Information on how to contact us and get access to the facilities.


SHRIMP-SIMS facilities are open to researchers within Australia and abroad.  We operate on a Project-based system, whereby you are invited to submit a brief proposal (see link below) of the intended analytical work. For our purposes, a project is a group of activities over a finite period of time with specific analytical and research objectives, targeting well-characterised samples, and carried out by an individual or small team of investigators. Projects may include one or more sample types (e.g., different minerals) and isotope systems, but they should be complementary and necessary for addressing the research question.  Projects may comprise one or several analytical sessions.

It’s important we know your objectives and requirements, so please follow the steps below to initiate a project proposal:

  1. Contact the lab manager who can advise about feasibility and other considerations, including fees.

  2. When invited by the lab manager to do so, complete the proposal form. Your entries will be copied to your email.

  3. The lab manager will communicate with you after submission, and may ask for clarification or modification. Allow up to a week to get a response.  On acceptance you will be given a project number that is used to track all the information generated, and in communications with you.

Analytical Streams

From your proposal we will fit your project into one of two analytical streams depending on the support you need. 

Projects within the Service (Assisted) Stream are for investigators who wish to, or need to, have some level of analytical support from our lab experts.  Many investigators will benefit from the Service Stream, where we carry out some or even all of the analytical work and data processing.  Investigators in the Service Stream do not have to be on site to conduct their projects, but we encourage it.  Ad hoc training may occur if you are on site.  Most occasional, remote, or visiting investigators will be in this category. 

Projects within the Researcher (Unassisted) Stream are for investigators who are experts in all aspects of the analytical work and are largely independent of lab staff.  You want a functioning instrument and beam time.  Investigator teams include at least one analyst qualified in the entire workflow required for the data requested, and that person is present at all times during preparatory and analytical steps. Investigators take responsibility for almost all aspects of workflow and data. Frequent investigators using well-established methods may qualify. 


The scheduling of various activities, including beam time, within a project is one part of ongoing planning and coordination that occurs with project investigators and the lab manager.  You can indicate your preferences in the proposal form.  

Visit us at

  • Jaeger 5 Building at Research School of Earth Sciences (google map). 
  • There is visitor parking off Liversidge Street across from the Crawford Building.

E-mail contacts

  • E-mail for questions on SHRIMP analysis, projects and proposals: Dr. Yue Wang
  • E-mail for general inquiries, media, other members of the public:
  • Administrative coordinator: Josephine Magro  Tel: 02-6125-0594  (International: +61-2-6125-0594)

Sending samples to ANU

Please contact us before you send samples in the mail.  Quarantine rules are very strict, and if not followed can lead to delays and expenses.

Research School of Earth Sciences
Building 142 Mills Rd
The Australian National University
Acton, ACT 2601