Dr Chengxin Jiang

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Research Experience

  • 2023           Visiting Fellow, ERI, University of Tokyo
  • 2022-          ARC DECRA Fellow
  • 2020-          Research Fellow, RSES, ANU, Canberra, ACT
  • 2020           Visiting Associate, EPS, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
  • 2018-2019 Research Associate, EPS, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
  • 2016-2018 Postdoc, Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences (EPS), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM


  • 2012-2016: Ph.D. in Geophysics, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
  • 2010-2012: Graduate study in Geology, China University of Geosciences, Beijing
  • 2006-2010: B.S. in Geology, China University of Geosciences, Beijing (Honor class)

Personal Website can be found here


science Research area

Research interests

I am a seismologist broadly interested in tectonic, magmatic and near surface geological processes, and I address these problems with seismic tomography, monitoring, numerical modeling and seismic detection tools. My recent research focus on 1) developing and applying new techniques for shallow earth imaging, 2) monitoring volcanic and groundwater processes with the technique of ambient noise interferometry, 3) studying lithosphere deformation of continent and subduction zones by illuminating anisotropic properties of the Earth's interior and 4) using machine learning based approach for environmental source and event detection. 

Keywords: observational seismology; ambient noise inteferometry; seismic monitoring; seismicity detection


NEW!! I am looking for one motivated domestic student to work on an energy-exploration related project. You will be supported by a prestigeous CSIRO iPhD scholarship with geneous stipend, your own research funds and supervision by ANU, CSIRO, and an industry partner. Check out this link for details!! 

Teaching information

UG: undergradate level; G: graduate level

Courses @ANU:

  • EMSC3002, Structural Geology and Tectonics (UG), Sem 2, 2021-present.
  • EMSC3050: Special Topics (UG), Sem 2, 2021
  • EMSC8032: Research Proposal and Presentation, Sem 2, 2022

Supervising students @ANU:

  • Minxing Fu (2023.08-present). Master's project: "Mapping the lid of magmatic reservior beneath the Newer Volcanic Province" (primary supervisor)
  • Phudit Sombutsirinun (2023.03-present). PhD project: "Seismic velocity changes beneath the Great Artesian basin from seismic noise interferometry" (primary supervisor). 
  • Rakshith Ravichander (2022.02-present). Master's project: "Groundwater monitoring using seismic interferometry in Lachlan Catchment, Australia" (primary supervisor; with Prof. Louis Moresi).
  • Xiaozhou Yang (2022.06-2023.05). A visiting PhD student from CUG working on imaging 3D seismic structures of SE Tibetan Plateau (host). 
  • Xulu Lin (2021.08-2022.09). Hornors Project: "Imaging lithosphere structures of the Earth’s hidden continent, Zealandia" (co-supervisor; with Prof. Meghan Miller).
  • Chitrangada Datta (2021.08-2022.07). Hornors Project: "Deformation processes and kinematic evolution of the Murrumbidgee Fault Zone" (co-supervisor; with EM Prof. Stephen Cox). 
  • Solomon Jones (2021.08-2021.12). Special Topic: "Exploring seismic structure and local seismicity at the Lake George basin, NSW with a dense seismic array" (co-supervisor; with Prof. Meghan Miller).


  • Member, ANU Research School of Earth Sciences, HDR committee (2022-present)
  • Mentor, ANU NECTAR Mentoring Program (2022)
  • Member, ANU Research School of Earth Sciences, Geophysics Seminar Committee (2021-2023)
  • Convener, ANU Geophysics Area weekly seminar (2021; with Dr. Xiaolong Ma)


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For most up-to-date publications, see my Google Scholar here

Manuscripts in review/revision:

R1. Klema, N., Karlstrom, L., Cannon, C., Jiang, C., O'Connor, J., Wells, R., & Schmandt, B. The Magmatic Origin of the Columbia River Gorge, USA (accepted for Science Advances).



27. Kennett, B., Jiang, C., & Smolinski, K. 2023. Local station correlation: large N-arrays and DAS. Seismica, 2(2). DOI: 10.26443/seismica.v2i2.389.

26. Yang, X., Luo, Y., Jiang, C., Yang, Y., Niu, F., & Li, G. 2023. Crustal and upper mantle velocity structure of SE Tibet from joint inversion of Rayleigh wave phase velocity and teleseismic body wave data. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth. 128 (7). DOI: 10.1029/2022JB026162.

25. Wilgus, J., Schmandt, B., Maguire, R., Jiang, C., & Chaput, J. 2023. Shear velocity evidence of upper crustal magma storage beneath Valles Caldera. Geophysical Research Letter. 50(5), e2022GL101520. DOI: 10.1029/2022GL101520

24. Jiang, C., Schmandt, B., Abers, G. A., Kiser, E. D. & Miller, M. S. 2023. Segmentation and radial anisotropy of the deep crustal magmatic system beneath the Cascades arc. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 24(3),  e2022GC010738. DOI: 10.1029/2022GC010738.

23. Maguire, R., Schmandt, B., Li, J., Jiang, C., Wilgus, J. & Chen, M. 2022. Magma accumulation at depths of prior rhyolite storage beneath Yellowstone Caldera. Science. DOI: 10.1126/science.ade0347.

[Perspective. Selected media coverage: phys.org; NewScientist; NewYorkTimes

22. Yang, X., Bryan, J., Okubo, K., Jiang, C., Clements, T., & Denolle, A. M. 2022. Optimal Stacking of Noise Correlation Functions. Geophysical Journal International. 232(3), 1600-1618. DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggac410

21. Wu. S., Jiang, C., Schulte-Pelkum, V., & Tong, P. 2022. Complex patterns of past and ongoing crustal deformations in Southern California as exclusively revealed by seismic azimuthal anisotropy. Geophysical Research Letter, 49(15). DOI: 10.1029/2022GL100233.

20. Maguire, R., Schmandt, B., Chen, M., Jiang, C., Li, J. & Wilgus, J. 2022. Resolving continental magma reservoirs with 3D surface wave tomography. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. DOI: 10.1029/2022GC010446.

19. Jiang, C., & Denolle, A. M. 2022. Pronounced seismic anisotropy in Kanto sedimentary basin: A case study using dense arrays, ambient noise seismology, and multi-modal surface-wave imaging. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth. DOI: 10.1029/2022JB024613

18. Viens, L., Jiang, C., & Denolle, A. M. 2022. Imaging the Kanto Basin bedrock with noise and earthquake autocorrelations. Geophysical Journal International. DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggac101.

17. Jiang, C., Zhang, P., While, M. C. A., Pickle, R & Miller M. S. 2022. A detailed earthquake catalogue for Banda arc - Australian plate collision zone using machine-learning phase picker and an automated workflow. The Seismic Record. DOI: 10.1785/0320210041.

16. Wang K., Yang Y., Jiang C., Wang Y., Tong P., Liu T., & Liu Q. 2021. Full-waveform joint inversion of ambient noise data and teleseismic P waves: methodology and applications to central California. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth. DOI: 10.1029/2021JB021648.  

15. Dougherty, S., Jiang, C., Clayton, R. W., Schmandt, B., & Hansen, S. 2020. Seismic Evidence for a Fossil Slab Origin for the Isabella Anomaly. Geophysical Journal International. 224(2). DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggaa472.

14. Wang, K., Jiang, C., Yang, Y., Schulte-Pelkum, V., & Liu, Q. 2020. Crustal deformation in southern California constrained by radial anisotropy from ambient noise adjoint tomography. Geophysical Research Letter. 47 (12). DOI: 10.1029/2020GL088580.

13. Wilgus, J., Jiang, C., & Schmandt, B. 2020. A middle crustal channel of positive radial anisotropy beneath the northeastern Basin and Range. Tectonics. 38. DOI: 10.1029/2020TC006140.

12. Jiang, C., Denolle, M. 2020. NoisePy: a new high-performance python tool for ambient noise seismology. Seismological Research Letters. 91, 1853-1866. DOI: 10.1785/0220190364 [GitHub link]

11. Schmandt, B., Jiang, C., Farrell, J. 2019. Seismic perspectives from the western U.S. on magma reservoirs underlying large silicic calderas, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. 384, 158-178. DOI: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2019.07.015

10. Jiang, C., Schmandt, B., Ward, K. M., Lin, F.-C. & Worthington, L. L. 2018. Upper mantle seismic structure of Alaska from Rayleigh and S-wave tomography, Geophysical Research Letter. 45, 10350–10359. DOI:10.1029/2018GL079406 [supplements][3D_models]

09. Jiang, C., Schmandt, B., Farrell, J., Lin, F.-C. & Ward, K. M. 2018. Seismically anisotropic magma reservoirs underlying silicic calderas, Geology. 46 (8): 727-730. DOI: 10.1130/G45104.1 [supplements]

08. Ranasinghe, N.R., Worthington, L.L., Jiang, C., Schmandt, B., Finlay, T., Bilek, S.L., Aster, R. 2018. Upper crustal shear wave velocity structure of the south-central Rio Grande Rift above the Socorro magma body imaged with ambient noise by the large-N Sevilleta seismic array, Seismological Research Letters. 89, 1708-1719. DOI: 10.1785/0220180074

07. Jiang, C., Schmandt, B., & Clayton, R. 2018. An anisotropic contrast in the lithosphere across the central San Andreas fault, Geophysical Research Letter. 45, 3967-3975. DOI: 10.1029/2018GL077476 [supplements]

06. Jiang, C., Schmandt, B., Hansen, S. M., Dougherty, S., Clayton, R. W., Farrell, J., & Lin, F.-C. 2018. Rayleigh and S wave tomography constraints on subduction termination and lithospheric foundering in central California. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 488, 14-26. DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2018.02.009

05. Jiang, C., Yang, Y., Rawlinson, N., & Griffin, W. L. 2016. Crustal structure of the Newer Volcanics Province, SE Australia, from ambient noise tomography. Tectonophysics 683, 382-392. DOI: 10.1016/j.tecto.2016.06.033 [supplements]

04. Jiang, C., Yang, Y., & Zheng, Y. 2016. Crustal structure in the junction of Qinling Orogen, Yangtze Craton and Tibetan Plateau: implications for the formation of Dabashan Orocline and the growth of Tibetan Plateau. Geophysical Journal International. 205, 1670-1681. DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggw096

03. Liu, S., Li, W., Wang, K., Qian, T., & Jiang, C. 2015. Late Mesozoic development of the southern Qinling–Dabieshan foreland fold-thrust belt, Central China, and its role in continent–continent collision. Tectonophysics. 644-645, 220-234. DOI: 10.1016/j.tecto.2015.01.015

02. Jiang, C., Yang, Y., & Zheng, Y. 2014. Penetration of mid-crustal low velocity zone across the Kunlun Fault in the NE Tibetan Plateau revealed by ambient noise tomography. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 406, 81-92. DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2014.08.040

01. Qiu, J., Song, W., Jiang, C., & Wu H. 2013. CGDK: An extensible CorelDraw VBA program for geological drafting. Computers & Geosciences. 51, 34-48. DOI: 10.1016/j.cageo.2012.07.020