Sam Eggins

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- Climate & Ocean Geoscience, Member
Research interests
My research interests lie in the complex interactions between marine chemistry and phytoplankton physiology, with a focus on the marine biogeochemistry of the Southern Ocean.
Maher WA, Eggins S, Krikowa F, Jagtap R, Foster S (2017) Measurement of As species in rice by HPLC-ICPMS after extraction with sub-critical water and hydrogen peroxide. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. 32(6), 1129-1134.
Eggins S, Schneider L, Krikowa F, Vogt RC, Da Silveira R, Maher W (2015) Mercury concentrations in different tissues of turtle and caiman species from the Rio Purus, Amazonia, Brazil. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 34(12), 2771-2781.
Schneider L, Eggins S, Maher W, Vogt RC, Krikowa F, Kinsley L, Eggins SM, Da Silveira R (2014) An evaluation of the use of reptile dermal scutes as a non-invasive method to monitor mercury concentrations in the environment. Chemosphere. 119C, 63-170.