, P. 2003. Marine Isotopic Stage 5e in the Southwest Pacific: Similarities with Antarctica and ENSO inferences. Geophysical Research Letters 30, 2185, doi:10.1029/2003GL018191. 

EDGAR, N.T., CECIL, C.B., MATTICK, R., CHIVAS, A.R., DE DECKKER, P .& DJAJDIHARDJA, Y.S. 2003. A modern analogue for tectonic, eustatic, and climatic processes in cratonic basins: Gulf of Carpentaria, Northern Australia. In: Cecil, C.B. & Edgar, N.T., eds., Climate Controls on Stratigraphy: Society for Sedimentary Geology, SEPM Special Publication 77, 193-205. 

YOKOYAMA, Y., DE DECKKER, P. & LAMBECK, K. 2003. Reply to ‘Sea-level observations around the last Glacial Maximum from the Bonaparte Gulf, NW Australia” by I. Shennan and G. Milne. Quaternary Science Reviews 22, 1549-1550. 

MARTINEZ, J.I., DE DECKKER, P. & BURROWS, P. 2002. Palaeoceanography of the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool during the Last Glacial Maximum: long-term climatic monitoring of the maritime continent - In: "Bridging Wallace’s Line. The environmental and cultural history and dynamics of the SE-Asian-Australian region". (Eds. P. Kershaw, B. David, N. Tapper, D. Penny & J. Brown) Advances in Geoecology 34, 147-172 Catena-Verlag Publishers. 

MARTINEZ, I.J., DE DECKKER, P., BURROWS, T.T. 2002. The extent of the Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP) into the eastern Indian Ocean during the last glacial maximum. In: Marine Environment: The Past, Present and Future (Ed. Chen-Tun, A. C.), Sueichan Press, Taipei, pp. 9-14. 

DE DECKKER, P. 2002. A discussion on the possible significance of the “Warm Pool” on global oceanic circulation during the Late Quaternary. In Marine Environment: The Past, Present and Future (Ed. Chen-Tun, A.C.), Sueichan Press, Taipei, pp. 1-8. 

GINGELE, F.X., DE DECKKER, P., GIRAULT, A. & GUICHARD, F. 2002. History of the South Java Current during the last 80ka. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 183, 247-260. 

STANLEY, S., CHOPRA, P. & DE DECKKER, P. 2002. Sea level changes in SE Asia over the last 150,000 years. Implications for geographical settings and oceanic currents. Text and animation available at but also In: Marine Environment: The Past, Present and Future (Ed. Chen-Tun, A.C.), Sueichan Press, Taipei, pp. 76-78. 

DE DECKKER, P. & GINGELE, F.X., 2002. On the occurrence of the giant diatom Ethmodiscus rex in a 80 ka record from a deep-sea core, southeast of Sumatra, Indonesia: implications for tropical palaeoceanography Marine Geology 183, 31-43. 

MÜLLER, A. & DE DECKKER, P. 2002. Magnesium, calcium and strontium in waters of the southern Tasman Sea at the confluence of the Indian, Pacific and Southern Oceans. Marine and Freshwater Research 53, 1115-1128. 

DE DECKKER, P., TAPPER, N.J. & VAN DER KAARS, S. 2002/3. The status of the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool and adjacent land at the Last Glacial Maximum. Global and Planetary Change 35, 25-35. 

VAN DER KAARS, S. & DE DECKKER, P. 2002. A Late Quaternary pollen record from deep-sea core Fr10/95-GC17 offshore Cape Range Peninsula, northwestern Western Australia. Reviews in Palaeobototany and Palynolology 120, 17-39. 

YOKOYAMA, Y., DE DECKKER, P., LAMBECK, K. & FIFIELD, L.K. 2001. Sea-level at the Last Glacial Maximum: evidence from northwestern Australia to constrain ice volumes for oxygen isotope 2. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 165, 281-297. 

GINGELE, F.X., DE DECKKER, P. & HILLENBRAND, C.-D. 2001. Clay mineral distribution in surface sediments between Indonesia and NW Australia - source and transport by ocean currents. Marine Geology 179, 135-146. 

GINGELE, F.X., DE DECKKER, P. & HILLENBRAND, C.-D. 2001. Late Quaternary fluctuations of the Leeuwin Current and palaeoclimates on the adjacent land masses – clay mineral evidence. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 48, 867-874. 

ZHOU, W., HEAD, M. J., An, Z., DE DECKKER, P., LIU, Z., LIU, X., LU, X., DONAHUE, D., JULL, A.J.T. & BECK. J. W. 2001. Terrestrial evidence for a spatial structure of tropical-polar interconnections during the Younger Dryas Episode. Earth and Planetary Science Lett.ers191, 231-239. 

SUZUKI, A., GAGAN, M.K., DE DECKKER, P., OMURA, A., YUKINO, I. & KAWAHATA, H. 2001. Last Interglacial coral record of enhanced insolation seasonality and seawater 18O enrichment in the Ryuku Islands, the northwestern Pacific. Geophysical Research Letters. 28, 3685-3688. 

BARROWS, T.T., JUGGINS, S., DE DECKKER, P., THIEDE, J. & MARTINEZ, J.I. 2000. Sea-surface temperatures of southwest Pacific Ocean during the Last Glacial Maximum. Paleoceanography 15, 95-109. 

YOKOYAMA, Y., LAMBECK, K. DE DECKKER, P., & FIFIELD, L.K. 2000. Timing of the Last Glacial Maximum from observed sea-level minima. Nature 406, 713-716. 

MARTINEZ, J.I., DE DECKKER, P. & BURROWS, P. 1999. Palaeoceanography of the Last Glacial Maximum in the eastern Indian Ocean: Planktonic foraminiferal evidence. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 147: 73-99. 

NEES, S., ARMAND, L., DE DECKKER, P., LABRACHERIE, M. & PASSLOW, V. 1999. A diatom and benthic foraminiferal record from the South Tasman Rise (southeastern Indian Ocean): implications for palaeoceanographic changes for the last 200,000 years. Marine Micropaleontology 38, 69-89

MARTINEZ, J.I., TAYLOR, L.C., DE DECKKER, P. & BURROWS, P. 1998. Planktonic foraminifera from the eastern Indian Ocean: distribution and ecology in relation to the Western Pacific Warm Pool. Marine Micropaleontology 34, 121-151. 

HIRAMATSU, C. & DE DECKKER, P. 1997. The Late Quaternary nannoplankton assemblages of three cores from theTasman Sea. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 131, 391-412. 

CORREGE, T. & DE DECKKER, P. 1997. Faunal and geochemical evidence for change in intermediate water temperature and salinity in the western Coral Sea during the Late Quaternary. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecolgy 131, 183-205. 

THIEDE, J., NEES, S., SCHULTZ, H. & DE DECKKER, P. 1997. A study of oceanic surface circulation recorded on the seafloor of the southwest Pacific Ocean. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 131, 207-239. 

RATHBURN, A.R., PICHON, J.J., AYRESS, M.A. & DE DECKKER, P. 1997. Microfossil and stable-isotope evidence for changes in Late Holocene paleoproductivity and paleoceanographic conditions in the Prydz Bay region of Antarctica. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 131, 485-510. 

DE DECKKER, P. 1997. Introduction to the special issue on the palaeoceanography of the Australasian region.  Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 131, 179-182. 

DE DECKKER, P. 1997. The significance of the oceans in the Australasian region with respect to global palaeoclimates. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 131, 511-515. 

RATHBURN, A.E. & DE DECKKER, P. 1997. Magnesium and strontium compositions of Recent benthic foraminifera from the Coral Sea, Australia and Prydz Bay, Antarctica. Marine Micropaleontology 32, 231-248. 

MARTINEZ, J.I., DE DECKKER, P. & CHIVAS, A.R., 1997. New estimates for salinity changes in the Western Pacific Warm Pool during the Last Glacial Maximum: oxygen-isotope evidence. Marine Micropaleontology. 32, 311-340. 

HIRAMATSU, C. & DE DECKKER, P. 1997. The calcareous nannoplankton assemblages of surface sediments in the Tasman and Coral Seas. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 131, 257-285. 

HIRAMATSU, C. & DE DECKKER, P. 1996. The distribution of calcareous nannoplankton near the subtropical convergence, south of Tasmania, Australia. Marine and Freshwater Research 47, 707-713. 

NEES, S. MARTINEZ, I., DE DECKKER, P. & AYRESS, M. 1994. A stable-isotope record for the Late Quaternary from the East Tasman Plateau. In Evolution of the Tasman Sea Basin (eds. van der Lingen, G., Swanson, K.M. & Muir, R.J.), pp. 197-202. Balkema, Rotterdam. 


Airborne dust: and its fingerprints (20 papers)

DE DECKKER, P., 2020. Airborne dust traffic from Australia in modern and Late Quaternary times. Global and Planetary Change 184, Article 103056, 19 pp.

De Deckker, P. 2019. An evaluation of Australia as a major source of dust. Earth Science Reviews 194, 536-567.

O'LOINGSIGH, T., CHUBB, T. BADDOCK, M.; KELLY, T.; TAPPER, N.J., DE DECKKER, P., MCTAINSH, G. 2017. Sources and pathways of dust during the Australian "Millennium Drought" decade. Journal of Geophysical  Research- Atmospheres 122, 124601260.     

MUNDAY, C., DE DECKKER, P., TAPPER, N.J., O’LOINSIGH, T. AND ALISON, G. 2016. Characterizing bacterial assemblages in sediments and aerosols at a dry lake bed in Australia using high-throughput sequencing. Aeorobiologia 32, 581–593.

DE DECKKER, P., MUNDAY, C., BROCKS, J., O’LOINSIG, T., ALISON, G., HOPE, J., NORMAN, M., STUUT, J.-B., TAPPER, N.J., VAN DER KAARS, S. 2014. Characterisation of the major dust storm that traversed over eastern Australia in September 2009; a multidisciplinary approach. Aeolian Research 15, 133-149.

MUNDAY, C., O’LOINSIGH, T., DE DECKKER, P., AND ALISON, G. 2013. Utilisation of Rep-PCR to track microbes in aerosols collected adjacent to their source,a saline lake in Victoria, Australia. Science of the Total Environment 450-451, 317–325.

WEGNER, A, GABRIELLI, P, WILHELMS-DICK, D., RUTH, U., KRIEWS, M., DE DECKKER, P., BARBANTE, C., COZZI, G, DELMONTE, B, FISCHER, H. 2012. Change in dust variability in the Atlantic sector of Antarctica at  the end of the last deglaciation. Climate of the Past Discussions 8, 135-147. 

ABED, R. M. M., RAMETTE, A., HUEBNER, V., DE DECKKER, P., DE BEER, D. 2012. Microbial diversity of eolian  dust sources from saline lake sediments and biological soil crusts in arid Southern Australia. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 80, 294-304.

WEGNER, A. GABRIELLI, P., D. WILHELMS-DICK,D., RUTH, U., M. KRIEWS, M., DE DECKKER, P., C.  BARBANTE, C., COZZI, G., DELMONTE, B., FISCHER, H. 2011. Rare Earth Elements from an ice core in the Atlantic sector of Antarctica indicate a dust provenance change at the end of the last deglaciation. Climate of the Past 7, 397-423. 

LIM, N, MUNDAY C., ALLISON, G. E., O’LOINSINGH, T., DE DECKKER, P., TAPPER, N. J. 2011. Microbiological and  meteorological analysis of two Australian dust storms in April 2009. Science of The Total Environment 412-413, 213-231. 

DE DECKKER, P., NORMAN, M., GOODWIN, I.A., WAIN, A., GINGELE, F.X., 2010. Lead isotopic evidence for an Australian source of aeolian dust to Antarctica at times over the last 170,000 years. Palaeogeography,  Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 285, 205-233. 

GABRIELLI, WEGNER, A., PETIT, J.R., DELMONTE, B., DE DECKKER, P., GASPARI, V., FISCHER, H., RUTH, U.,  KRIEWS, M., BOUTRON, C., CESCON, P., CARLO BARBANTE, C. 2010 . A major glacial-interglacial change in aeolian dust composition inferred from Rare Earth Elements in Antarctic ice. Quaternary Science Reviews 29, 265- 277. 

DE DECKKER, P., NORMAN, M. D. 2010 Re-evaluation of the composition of sediments from the Murray Darling Basin  of Australia as a Potential Source Area for airborne dust to EPICA Dome C in Antarctica; reply to comments on  "Lead isotopic evidence for an Australian source of aeolian dust to Antarctica at times over the last 170,000 years".  Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 298, 437-442.

DARRENOUGUE, N., DE DECKKER, P., FITZSIMMONS, K.E., NORMAN, M.D., REED, L., VAN DER KAARS, S., FALLON, S. 2009. A late Pleistocene record of aeolian sedimentation in Blanche Cave, Naracoorte, South  Australia. Quaternary Science Reviews 28, 2600-2615. 

MARINO, F., E. CASTELLANO, D. CECCATO, P. DE DECKKER, B. DELMONTE, G. GHERMANDI, V. MAGGI, J.R.  PETIT, M. REVEL-ROLLAND and R. UDISTI, 2008. Defining the geochemical composition of the EPICA Dome C ice core dust during the last Glacial-Interglacial cycle, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 9, Q10018,  doi:10.1029/2008GC002023.

DE DECKKER, P., ABED, R. M. M., DE BEER, D., HINRICHS, K., O'LOINGSIGH, T., SCHEFUß, E., STUUT, J. W., TAPPER, N. J., VAN DER KAARS, S. 2008, Geochemical and microbiological fingerprinting of airborne dust that  fell in Canberra, Australia, in October 2002, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 9, Q12Q10,  DOI:10.1029/2008GC002091. 

REVEL-ROLLAND, M., DE DECKKER, P., DELMONTE, B., HESSE, P.P., MAGEE, J.W., BASILE-DOELSCH, I.,  GROUSSET, F. & BOSCH, D. 2006. Eastern Australia: A possible source of dust in East Antarctica interglacial ice. Earth and Planetary Science 249, 1-13. 

STANLEY, S. & DE DECKKER, P., 2002 A Holocene record of allochthonous mineral grains into an Australian alpine lake; implications for the history of climate change in southeast Australia. Journal of Paleolimnology 27, 207-219. 

DE DECKKER, P. 2001 Late Quaternary cyclic aridity in tropical Australia. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology  170: 1-9. 

DE DECKKER, P., CORRèGE, T. & HEAD, M.J. 1991. Late Pleistocene record of eolian activity from tropical  northeastern Australia suggesting the Younger Dryas is not an unusual climatic event. Geology 19, 602-605. 



Ostracod geochemistry (23 papers)

DE DECKKER, P. 2017. Trace-elemental distribution in ostracod valves. From solution ICPMS and laser ablation ICPMS  to microprobe mapping. A tribute to Rick Forester. Hydrobiologia. 786, 23-39. 

WANSARD, G., DE DECKKER, P. AND JULIA, R. 2017. Combining the Mg/Ca of the ostracod Cyprideis torosa with its  ontogenetic development for reconstructing a 28kyr record for Lake Banyoles (NE Spain). Journal of  Micropalaeontology 36, 50-56. 

HOLMES, J. A., DE DECKKER, P. 2017. Trace-element and stable-isotope composition of the ostracod Cyprideis torosa (Crustacea, Ostracoda) shell. Journal of Micropalaeontology 36, 38-49.   

GOURAMANIS, C., DE DECKKER, P., WILKINS, D. AND DODSON, J. R. 2015. High-resolution, multiproxy  palaeoenvironmental changes recorded from Two Mile Lake, southern Western Australia: implications for Ramsar listed  playa sites. Marine and Freshwater Research

WILKINS, D., GOURAMANIS, C., DE DECKKER, P., FIFIELD, L. K., OLLEY, J. 2013. Holocene lake-level fluctuations in Lakes Keilambete and Gnotuk, southwestern Victoria, Australia. The Holocene 23, 784-795.

WILKINS, D., DE DECKKER, P., FIFIELD, L. K., GOURAMANIS, C., OLLEY, J. 2012. Comparative optical and radiocarbon dating of laminated Holocene sediments in two maar lakes: Lake Keilambete and Lake Gnotuk, southwestern Victoria, Australia. Quaternary Geochronology 9, 3-15.     

BORNEMANN, A., PIRKENSEER, C. M., DE DECKKER, P., SPEEIER, R.P. 2012. Oxygen and carbon isotope  fractionation of marine ostracod calcite from the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Chemical Geology 310, 114-125.

GOURAMANIS, C., DE DECKKER, P. 2010. Alkalinity control on the partition coefficients in lacustrine ostracodes from Australia. Geology 38, 359-362 

GOURAMANIS, C., WILKINS, D., DE DECKKER, P. 2010. 6000 years of environmental changes recorded in Blue Lake, South Australia, based on ostracod ecology and valve chemistry. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.297, 223-237. 

DE DECKKER, P., MAGEE, J. W., SHELLEY, J. M. G. 2010 Late Quaternary palaeohydrological changes in the large  playa Lake Frome in central Australia, recorded from the Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca in ostracod valves and biotic remains.  Journal of Arid Environments 75, 38-50. 

ITO, E., DE DECKKER, P. & EGGINS, S. M. 2003. Ostracodes and their shell chemistry: implications for  paleohydrologic and palaeoclimatologic applications. In: Park, L. E. and Smith, A. J.: “Bridging the gap. Trends in the Ostracode Biological and Geological Sciences”. The Paleontological Papers 9, 119-151 [Yale  University, New Haven, CT, USA]. 

CHIVAS, A R, DE DECKKER P, WANG, S & CALI, J., 2002 Oxygen-isotope systematics of the nektic ostracod  Australocypris robusta. In: Applications of the Ostracoda in Quaternary Research (Holmes, J. & Chivas, A.R. Eds).  American Geophysical Monograph 131, 301-313.

DE DECKKER, P., CHIVAS, A.R. & SHELLEY, J.M.G.. 1999 The uptake of Mg and Sr in the euryhaline ostracod Cyprideis determined from in vitro experiments. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 148, 105-116. 

WANSARD, G., DE DECKKER, P. & JULIA, R. 1998 On the combination of partition coefficients D(Sr) and D(Mg) in  lacustrine ostracods for use in palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. Chemical Geology 146: 39-54. 

INGRAM, B.L., DE DECKKER, P., CHIVAS, A.R., BYRNE, A.R., & CONRAD, M.E. 1998 Stable isotopes and trace element composition of marsh sediments: Late Holocene paleoenvironmental change in Northern California. Geochemica Cosmochimica Acta. 62, 3229-3237. 

CHIVAS, A.R., DE DECKKER, P., CALI, J.A., CHAPMAN, A., KISS, E.& SHELLEY, J.M.G. 1993. Coupled stable isotope and trace-element measurements of lacustrine carbonates as paleoclimatic indicators. American Geophysical Monograph  78, 113-121. 

DE DECKKER, P. & WILLIAMS, M.A.J. 1993 Lacustrine paleoenvironments of the Area of Bir Sahara Tarfawi Sahara  East reconstructed from fossil ostracods and the chemistry of their shells. In: Egypt during the Last Interglacial.  The Middle Paleolithic of Bir Tarfawi and Bir Sahara East. (eds. Wendorf, F., Schild, R., Close, A.E, and  associates), 115-119. Plenum Press, New York. 

McCULLOCH, M.T., DE DECKKER, P. & CHIVAS, A.R. 1989 Strontium isotope variations in single ostracod valves  from the Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia: a palaeoenvironmental indicator. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 53, 1703-1710. 

McCULLOCH, M.T. & DE DECKKER, P. 1989 Sr isotopic constraints on the evolution of the Mediterranean Basin during  the Messinian "salinity crisis" Nature 342, 62-65. 

DE DECKKER, P., CHIVAS, A.R. & SHELLEY, J.M.G. 1988 Ostracod shell chemistry: a new palaeoenvironmental indicator applied to a regressive/transgressive record from the Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 66,231-241. 

DE DECKKER, P., CHIVAS, A.R. & SHELLEY, J.M.G. 1988 Paleoenvironment of the Messinian Mediterranean "Lago  Mare" from strontium and magnesium in ostracode shells. Palaios 3, 352-358.

CHIVAS, A.R., DE DECKKER, P. & SHELLEY, J.M.G. 1986 Magnesium content of non-marine ostracod shells; a new palaeosalinometer and palaeothermometer. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 54, 43-61. 

CHIVAS, A.R., DE DECKKER, P. & SHELLEY, J.M.G. 1986 Magnesium and strontium in non-marine ostracods as  indicators of palaeosalinity and palaeotemperature. Hydrobiologia 143, 135-142. 

CHIVAS, A.R., DE DECKKER, P. & SHELLEY, J.M.G. 1985 Strontium content of ostracods indicates lacustrine  palaeosalinity. Nature 316, 251-253. 

CHIVAS, A.R., DE DECKKER, P. & SHELLEY, J.M.G. 1983 Mg, Sr and Ba partitioning in non-marine ostracode shells  and its use in paleoenvironmental reconstructions - a preliminary study. In: Maddocks, R.F. (ed.) Applications of  Ostracoda. University of Houston Geoscience, Houston, 238-249. 


Limnology, Salt Lakes, Palaeorivers (15 Papers)

BRISTOW, T.F., DERKOWSKI, A., BLAKE, D.F., BERLANGA, G., DE DECKKER,,P., 2021.A comparative study of clay mineral authigenesis in terrestrial and Martian lakes; an Australian example. American Journal of Science 321, 1080-1110.

SHORT, M.A., NORMAN, R.S., PILLANs, B., DE DECKKER, P., USBACK, R., OPDYKE, B.N., GRAY, S., MCPHAIL, D.C., 2021. Two centuries of water-level records at Lake George, NSW, Australian Journal of Earth Sciences DOI: 10.1080/08120099.2020.1821247

BAYON, G.,  LAMBERT, T., VIGIER, N., DE DECKKER, P., FRESLON, N., ET AL. 2020. Rare earth element and neodymium isotope tracing of sedimentary rock weathering. Chemical Geology 553, 119794.

De Deckker, P. 2019. Groundwater interactions control dolomite and magnesite precipitation in saline playas in the Western District Volcanic District Plains of Victoria, Australia. Sedimentary Geology 380, 105-126.

Bayon, G., Delvigne, C., Ponzevera, E., Borges, A.V., Darchambeau, F., De Deckker, P., T. Lambert, T., Monin, L., Toucanne, S., André, L.  2018. The silicon isotopic composition of fine-grained river sediments and its relation to climate and lithology. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 229, 147–161.

REEVES, J., DE DECKKER, P. & HALSE, S. 2007 Groundwater ostracods from the arid Pilbara region of northwestern Australia: distribution and water chemistry. Hydrobiologia 585, 99-118.

GINGELE, F.X. & DE DECKKER, P. 2005 Clay mineral, geochemical and Sr-Nd-isotopic fingerprinting of sediments in the Murray-Darling fluvial system, SE Australia. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 52, 965-974. 

RADKE, L.C., JUGGINS, S., HALSE, S.A., DE DECKKER, P. & FINSTON, T. 2003 Chemical diversity in south-eastern Australian saline lakes II: biotic implications. Marine and Freshwater Research 54, 895-912.

DE DECKKER, P. & WILLIAMS, W.D. 1988 Physico-chemical limnology of eleven, mostly saline, permanent lakes in western Victoria, Australia. Hydrobiologia 162, 275-286.

DE DECKKER, P. 2003. Saline playa-groundwater interactions in the Western District of Victoria. In: Advances in Regolith (ed. I. Roach), pp. 91-94, CRC LEME ANU, Canberra. 

WILLIAMS, W.D., DE DECKKER, P. & SHIEL, R.J. 1998 The limnology of Lake Torrens, an episodic salt lake of central Australia, with particular reference to unique events in 1989. Hydrobiologia 384, 101-110

DE DECKKER, P. & WILLIAMS, W.D. 1982 Chemical and biological features of Tasmanian salt lakes. Journal of Marine and Freshwatater Research 33, 1127-1132. 

DE DECKKER, P. 1981 Australian salt lakes: history, chemistry and biota - a review. Hydrobiologia 105, 231-244. 

GEDDES, M.C., DE DECKKER, P., WILLIAMS, W.D., MORTON, D. & TOPPING, M. 1981 On the chemistry and biota of some saline lakes in Western Australia. Hydrobiologia 82, 201-222. 

DE DECKKER, P. & GEDDES, M.C. 1980 The seasonal fauna of ephemeral saline lakes near the Coorong Lagoon, South Australia. Australian Journal of  Marine and Freshwatater Research 31, 677-699. 


Palaeolimnology- Quaternary Palaeoenvironments & Geology (21 Papers)

GOURAMANIS, C., DE DECKKER, P., SWITZER, A.D., WILKINS, D., 2013. Cross-continent comparison of high-resolution Holocene climate records from southern Australia - Deciphering the impacts of far-field teleconnections. Earth-Science Reviews 121, 55-72.

GOURAMANIS, C., DODSON, J., WILKINS, D., DE DECKKER, P., CHASE, B.M., 2012. Holocene palaeoclimate and sea level fluctuation recorded from the coastal Barker Swamp, Rottnest Island, south-western Western Australia. Quaternary Science Reviews 54, 40-57.

HEAD, M.J., DE DECKKER, P., & LAWSON E.M. 1999 The use of natural 14C as a tracer to identify the incorporation of younger material into the organic component of sediments from the Carpentaria Basin, Australia. IAEA - TECDOC - 1094. Proceedings Marine Pollution Symposium, Monaco, October 1998. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, pp.226-230.

WILLIAMS, M.A.J., DE DECKKER, P., ADAMSON, D.A. & TALBOT, M.R. 1991. Episodic fluviatile, lacustrine and  aeolian sedimentation in a late Quaternary desert margin system, central western New South Wales. In: Williams,  M.A.J., De Deckker, P. & Kershaw, A. P. (eds.) The Cainozoic in Australia: a re-appraisal of the evidence"  Geological Society of Australia Special Publication 18, 258-287. 

DE DECKKER, P., KISS, E. & CHIVAS, A.R. 1991 The suitability of lakes on the Windmill Islands in Antarctica for  palaeolimnological studies. In: Quaternary Research in Australian Antarctica: Future Directions. (Gillieson, D.S. &  Fitzsimons, S. eds.) Special Publication No.3, pp.69-77, Department of Geography and Oceanography, University College, Australian Defence Force Academy, Canberra. 

NORMAN, M.D. & DE DECKKER, P. 1990. Trace metals in lacustrine and marine sediments: a case study from the Gulf of Carpentaria, northern Australia. Chemical Geology 82, 299-318. 

GIBERT, E., ARNOLD, M., CONRAD, G., DE DECKKER, P., FONTES, L.C., GASSE, F., & KASSIR, A. 1990 Retour  des conditions humides au Tardiglaciaire au Sahara septentrional (sebkha Mellala, Algérie). Bulletin de la Société géologique de France t. VI (3): 497-504.

LAST, W.M. & DE DECKKER, P. 1990 Modern and Holocene carbonate sedimentology of two saline volcanic maar  lakes, southern Australia. Sedimentology 37, 967-981. 

EDNEY, P.A., KERSHAW, A.P. & DE DECKKER, P. 1990 A Late Pleistocene and Holocene vegetation and  environmental record from Lake Wangoom, Western Plains of Victoria, Australia Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 80, 325-343. 

DE DECKKER, P. & LAST, W.M. 1989 Modern dolomite in continental, saline playa lakes in western Victoria, Australia.  Sed. Geol. 64, 223-238. 

D'COSTA, D.M., EDNEY, P., KERSHAW, A.P. & DE DECKKER, P. 1989 Late Quaternary palaeoecology of Tower Hill,  Victoria, Australia. J. Biogeography 116, 461-482. 

DE DECKKER, P. 1988 Large Australian lakes during the last 20 million years - sites for petroleum source rocks or  metal deposition, or both? In: Fleet, A., Kelts, K. & Talbot, M. (eds.)."Lacustrine Petroleum Source Rocks" Geol.  Soc .Spec .Public. 40, 45-58. 

DE DECKKER, P. & LAST, W.M. 1988 A new continental region of modern dolomite deposition in western Victoria, Australia. Geology 16, 29-32. 

DE DECKKER, P. 1988 Biological and sedimentary facies of Australian salt lakes. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 62, 237-270. 

De Deckker, P. & Forester, R.M. 1988 The Use Of Ostracods To Reconstruct Continental Palaeoenvironmental  records. In: De Deckker, P, Colin, J.P. & Peypouquet, J.P. (eds) "Ostracoda in the Earth Sciences", Elsevier pp. 175-199. 

DE DECKKER, P., KERSHAW, A.P. & WILLIAMS, M.A.J. 1988 Past environmental analogues. In: Pearman, G.I. (ed). "  Greenhouse .Planning or climate change", CSIRO & E.J. Brill Publishers, 473-488.

TORGERSEN, T., LULY, J., DE DECKKER, P., JONES, M.R., SEARLE, D.E., CHIVAS, A.R. & ULLMAN, W.J. 1988  Late Quaternary environments of the Carpentaria Basin. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 67,245-261. 

DE DECKKER, P. 1987. What happened to the aquatic biota in Australia 18,000 years ago? In: De Deckker, P. & Williams, W.D. 'Limnology in Australia'. CSIRO Publ. Melbourne & Junk, Dordrecht, 487-496. 

GASSE, F., FONTES, J.C., PLAZIAT, J.C., CARBONEL, P., KACZMARSKA, I., DE DECKKER, P., SOULIEMARSCHE,  I., CALLOT, Y. & DUPEUPLE, P.A. 1987 Biological remains, geochemistry and stable isotopes for  the reconstruction of environmental and hydrological changes in the Holocene lakes from North Sahara. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology. 60, 1-46. 

CHIVAS, A.R., DE DECKKER, P., NIND, M., THIRIET, D. & WATSON, G. 1986 The Pleistocene palaeoenvironmental  record of Lake Buchanan: an atypical Australian playa. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 54, 131-152. 

TORGERSEN, T., DE DECKKER, P., CHIVAS, A.R. & BOWLER, J.M. 1986 Salt lakes; a discussion of processes influencing palaeoenvironmental interpretation and recommendations for future study. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 54, 7-19. 


Ostracod Palaeoecology - Quaternary Palaeoenvironment (12 Papers)

WILKINS, D., DE DECKKER, P., FIFIELD, L. K., OLLEY, J. 2012. Comparative optical and radiocarbon dating of laminated Holocene sediments in two maar lakes: Lake Keilambete and Lake Gnotuk, southwestern Victoria, Australia. Quaternary Geochronology 9, 3-15.     

KEMP, J., RADKE, L., OLLEY, J., JUGGINS, S., DE DECKKER, P. 2011. Holocene lake salinity changes in the Wimmera, southeastern Australia, provide evidence for millennial-scale climate variability. Quaternary Research 77, 65-76. 

DE DECKKER P., 2002 Ostracod palaeoecology. In: Applications of the Ostracoda in Quaternary Research (Holmes, J. & Chivas, A. R. Eds). American Geophysical Monograph 131, 121-134. 

LAST, W.M. & DE DECKKER, P. 1992. Paleohydrology and paleochemistry of Lake Beeac, a saline playa in southern  Australia. In: Aquatic ecosystems in semi-arid regions: implications for resource management. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, (Roberts, R.D. & Bothwell, M.L. Eds.) N.H.T.I. Symposium Series 7, Environment Canada, Saskatoon, 63-74. 

DE DECKKER, P. 1988 An account of the techniques using ostracodes in palaeolimnology in Australia. Palaeogeography  Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 62, 463-475. 

ANADON, P., JULIA, R., DE DECKKER, P., ROSSO, J.C. & SOULIE MARSCHE, I. 1987 Contribucion a la  paleolimnologia del Pleistoceno inferior de la cuenca da Baza (Sector Orce-Venta Micena). Paleontologia i Evolució, Memòria especial 1, 35-72. 

ANADON, P., JULIA, R., DE DECKKER, P., ROSSO, J.C. & SOULIE MARSCHE, I. 1987 Contribucion a la  paleolimnologia del Pleistoceno inferior de la cuenca da Baza (Sector Orce-Venta Micena). Paleontologia i Evolució, Memòria especial 1, 35-72. 

ANADON, P., DE DECKKER, P. & JULIA, R. 1986 The Pleistocene lake deposits of the Baza Basin (S.E. Spain):  Salinity variations and ostracod succession. Hydrobiologia 143, 199-208. 

DE DECKKER, P. 1983 The limnological and climatic environment of modern ostracodes in Australia - a basis for paleoenvironmental reconstruction. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Ostracoda In: Maddocks, R.F. ed., University of Houston, 250-254. 

DE DECKKER, P. 1982 Non-marine ostracods from two Quaternary profiles at Pulbeena and Mowbray Swamps, Tasmania. Alcheringa 6, 305-318. 

DE DECKKER, P. 1982 Late Quaternary ostracods from Lake George, New South Wales. Alcheringa 6, 305-318. 

DE DECKKER, P. 1982 Holocene history of four maar lakes in SE Australia, illustrated by the recovery of ostracods and  other invertebrate and fish remains. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 94, 183-220. 

DE DECKKER, P. 1979 The Middle Pleistocene ostracod fauna of the West Runton Freshwater Bed, near Cromer, Norfolk. Palaeontology 22, 293-316. 


Palaeoenvironment Reconstructions Based On Fossils (Foraminifera, Conodonts, Charophytes, Etc.) Principally Quaternary (11 Papers)

BROUWERS, E.M. & DE DECKKER, P. 1996 Earliest origins of northern hemisphere temperate nonmarine ostracode taxa: evolutionary development and survival through the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary mass extinction event. In:  Cretaceous-Tertiary Mass Extinctions: biotic and environmental changes. McLeod, N. & Keller, G. (eds), 205-230, Norton Publishers. 

GELL, P.A., BAKER, P.A., DE DECKKER, P., LAST, W.M. & JELICIC, L. 1994 The Holocene history of West Basin  Lake, Victoria, Australia: chemical changes based on fossil biota and sediment mineralogy. Journal of Palaeolimnology 12:  235-258. 

BROUWERS, E.M. & DE DECKKER, P. 1993 Late Maastrichtian and Danian faunas from Northern Alaska:  Reconstructions of environment and biogeography. Palaios 8, 140-154. 

CANN, J.H., DE DECKKER, P. & MURRAY-WALLACE, C.V. 1991 Coastal aboriginal shell middens and their  palaeoenvironmental significance, Robe Range, South Australia. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 115, 161-175. 

DE DECKKER, P. 1983 The history of four closely located maar lakes in central Victoria during the Holocene. In:  Proceedings of the First CLIMANZ conference, Howman's Gap, Victoria. Australian National University, 94-96. 

DE DECKKER, P. 1982 Australian habitats and biota: their suitability for palaeolimnological investigation. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 106, 145-153. 

DE DECKKER, P., BAULD, J. & BURNE, R.V. 1982 Pilie Lake, Eyre Peninsula, South Australia; modern environment  and biota, dolomite sedimentation, and Holocene history. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 106, 169-181. 

CANN, J.H. & DE DECKKER, P. 1981 Fossil Quaternary and living foraminifera from athalassic (non-marine) saline  lakes, southern Australia. Journal of Paleontology 55, 660-670. 

BURNE, R.V., BAULD, J. & DE DECKKER, P. 1980 Saline charophytes and their geological significance. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology  50, 281-293. 

DE DECKKER, P., GEURTS, M.A. & JULIA, R. 1979 Seasonal rhythmites in a Lower Pleistocene lake in NE Spain.  Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 26, 43-71

DE DECKKER, P. 1976 Late Silurian (Late Ludlovian) conodonts from the Kildrummie Formation, South of Rockley, New South Wales. Journal of the Proceedings of the Royal Society of N.S.W. 109, 56-69. 


Ostracod Taxonomy And Ecology ( 31 papers)

SMITH, R., DE DECKKER, P., KAMIYA, T., 2022. The ontogeny of two species of the family Notodromadidae (Cypridoidea, Ostracoda, Crustacea); taxonomic and palaeogeographic significance. Zootaxa 5094 (3): 351–395.

DE DECKKER, P., LORD, A. 2017. Cyprideis torosa: a model organism for the Ostracoda? Journal of Micropalaeontology 36, 3-6.     

SMITH, R, MATZKE-KARASZ, R, KAMIYA, T, DE DECKKER, P. 2016. Sperm lengths of non-marine cypridoidean ostracods (Crustacea). Acta Zoologica 97, 1-17. 

DANIELOPOL, D. L., BALTANAS, A., CARBONEL, P., DE DECKKER, P. AND SEVERAL OTHER AUTHORS. 2015. From Naples 1963 to Rome 2013-A brief review of how the International Research Group on Ostracoda (IRGO)  developed as a social communication system. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 419, 3-22.

DE DECKKER, P., MARTENS, K., 2013. Extraordinary morphological changes in valve morphology during the ontogeny of several species of the Australian ostracod genus Bennelongia (Crustacea, Ostracoda). European Journal of Taxonomy 36, 1-37.

MARTENS, K., DE DECKKER, P. & ROSETTI, G. 2004, On a new terrestrial genus and species of Scottiinae  (Crustacea, Ostracoda) from Australia, with a discussion on the phylogeny and the zoogeography of the subfamily.  Zoologisher Anzeiger 243: 21-36.

WOUTERS, K., MARTENS, K. & DE DECKKER, P. 1989, On the systematic position of Tanganyikacypris Kiss, 1961, a description of I. staffersi sp.n. (Crustacea Ostracoda). Courier Senckenbergiana 113, 177-186. 

MARTENS, K., DE DECKKER, P. & MARPLES, T.G. 1985, Life history of Mytilocypris henricae (Crustacea: Ostracoda). Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research. 36, 807-819. 

DE DECKKER, P. 1983, Terrestrial ostracods in Australia. Memoir of the Australian Museum 18, 87-100. 

DE DECKKER P. 1983, Notes on the ecology and distribution of ostracods in Australia. Hydrobiologia 106, 223-234. 

DE DECKKER, P. & WOUTERS, K. 1983, On Tanganyikacypris matthesi Kiss. Stereo Atlas of Ostracod Shells 10, 139-149.

DE DECKKER, P. 1982, On Bennelongia tunta De Deckker. Stereo Atlas of Ostracod Shells 9, 117-124. 

DE DECKKER, P. 1982, On Cypretta yaplinga De Deckker. Stereo Atlas of Ostracod Shells 9, 133-140. 

DE DECKKER, P. 1982, On Caboncypris nunkeri De Deckker. Stereo Atlas of Ostracod Shells 9, 125-132.

DE DECKKER, P. 1981. Ostracods from athalassic salt lakes: a review. Hydrobiologia 81, 131-144. 

DE DECKKER, P. 1981 Taxonomic notes on some Australian non-marine ostracods with description of new species.  Zoologica Scripta 10, 37-55. 

DE DECKKER, P. 1981. Ostracoda from Australian inland waters - Notes on taxonomy and ecology. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria  93, 43-85. 

DE DECKKER, P. 1981. Taxonomy and ecological notes for some ostracods from Australian waters. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 105, 91-138. 

DE DECKKER, P. 1981. On Eucypris fontana (Graf 1931). Stereo Atlas of Ostracod Shells 8, 87-92. 

DE DECKKER, P. 1981. On Reticypris pinguis De Deckker 1981. Stereo Atlas of Ostracod Shells 8, 93-99.

DE DECKKER, P. 1981. On Notiocypridopsis frigogena (Graf 1931). Stereo Atlas of Ostracod Shells 8, 101-106. 

DE DECKKER, P. & MCKENZIE, K.G. 1981, Bennelongia, a new cyprididid ostracod from Australasia. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 105, 53-58. 

DE DECKKER, P. 1980. On Scottia audax. Stereo Atlas of Ostracod Shells 7, 37-44.

DE DECKKER, P. 1979 Ostracods from the Mound Springs area between Strangways and Curdimurka, South Australia. Transactions of tre Royal Society of South Australia. 103, 155-168. 

DE DECKKER, P. 1979. Evaluation of features distinctive in the taxomony of the Cypridacea, above the generic level.  Proceedings of the VII International Symposium on Ostracodes, 9-17, Serbian Geological Society. 

DE DECKKER, P. & JONES, P.J. 1978. Check list of Ostracoda from Australia and Papua New Guinea. Report of the Bureau of Mineral  Resources 195, 1-184. 

DE DECKKER, P. 1978 Comparative morphology and review of Australian Mytilocypridinid ostracods. Australian Journal of Zoology (supplementary series) 58, 1-62. 

DE DECKKER, P. 1978 Comparative morphology and review of Australian Notodromadinae. Senckenbergiana biologica 59, 417- 463. 

DE DECKKER, P. 1977 The distribution of the "Giant" ostracods Family: Cyprididae Baird, 1845) endemic to Australia.  Sixth Internat. Ostracod Symposium, 285-294, Junk, The Hague. 

ROME, D.R. & DE DECKKER, P. 1977 Ostracodes du Lac Kivu. Mémoire de l’Institut géologique de Louvain 9, 241-287. 

DE DECKKER, P. 1976 Trigonocypris, a new ostracod genus from Queensland. Australian Journal of Zoology. 24, 145-157. 

DE DECKKER, P. 1975 Determination of an ostracod collection in elation to Australocypris (Cyprididae). Aust. J .Mar.  Freshwat. Res. 26, 423-424. 

DE DECKKER, P. 1974 Australocypris, a new ostracod genus from Australia. Australian Journal of Zoology 22, 91-104. 


Other Topics (8 papers)

Nettersheim, B. Brocks, J., Schwelm, A. Hope, J., Not, F., Lomas, M., Schmidt, C., Schiebel, R., Nowack, E., De Deckker, P., Pawlowski, J., Bowser, S., Bobrovskiy, I., Zonneveld, K., Kucera, M., Stuhr, M., Hallmann, C., 2019. Putative sponge biomarkers in unicellular Rhizaria question an early rise of animals. Nature Ecology and Evolution 3, 577–581.

DE DECKKER, P., 2018. Reis naar het ijs- De Belgica-expeditie 1897-1899. Faro: tijdschrift over cultureel erfgoed 11, 67-70 [ISSN# 2030-3777].

De Deckker, P. 2018. On the long-ignored scientific achievements of the Belgica expedition 1897-1899. Polar Research- Perspective 37:1, 1474695, DOI:10.1080/17518369.2018.1474695.

DANIELOPOL, D. L., BALTANAS, A., CARBONEL, P., DE DECKKER, P. AND SEVERAL OTHER AUTHORS. 2015. From Naples 1963 to Rome 2013-A brief review of how the International Research Group on Ostracoda (IRGO)  developed as a social communication system. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 419, 3-22. 

DE DECKKER, P. 2005. Preface: A Tribute to Bill Williams and his contribution to limnology. Hydrobiologia special issue 552, VII-X. 

HUTCHINGS, P., DE DECKKER, P. & GEDDES, M.C. 1981. A new species of Manayunkia (Polychaeta) from  ephemeral lakes near the Coorong, South Australia. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 105, 25-28. 

DE DECKKER, P. 1980. New records of Koonunga cursor Sayce 1908 (Syncarida, Anaspidacea). Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 104, 21-25. 

DE DECKKER, P. 1976. Dom Remacle Rome (1893-1974). Abhandlungen herausgegeben vom Naturwissenschaftlichen Hamburg (NF) 18/19, 145-147. 


Edited Journal Volumes (9 volumes)

SMITH, A.J., ITO, E., CURRY, B.B., DE DECKKER, P. (editors) 2017. Multidisciplinary aspects of aquatic science: the legacy of Rick Forester. Hydrobiologia 786, 1-165. 

DE DECKKER, P, LORD, A. (editors) 2017. Thematic set: Cyprideis torosa. Journal of Micropalaeontology 36, 1-135. 

RYDER, D., BOULTON, A. & DE DECKKER, P. (editors) 2005 Conservation and Management of Australia’s Water  Resources: 20/20 Vision or Blind Faith. A Tribute to the late Bill Williams. Hydrobiologia [special issue] 552, 1-166. 

MAGEE, J.W. & DE DECKKER, P. (editors) 2001 Australian Quaternary studies: a tribute to Jim Bowler. Special Issue  of Quaternary International 83/85, 1-292. 

DE DECKKER, P. 1997 (editor) "The Late Quaternary evolution of the oceans in the Australasian region". Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology (special issue) 131, 179-518. 

WILLIAMS, M.A.J., DE DECKKER, P. & KERSHAW, A.P. (editors) 1991 “The Cainozoic in Australia: a re-appraisal of  the evidence" Geological Society of Australia Special Publication 18, 1-346. 

CHIVAS, A.R. & DE DECKKER, P. (editors) 1991 “Palaeoenvironments of salt lakes”. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 84, 1-423. 

DE DECKKER, P., COLIN, J.P. & PEYPOUQUET, J.P. 1988 (editors) "Ostracoda in the Earth Sciences" Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp.302. 

DE DECKKER, P. & WILLIAMS, W.D. (editors) 1986 “Limnology in Australia”. CSIRO Publications Melbourne, and Junk,  Dordrecht., 671pp. 


2 ½ Book Chapters In each of the following text books

WILLIAMS, M.A.J., DUNKERLEY, D.L., DE DECKKER, P., KERSHAW, A. P. & CHAPPELL, J.M.A., 1998. Quaternary  Environments. Edward Arnold Publishers, 1-329. Second edition.    

WILLIAMS, M.A.J., DUNKERLEY, D.L., DE DECKKER, P., KERSHAW, A.P. & STOKES, T., 1993 Quaternary  Environments. Edward Arnold Publishers, 1-329. First edition.